The 24 Solar Terms 千千.


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Presentation transcript:

The 24 Solar Terms 千千

The origin of the 24 solar terms The Chinese Zodiac Animal Sign are the Chinese way of numbering the years. The ancient Chinese divided a year into 24 equal segments according to the positions of the sun on the ecliptic. Names were given with special connotations for these segments, and hence they are called the 24 Solar Terms. Originating from the Reaches of the Yellow River, the 24 Solar Terms are basically a calendar to govern agricultural arrangements which takes into account the changes in climate and practical agricultural needs. The 24 Solar Terms are considered a great and unique creation of the ancient Chinese.

the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5  the Rains  (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20  Insects Awaken (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7   the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22   the Pure Brightness Day (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6   Grain Rain (6th solar term)Apr.19,20 or 21   the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term) May 5,6 or 7   Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term) May 20,21 or 22   Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7   the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22   Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8   Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24   the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9   the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24   White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9   the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24   Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9   Frost’s Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24   the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8   Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23   Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8   the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23   Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7   Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2

《二十四节气歌》 春雨惊春清谷天,    夏满芒夏暑相连。    秋处露秋寒霜降,    冬雪雪冬小大寒。


The Beginning of Spring  Feb.3,4, or 5 

The Beginning of Spring is one of the important traditional festival of the han nationality folk, which was the meaning of "start“. There are a lot of sacrifices and celebration activities in the day, such as eating the ripening. 打春牛 打春牛头象征吉祥, 打春牛腰象征五谷丰登, 打春牛尾象征四季平安。 象征着驱寒和春耕的开始,把土牛打得越碎越好,随后人们要抢土牛的土块,带回家放入牲圈,象征兴旺。

Foods 一、春饼:馅(萝卜,豆芽,豆子,为主) 二、春盘:主要是蔬菜取生菜瓜果饼糖放盘中为春盘(或拼成盘)馈送亲友或自食取迎春之意。盘里主要有:果品蔬菜糖果饼饵五种。蔬菜主要有:豆芽萝卜韭菜菠菜生菜豆子鸡蛋土豆丝。杜甫《立春》春日春盘细生菜忽忆两京梅发时。 三、春卷(春蚕) 《岁时广记》京师富贵人家造面蚕名曰探官蚕又因立春日做此故又称探春蚕 四、咬春(吃萝卜):明《酌中志》:“立春之时,无贵贱嚼罗卜,曰‘咬春’


  The Rains Feb.18,19 or 20 

以前人们都有一个为自己儿女求神问卦的习惯,为了让儿子或女儿顺利,健康的成长。于是便有了雨水节的活动。此举一年复一年,久而成为一方之俗。 People used to have a for their sons and daughters of god ask hexagrams habit, in order to let the son or daughter goes well, healthy growth. So there is a rain day event. Move a year after year, for a long time and become one of the common. 以前人们都有一个为自己儿女求神问卦的习惯,为了让儿子或女儿顺利,健康的成长。于是便有了雨水节的活动。此举一年复一年,久而成为一方之俗。

《春夜喜雨》 (唐)杜甫 好雨知时节, 当春乃发生。 随风潜入夜, 润物细无声。

Insects awaken Mar.5,6, or 7 


The Vernal Equinox Mar.20,21 or 22 


The Pure Brightness Day  Apr.4,5 or 6 

小故事:春秋时期,晋国的重耳与 忠臣介子推的故事。 Custom:家家户户插柳、放风筝、不开火,吃寒食, 又称“寒食节”。

Grain Rain  Apr.19,20 or 21 

Thank you for watching!