國立台灣大學生物產業機電工程研究所 簡君良


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Presentation transcript:

國立台灣大學生物產業機電工程研究所 簡君良 國立台灣大學生物產業機電工程研究所 簡君良 National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

複製到Windows\System32\資料夾下 在執行視窗中輸入regsvr32 picocx.ocx National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

程式撰寫 本範例為Visual Basic 2008所撰寫 可由http://www.microsoft.com/express/取得 National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

程式撰寫(第一次使用) National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

程式撰寫(第一次使用) National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

程式撰寫(第一次使用) National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

程式撰寫(第一次使用) National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

程式撰寫(第一次使用) 說明接下來的動作 後續動作 近一步研究構想 是否需要與更多人進行討論? 將想法付諸實現 National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

程式撰寫(第一次使用) 在工具箱中已能看見 PICOCX Control National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

程式撰寫 National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

AxPICOCX1.IP = "" National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

讀取類比資料 讀取數位資料 AxPICOCX1.ADinp(PICOCXLib.PICNIC_PORT.PortA, 5) AxPICOCX1.Inp(PICOCXLib.PICNIC_PORT.PortB, 3) National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

數位輸出 Call AxPICOCX1.Outp(PICOCXLib.PICNIC_PORT.PortB, 4, PICOCXLib.LOGIC.High) Call AxPICOCX1.Outp(PICOCXLib.PICNIC_PORT.PortB, 4, PICOCXLib.LOGIC.Low) National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

AxPICOCX1.GetDirp(PICOCXLib.PICNIC_PORT.PortB, 4) Call AxPICOCX1.Dirp(PICOCXLib.PICNIC_PORT.PortB, 4, PICOCXLib.DIR.pinInput) 讀取PORT為輸入或輸出 AxPICOCX1.GetDirp(PICOCXLib.PICNIC_PORT.PortB, 4) National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

Port RA0Dirp RA0Value RB4Dirp RB4Value RB4H RB4L RA0Input RA0Output RB4Input RB4Output National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering

National Taiwan University, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture Department of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics Engineering