禮 儀 實 務 林雨萩 編著.


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Presentation transcript:

禮 儀 實 務 林雨萩 編著

禮儀實務課程教學大綱 禮儀教學要經驗與理論並進才能達到寓敎於樂的效果。 本書第一章國際禮儀概論,淺談國際禮儀語文的差異性。第二章電話禮儀則闡述接聽電話應注意的基本應對禮儀。第三章針對國人出國旅遊應注意及在觀光景點的基本禮儀。第四章分享東南亞、東北亞及歐美文化禮俗須知,讓全民有禮走遍天下,做個有水平的觀光客。第五章提供商業人士商場往來應具備的基本條件,才能贏在起跑點。第六章食的禮儀,分為中西餐及日本料理餐桌禮節,俗話說

禮儀實務課程教學大綱 民以食為天,是每個人必備的禮儀實務。第七章穿著禮儀,概述男士、女士上班族的專業形象與穿著準則,如果不習慣成功者打扮的人就是不習慣成功。第八章育的禮儀,包含探病,婚喪喜慶及餽贈禮儀,深入淺出的說明人際互動上應注意事項。第九章書卡禮儀,談的是各種書信書寫方式及信件書寫重點。第十章談話禮儀,所有溝通都是透過口語及文字來表達理念,如何說好話、好說話、會說話,並訓練自己成為最佳司儀及主持人,必須在平常多演練多觀摩,才能達成目標。第十一章辦公室

禮儀實務課程教學大綱 禮儀,內容涵蓋遵守辦公室規則及指令接受與回報。第十二章商業從業人員禮儀,有商業應對禮儀、會議禮儀,以及稱職的職務交接禮儀,如何開拓職場人際關係,讓社會新鮮人能很快上手。第十三章行的禮儀,說明的是搭乘交通工具禮儀,以及行進徒步的基本禮節。第十四章休閑娛樂禮儀,隨著週休二日,許多人利用假日全家出遊,如何提昇休閒品質,是每個國民應該學習的生活禮儀須知。第十五章住的禮儀,隨著生活型態改變,居住集合式住宅的人愈來愈多,應如何尊重別人居家品質,

禮儀實務課程教學大綱 是每個人都應學習的基本禮節。第十六章送禮禮儀,送禮要送到心坎裡,應如何選購禮品,送花送禮應注意哪些細節是本章重點。第十七章外交禮儀,雖然大家是平民百姓,但是民風日開,每個人或許都會有機會成為上流社會的佼佼者,多學習多歷練,很可能有朝一日你就派上用場。 透過以上幾個單元的啟蒙,相信每一個人都能快速成為優質國際人士。

Preface Manner teaching should regard both theory and experiences in order to have the best practice. In this book, you will learn about etiquette and manners in different aspects. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to international etiquette. Chapter 2 is about phone etiquette. Chapter 3 tells things you need to know when traveling abroad and visiting tourist attraction. Chapter 4 shares information of Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and Western culture and customs, so that readers can have concept of cultural diversity and avoid offending others with different background.

Preface Chapter 5 provides basic elements of etiquette and manners required in business world. Chapter 6 talks about table manners of Chinese, Japanese and Western-style dinning. Chapter 7 gives you the idea how to look professional by wearing proper attire. Chapter 8 suggests interpersonal manners including visiting the sick and attending weddings and funerals. Chapter 9 explains the point of writing letters and cards. Chapter 10 talks about oral communication skill. Chapter 11 & 12 is about office manner and business etiquette. Chapter 13 tells reader the transportation

Preface manners when riding or walking. Chapter 14 states the importance of increasing entertainment and leisure time quality for people nowadays. Chapter 15 talks about housing manner. As the changing of life and housing style, people must learn to respect their neighbor and surroundings. Chapter 16 gives you the tips of gift giving. And last but not least, Chapter 17 is about diplomatic protocol. After reading this book, you should have better understanding of etiquette and manners. By putting the knowledge and skills into practice, I believe that everyone can be world-class citizen.

CHAPTER 1  國際禮儀概論 淺談國際禮儀 國際禮儀、禮節及禮貎 國際禮儀與文化習俗