CPS Model Based Online Opinion Governance Modeling and Evaluation of Emergency Accidents XiaoLong Deng Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing.


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Presentation transcript:

CPS Model Based Online Opinion Governance Modeling and Evaluation of Emergency Accidents XiaoLong Deng Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing and Service, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 2018/12/5

Outline 5、Conclusion 1、Introduction 2、CPS Model Based Online Opinion Governance 3、Graded Emergency Accident Risk 4、CPS Model Analysis of Tianjin Explodesion 5、Conclusion

1、Introduction The probability of public crisis and accidents around the world is increasing quickly in the past several years i.e. H1N1, Ebola and Typhoon Haiyan. Emergencies with severe effect like the Explosion of Tianjin Port also lead a huge fluctuation of online opinion in China. The increment and spread of web user makes the web becomes a major role in the information propagation. The evolution of online opinion about emergencies has become a vital factor in the management of crisis for our government .

2、CPS Model Based Online Opinion Governance Figure 1 CPS Model Based Risk Reply

2、CPS Model Based Online Opinion Governance-Opinion Collection APP Figure 2 APP GUI

2、CPS Model Based Online Opinion Governance-Opinion Collection APP Figure 3 Opinion Collection System Framework

3、Graded Emergency Accident Risk

4、CPS Model Analysis of Tianjin Explodesion 第1次爆炸:2015年8月12日23时34分6秒(约3吨TNT) 2015/8/13 1:03:00【爱心救援】在天津塘沽的天滨公寓,有很多伤员需要去医院救治,恳请有车的师傅能现场支援,大多数都是背井离乡的孩子。 第2次爆炸:2015年8月12日23时34分37秒(约21吨TNT) 牺牲人员主要倒在对第1次爆炸的灭火中 2015/8/13 12:19:00 【请为生命让路】天津交警呼吁,无关人员请走开!天津港方向严重拥堵#爆炸位置# 瑞海物流油罐爆炸引起二次爆炸#送血车队路线#预计12时6分从南站出发至泰达心血管病医院,南站—外环线(西青津南东丽)—津滨高速—京津塘高速—塘沽北站—泰达大街—泰达医院,京N32289、津CQ1125、津MBH120急救送血车

4、CPS Model Analysis of Tianjin Explodesion Figure 8 Word Frequency of SINA Micro Blog

5、Conclusion 1)In this paper, we proposed a new CPS Model based Online Opinion Governance system which constructed on cellphone APP for data collection and decision make in the back end. And based on the online opinion data we collected, we also proposed the graded risk classification method and accident classification method. 2)Based on the risk classification method, we have built an efficient CPS Model based simulated emergency accident replying and handling system. It has been proved in analysis of 2015 Tianjin Explode accident.

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