Teaching aims 加油哦 1. I can say the names of the four seasons 我能说出四季。


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching aims 加油哦 1. I can say the names of the four seasons 我能说出四季。 2. I can say the weather and activities in four seasons 我能说出四季的天气和活动。 3. I can read and act the text. 我阅读表演课文。 加油哦

欣赏图片,说说你的感受,给他们取个名字。 let's enjoy 欣赏图片,说说你的感受,给他们取个名字。

Let's watch Seasons

译林版小学英语4B Unit5 Seasons 淮安曙光双语学校 沙莎

Let's learn Seasons summer 夏天 spring 春天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天

看动画,看看你能找出描述季节气候的词吗? Watch and fill 看动画,看看你能找出描述季节气候的词吗? season weather (天气) spring summer autumn winter

看动画,看看你能找出描述季节气候的词吗? Watch and fill 看动画,看看你能找出描述季节气候的词吗? season weather (天气) spring summer autumn winter warm 温暖的 hot 热的 cool 凉爽的 cold 冷的

听录音,看看能找出人们在每个季节的活动吗? Listen and fill 听录音,看看能找出人们在每个季节的活动吗? season weather (天气) activities (活动) spring summer autumn winter warm 温暖的 hot 热的 cool 凉爽的 cold 冷的

In spring, it’s hot. We go boating. We eat fly kites. Listen and fill 去划船 In spring, it’s hot. We go boating. We eat fly kites. fly kites 放风筝

In summer, We eat ice creams. We go swimming. Listen and fill 吃冰淇淋 In summer, We eat ice creams. We go swimming.

In autumn, it’s cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. Listen and fill 去野餐 In autumn, it’s cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. 去爬山

In winter, it’s cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. Listen and fill 堆雪人 In winter, it’s cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. 去溜冰

Choose and talk 任选一幅图在组里讨论说说。 In winter, it’s ... We ....

Let's read 跟读磁带,注意模仿语音语调。 同学们,一起感受读英语的快乐吧!

In spring, it’s hot. We go boating. We eat fly kites. We like spring. Let's read In spring, it’s hot. We go boating. We eat fly kites. We like spring.

In summer, We eat ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer. Let's read In summer, We eat ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer.

In autumn, it’s cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. We like autumn. Let's read In autumn, it’s cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. We like autumn.

In winter, it’s cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. We like winter. Let's read In winter, it’s cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. We like winter.

Choose and read 以小组为单位选择一种你喜欢的阅读方式! 分季节读 齐读 跟读 read in the seasons read together 齐读 read after the monitor 跟读

Let's act 以四人小组,上台表演,可加动作道具哦。 In summer, In spring, It’s hot. We eat ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer. In spring, it’s warm. We go boating. We fly kites. We like spring. 以四人小组,上台表演,可加动作道具哦。 In autumn, it’s cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. We like autumn. In winter, it’s cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. We like winter.

以四人小组,结合课文内容,自己创编一首小诗。 Make a poem Seasons In , it’s . We . We like . 以四人小组,结合课文内容,自己创编一首小诗。

Ticking time 祝贺你 1. I can say the names of the four seasons 我能说出四季。 2. I can say the weather and activities in four seasons 我能说出四季的天气和活动。 3. I can read and act the text. 我阅读表演课文。 祝贺你

Homework 熟读课文,尝试背诵课文。 In summer, In spring, It’s hot. it’s warm. We eat ice creams. We go swimming. We like summer. In spring, it’s warm. We go boating. We fly kites. We like spring. 熟读课文,尝试背诵课文。 In autumn, it’s cool. We have picnics. We go climbing. We like autumn. In winter, it’s cold. We make snowmen. We go skating. We like winter.