Module 1 Plans 计 划 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网


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Presentation transcript:

Module 1 Plans 计 划 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Unit 3 Let’s Go Further. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Know More British and American people like traveling. 英美人喜欢旅行。

They often go to other countries to spend their holidays. 他们经常去其他国家度假。

They go there by plane, by train, by coach, by ship, by car or even by bike. 他们通常乘飞机、火车、长途客车、坐船、开车甚至骑自行车。

In this vehicle, there are rooms, a kitchen and a toilet. 在这个车中,有房间,厨房 和卫生间。

People can drive it to other places. 人们可以开着这样的车去其它地方。 How do you like to travel? 你想怎么去旅行?

课后讨论: ? What is good about traveling in the vehicle in the picture? 图中房车旅行有哪些好处? ? What is not good about traveling in the vehicle in the picture? 房车旅行有哪些弊端?

Additional Words 补充词汇

Review Asking questions after the model: Model: Are you going to watch TV tonight, Jiamin? Yes, I am. 今天晚上你打算看电视吗? 是的,今天晚上我准备看电视。

Go out tonight 今天晚上出去 Play with friends tonight 今晚和朋友一起玩 Do some homework tonight 今晚写作业 Visit another city soon 将要去另外一个城市游览 Visit a relative soon 去拜访亲戚

go to the cinema soon 将去看电影 Go shopping tomorrow 明天去购物 have a party soon 去聚会 Go on holiday soon 马上要去度假 Are you going to go out tonight , Jiamin? Yes, I am.

Tian An Men Square

Summer Palace

The Great Wall

Wangfujing Street

Ben: Are you going to be busy next week, Sally? Complete the dialogue with the right form of the verbs in the brackets. Ben: Are you going to be busy next week, Sally? Sally: Yes,I am.On Monday,I (go) to Beijing. On Tuesday, I (visit) the Tian An Men Square and the Summer Palace. am going to go am going to visit Ben: 下周你会很忙吗? Sally:是的。周一我准备去北京。周二我准备去参观 天安门广场和颐和园。

Ben: Beijing is the capital of China.You can Complete the dialogue with the right form of the verbs in the brackets. Ben: Beijing is the capital of China.You can see many interesting things here.What you (do) on Wednesday? Sally: I (go)to the Great Wall. are going to do am going to go Ben: 北京是中国的首都。你可以在那里看到很多有趣 的地方。周三你准备做什么呢? Sally:周三我准备去长城。

Ben: 周四你准备干什么呢? Sally:我准备去王府井大街购物。 Ben: What about Thursday? Complete the dialogue with the right form of the verbs in the brackets. Ben: What about Thursday? Sally: I (go) shopping in Wangfujing Street. am going to go Ben: 周四你准备干什么呢? Sally:我准备去王府井大街购物。

Ben: 第二天(周五)你准备干什么呢? Sally:我准备乘坐火车返回。 Ben: And the next day? Complete the dialogue with the right form of the verbs in the brackets. Ben: And the next day? Sally: I (come) back here by train. am going to come Ben: 第二天(周五)你准备干什么呢? Sally:我准备乘坐火车返回。

Ben: 你什么时候到达这里呢? Sally:周六下午。 are Ben: When you (get)here? Complete the dialogue with the right form of the verbs in the brackets. are Ben: When you (get)here? Sally: On Saturday afternoon. going to get Ben: 你什么时候到达这里呢? Sally:周六下午。

Sally:我准备休息。我想那个时候我肯定很累。 Complete the dialogue with the right form of the verbs in the brackets. are Ben: What you (do)then? Sally: I (have a rest). I think I’ll be very tired. going to do am going to have a rest Ben: 然后你准备干什么呢? Sally:我准备休息。我想那个时候我肯定很累。

Thankyou! Good-bye!