S4 Yearly exam Question 2
General performance Average :11/18 Highest :15/18 Lowest:8/18
Question 2 (a)描述資料A所顯示青少年飲酒趨勢並提出由該趨勢所引起之公共衛生危機。試解釋你的答案。(6 分) (a) Describe the trends of alcohol consumption among teenagers shown in Source A and suggest the public health risk that might arise from the trends. Explain your answer. (6 marks)
Question 2a the performance was above average. (average: 4 marks) Most students were able to describe the general increasing trends of alcohol consumption among all teenagers, increasing trend of boys and increasing trend of girls with year, figures and interval respectively. But some students were not able to draw a precise conclusion which was a serious problem or teens started drinking at earlier age.
有整體上升趨勢 有男女上升趨勢
Question 2a Some students were able to suggest some examples of diseases (liver disease, high blood pressure, etc..), but some students failed to relate to increasing medical burden. Few students failed to read question” public risk” carefully and could not answer public risk.
有病例 有公共醫療負擔的公共衛生風險
Question 2(b)參考資料B,指出並解釋越來越多香港青少年飲酒的兩個的因素。 (6 分) From Source B, identify and explain two factors of increasing alcohol consumption among teenagers in Hong Kong. (6 marks)
Question 2b the performance was satisfactory (average: 3 marks) Most students were able to answer the factor with topic sentence and evidence in source B.
Yet, some students could not conceptualize their answer Yet, some students could not conceptualize their answer. For example, if students answered peer pressure factor, they should explain the concept of peer recognition/respect, avoid being isolated and conformity behaviors. If students answered family encouragement, they must use the concept of parent education/indoctrination, role modelling and socialization. If students answered mass media influence, they must use the concept of socialization and projection.
Few students answered parenting style, but all students failed to identify it is a/an authoritative, authoritarian, permissive or neglectful parenting style. If students only wrote down the concept but failed to explain it /apply it into practice, no mark would be given. Few students combined peer and family influence, mark would be deducted because it could not explain accurately. Few students failed to read question carefully and cited evidence in source C.
Question 2c 「立法禁止零售點向未成年人賣酒對紓緩青少年飲酒問題是有成效的。」利用資料B及C,提出並解釋一個支持有效和一個反對有效的論據。 (6 分) “The banning the sale of alcohol to the under-aged at retail stores is effective in alleviating drinking problem among teenagers.” Suggest and explain one supporting argument and one opposing argument, using Sources B and C.
Q2c the performance was fair (average: 3 marks) Most students could cite evidences in Sources B and C, only few students could not cite these 2 sources.
Some students could not use precise topic sentences. Some students combined two opposing arguments (other method and loophole in law). Some students only wrote down deterrent effect and failed to explain it and social norms. Few students failed to read question carefully and answer to what extend questions.
一個支持有效:立法有阻嚇性 立法有阻嚇性:資料C:政府立法之餘,也加強宣傳和商店展示 警告標語 有關立法能強調未成年人飲酒後果的嚴重性,並透過宣傳及商店展 示警告標語強化飲酒的負面社會標籤,向公眾傳遞飲酒不符社會規 範的訊息,形成的群眾壓力能促使青少年減少接觸酒精或戒掉飲酒 習慣,確立社會規範以免損害自我形象。
一個反對有效的論據:法律有漏洞 法律有漏洞,資料C:最近有區議員進行有關調查,她派出3名 未成年調查員,在不同商號包括Circle K、7-11惠康等便利店及 超市購買罐裝啤酒。結果發現,他們購買酒精飲品的整體成功 率達89.3%,較2015年的40.6%高出逾倍。現時商店會在法律灰 色地帶中供應酒給予青少年飲用,例如的售貸員也不會檢查18 歲以下人士青少年的身份證,售賣酒精飲品給未成年的消費者。 另外,青少年可 叫18歲以上幫他買酒。