International Etiquette & Culture


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Presentation transcript:

International Etiquette & Culture

The definition of “etiquette” The Chinese definition of “禮儀” The definition of “禮” “禮” means “敬神”. <辭源> 中對 “禮” 的解釋為: 1. 祭神以致福. 2. 規定社會行為的法則, 規範, 儀式的總稱. [道之以德, 齊之以禮] -------- <論語> [先王惡其亂也, 故制禮義以分之] ------ <荀子> 3. 禮是[以禮相待, 對人表示敬意], 如 [聘名士禮賢者] 禮包括禮節, 禮貌, 禮儀. 禮節指行禮的分寸等級, 禮儀的節度—proper behavior 禮貌指對人恭敬, 有禮, 和順—good manners 禮儀指行禮之儀式—ritual <後漢書>中有<禮儀志> 唐宋時有禮儀使掌理國之大禮. 外交部有[禮賓司]處理接待外賓事務

真正的“禮” 應該是有“誠”有“敬”, 所謂“誠於中, 而行於外” 才是實踐禮儀的真正精神. The definition of “儀” <辭源>對“儀” 的解釋為[容止儀表], [法度, 標準], 包括 儀式, 儀表, 儀態, 儀典及儀序. 儀式指典禮之秩序, 形式, 禮節規範. 儀表指容貌, 姿態. 古代設[禮部]官署, 掌禮樂, 祭祀, 封建, 宴樂及學校貢舉 的政令, 並有<儀禮>, <儀禮圖>, <儀禮集釋>等書籍 真正的“禮” 應該是有“誠”有“敬”, 所謂“誠於中, 而行於外” 才是實踐禮儀的真正精神.

The western definition of “禮儀” etiquette, courtesy, politeness, manner Webster’s dictionary: Etiquette (> French “label”: rules, norms) --the formal rules of proper behavior --the forms, manners, ceremonies established by convention as acceptable or required in social relations. --the rules for such forms, manners, ceremonies Courtesy --polite behavior, good manners; a polite or kind action or expression --courteous behavior; gracious politeness Politeness --having or showing good manners --consideration for others and/or correct social behavior --having or showing culture or good taste

--a person’s way of acting or behaving towards other people Manner --a way or method in which something is done or happens --a person’s way of acting or behaving towards other people --ways of social life prevailing social conditions or customs --ways of social behavior --polite ways of social behavior

Quotes of Manners “They smooth the rough edge, prevent friction, help to make new friends, and endure old ones.” -- Anonymous “The greater the man, the greater courtesy. --Tennyson, English poet “Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.” -- Emily Post, American author

The Origin of International Etiquette Etiquette observed in multinational/cultural occasions : European Feudal society in the Middle Ages > British imperial court > colonized America > America (George Washington) > the rest of the world Etiquette observed by a specific culture, region, or country: Customs & traditions (風俗習慣) Norms and rules (典章制度) Religion (宗教信仰)

CULTURE The definition of “culture”: Culture is “everything people learn to do”. ----Seelye, American linguist Why do we need to learn about foreign cultures? to avoid behavior blunders & to facilitate communication To help to understand and appreciate people who are “different” from us To broaden our mind and enrich our lives The relationship between etiquette and culture: Culture determines etiquette; etiquette reflects and modifies culture.