Bitou Cape Trail In Northern Taiwan


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Bitou Cape Trail In Northern Taiwan Click for page continue 按滑鼠換頁

Bitou Cape Trail 鼻頭角步道 From afar, Bitou Cape looks like the nose of a kitten leaning by the sea. The total area of the cape is about 4 to 5 km2, whose tall abrasion caves, platforms and other eroded landforms are clearly in sight on the cape's hanging cliff. With an elevation of about 120m, the famous Bitou Cape Lighthouse is at the end of the trail along which one can enjoy the endless ocean scenes and the eroded landforms. Standing in the lighthouse, waves from the East China Sea and the Pacific are meeting and flapping right in front of you. 從遠處看起來,鼻頭角像似小貓的鼻子傾向著大海。鼻頭角的總面積大約4到5 平方公里,在海角懸垂的峭壁處,可以清楚地看到耐磨性的蝕穴,平臺,和其他侵蝕地貌。海拔大約120m,沿著享用不盡的海洋風光和侵蝕地貌,著名鼻頭角燈塔就在步道的末端。站在燈塔附近,海浪從東海和太平洋會合,拍打在你的面前。

Bitou fishery port and coastal highway parking lot 鼻頭漁港及濱海公路旁停車場

Bitou Cape Trail entrance 鼻頭角步道入口

Bitou Cape Trail designed in three parts 鼻頭角步道分為三個段落 1. Lighthouse Trail is main trail on hillside, from Bitou elementary school to Bitou cape lighthouse. 『燈塔步道』為主步道,走於山腰,起自鼻頭國小,終點至鼻頭岬角最突出的鼻頭角燈塔; 2. Valley Trail cross though the headland on the edge of the Hill, overlooking the northeast corner of the coast; 『稜谷步道』則翻越岬角上的山稜,可眺望東北角海岸; 3. Coastal Trail close to the waterfront, will be able to enjoy more surprising changes in the sea geological landscape. 『海濱步道』貼近海岸,可欣賞變化多奇的海蝕地質景觀。

Pedestrian Overpass 人行天橋

Bitou Tunnel 鼻頭隧道

Bitou Elementary School 鼻頭國小

Bitou Elementary School 鼻頭國小

遠處是龍洞灣 Longdong Bay

Haitian Pavilion 海天亭 由此可下達海濱步道 (釣客小徑),觀賞海蝕平台景觀。 From here can be handed down to Coastal Trails (Fishermen’s Pathway), watch the sea wave-cut platform landscape. Down to Coastal Trails 下到海濱步道

Coastal Trails 海濱步道 ‧Wave-cut platforms landscape 海蝕平台景觀 ‧Fishermen braved the wind and waves struck the fishing pole 釣客冒著風浪吹襲持竿海釣

Lighthouse Trail 鼻頭角燈塔步道

Lighthouse Trail 鼻頭角燈塔步道 Moon-Looking Hillside Valley Trail 稜谷步道 Lighthouse Trail 鼻頭角燈塔步道 Moon-Looking Hillside 望月坡

Moon-Looking Hillside 望月坡 Green grass slope at the end of the cliff, there erect guardrails, must not go beyond. 綠草如茵,盡頭是百尺懸崖,豎有護欄,不得超越。

Moon-Looking Hillside 望月坡

Lighthouse and Scenic Point 燈塔與觀景台

Overlooking the lighthouse observation platform 眺望燈塔觀景平台

Antenna 燈塔天線

From lighthouse observation platform overlooking the Northeast Coast 從燈塔觀景平台眺望東北角海岸

稜谷步道 Valley Trail

Valley Trail 稜谷步道

Valley Trail and Scenic Point 稜谷步道及觀景亭

鳥瞰鼻頭漁港,遠眺九份 基隆山

鳥瞰鼻頭漁港夜景 Bird's-eye fishing port night view

攝影 Photo by : BY Liu and CY Chang The End 攝影 Photo by : BY Liu and CY Chang 編輯配樂:老編西歪 changcy0326 音樂(Music):台灣民謠交響曲 (雨夜花) Taiwan Folk Symphony (Rainy Night Flower)