Unit 10 Review and check.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 10 Review and check

Our body 我们的身体 neck shoulder arm finger knee toe

head touch neck shoulder arm hand finger leg knee foot feet(复数) toe

one time 一次 time 次数 two times 两次 three times 三次

touch … with … 用…触摸… A: Touch … with … ( ) times . 用…触摸…几次。 B: All right.


Stand in a line 站成一排

Put your hands on your head 把你的手放在头上

Jump up and down 上下跳

Lie on your back. 躺下来

Turn left. 向左转。

Turn right. 向右转

Lift the leg. 抬起腿

Stop! 停下来!(立定!)

同学们一定都已经掌握了下面的口令了。 同桌之间互相检查一下吧 1.Stand in a line. 2.Put your hands on your head. 3.Jump up and down. 4.Lie on your back. 5.Turn left. 6.Turn right. 7.Lift your left leg. 8.Stop.

watch B

past 的用法:时间在半点以内或正好半点用past 如6:10为ten past six. 1:30为half past one.

ten past one 1:10 twenty past one 1:20 6:05 five past six 6:20 twenty past six 7: 29 twenty-nine past seven

to (离下一个整点)差

to 的用法:时间在超过半点用to ,分钟差几就用几,整点数+1. 如8:55用 five to nine 6:45用a quarter to seven

4:40 五点差二十 twenty to five 9:58 十点差两分 two to ten

ten to one 12:50 twenty to seven 6:40 1:35 twenty-five to two five to three 2:55 twenty-nine to four 3:31

half 半 ;一半;半个

1:30 half past one half past two 2:30 3:30 half past three half past ten 10:30 12:30 half past twelve

quarter 四分之一

a quarter past one 1:15 a quarter to two 1:45 a quarter past four 4:15 a quarter to seven 6:45 9:45 a quarter to ten a quarter past eleven 11:15

12 1 11 1 2 10 past 9 to 3 8 4 7 5 6

Read them quickly: 7:05 7:10 7:15 7:20 7:25 7:30 7:35 7:40 7:45 7:50 7:55 8:00

It’s half past nine in the evening. 12 11 1 2 10 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 It’s half past nine in the evening. It’s time for bed.

It’s a quarter past eleven. 12 11 1 2 10 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 It’s a quarter past eleven. It’s time for lunch.

It’s twenty-five past two. 12 11 1 2 10 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 It’s twenty-five past two. It’s time to have class.

watch A

Homework 用英语完成下列时间表达: 1:10 2:15 5:20 6:30 8:40 10:45 11:50