耶稣恩友 What a friend we have in Jesus


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Presentation transcript:

耶稣恩友 What a friend we have in Jesus

耶稣是我亲爱朋友,背负我罪担我忧 What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and Griefs to bear 何等权力能将万事,带到主恩座前求! What a privilege to carry ev’ry thing to God in Prayer 多少平安屡屡失去,多少痛苦白白受 O what peace we often forfeit, o what needless Pain we bear 皆因我们未将万事,带到主恩座前求 All because we do not carry ev’ry thing to God in prayer

有否烦恼压着心头,有否遇试炼引诱? Have we trials and temptation? Is there trouble Anywhere? 我们切莫灰心失望,仍到主恩座前求 We should never be discouraged Take it to the Lord in prayer 何处得此忠心朋友,分担一切苦与忧 Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our Sorrows share? 我们弱点主都知透,放心到主座前求 Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness,Take it to the

劳苦多愁软弱不堪,挂虑重担压肩头 Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with Aload of care? 主是我避难处所,快到主恩座前求 Precious Savior, still our refuge Take it to the Lord in prayer 你若遭遇友叛亲离,来到主恩座前求 Do thy friends despise forsake thee? Take it to The Lord in prayer 在主怀中必蒙护佑,与主同在永不忧 In His arms He’ll take and shield thee, thou wilt Find a solace there