无线网络配套 交换机销售指南 石奇海 18017768785 ashi@extremenetworks.com.


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无线网络配套 交换机销售指南 石奇海 18017768785 ashi@extremenetworks.com

用户有线网络的典型架构 Internet 防火墙 核心交换机 接入交换机 Our agenda for this module will begin with [CLICK] an understanding of who Extreme Networks is, our history, market position and the markets we serve and solutions we provide. [CLICK] We will discuss the technology megatrends driving conversation and consideration of network transformation and [CLICK] we will talk about end user expectations and associated IT challenges. [CLICK] We will provide understanding of why Extreme Networks. Why do our customers purchase Extreme Networks solutions?

给用户推荐一个独立的无线网络 Internet 无线控制器 防火墙 核心交换机 无线网 核心交换机 X460 接入交换机 接入交换机 Our agenda for this module will begin with [CLICK] an understanding of who Extreme Networks is, our history, market position and the markets we serve and solutions we provide. [CLICK] We will discuss the technology megatrends driving conversation and consideration of network transformation and [CLICK] we will talk about end user expectations and associated IT challenges. [CLICK] We will provide understanding of why Extreme Networks. Why do our customers purchase Extreme Networks solutions?

高安全 高性能 易管理 独立无线网络给用户带来的价值 无线网络独立的安全策略 专用无线网核心和接入交换机保证性能 无线网络所有设备统一品牌、统一管理、统一维护

Summit X460-G2 交换机产品线 无线网络核心交换机 24和48个千兆电口或千兆光口,4个独立 上连端口,1个扩展插槽 支持高速堆叠,堆叠带宽高达160 Gbps 最大支持6个10G上连端口 最大可扩展2个40G上连端口 支持双冗余内置交流电源模块,单独订购 送风方向可选风扇组,单独订购 ExtremeXOS® 模块化高可用操作系统

Summit X460-G2 交换机前面板 共享端口 1/10G 上连端口 -24t -48t -24p -48p -24x -48x

Summit X460-G2 交换机前面板端口统计 产品型号 千兆电口 (RJ-45) 千兆光口 (SFP) 共享端口 1/10G端口(SFP+) X460-G2-24t-10GE4 24 8 4 X460-G2-48t-10GE4 48 X460-G2-24p-10GE4 X460-G2-48p-10GE4 X460-G2-24x-10GE4 X460-G2-48x-10GE4

X460-G2 Switches Back Panel Components Summit X460-G2 交换机后面板 X460-G2 Switches Back Panel Components 必配: 风扇组 选配: 冗余电源 必配: 主电源 选配: VIM 板卡 交换机电源、风扇组和VIM板卡单独订购

Summit X460-G2 交换机堆叠选项 SummitStack-V (前面板 SFP+ 端口) Passive Copper SummitStack-V (前面板 SFP+ 端口) 前面板最后2个万兆端口(i.e. 51 & 52 or 31 & 32) 堆叠带宽40G 堆叠距离长达40公里 Fiber SummitStack™ (VIM-2ss module) 专用堆叠模块 专用堆叠线缆 堆叠带宽40G CX4 Copper

Summit X430 千兆固定端口接入交换机系列 全千兆固定端口接入交换机 Summit X430-8p Summit X430-24t Summit X430-24p Summit X430-48t

Summit X430 交换机端口统计 产品型号 千兆电口 千兆光口(SFP) PoE+ PoE供电量 Summit X430-8p 8 2 Yes 60W Summit X430-24t 24 4 - Summit X430-24p 370W Summit X430-48t 48

ISW 工业以太网交换机 专为工业环境组网设计 适用于智慧城市、智能交通、安防监控等应用环境 全功能二层可管理交换机 满功率支持802.3af POE和802.3at POE+ 4个型号可供选择 4个百兆PoE+端口,2个百兆电口,2个百兆/千兆SFP端口 8个百兆PoE+端口,4个百兆/千兆SFP端口 4个千兆PoE+端口,2个千兆电口,2个百兆/千兆SFP端口 8个千兆PoE+端口,4个百兆/千兆SFP端口 支持生成树协议和快速环网收敛协议 工作温度:-40 to + 75°C DIN安装或挂墙安装 安全标准:IP30 无风扇设计 百兆型号 千兆型号 Gigabir

Extreme交换机常用模块 万兆SFP+模块 10301 10GBASE-SR SFP+ 万兆多模光纤,300米 10302 10GBASE-LR SFP+ 万兆单模光纤,10公里 10309 10GBASE-ER SFP+ 万兆单模光纤,40公里 10304-10305 Passive Copper (1m, 3m) 万兆直连线缆,1米,3米 千兆SFP模块 10051H 1000BASE-SX SFP 千兆多模光纤,550米 10052H 1000BASE-LX SFP 千兆单模光纤,10公里 10053H 1000BASE-ZX SFP 千兆单模光纤,70公里 10070H 10/100/1000BASE-T SFP 千兆网线,100米 百兆SFP模块 10066 100BASE LX10 mini-GBIC 百兆单模光纤,10公里 10067 100BASE FX mini-GBIC module 百兆多模光纤,2公里

200个AP无线网络配套交换机典型配置 产品编号 产品名称 产品说明 数量 无线网络核心交换机 16705 Summit X460-G2-24x-Base-Unit 24个SFP, 8个10/100/1000BASE-T端口,4个SFP+端口,1个扩展槽,2个电源插槽,1个风扇插槽,Edge 软件许可 1 10930A Summit 300W AC PSU Summit X460 300W 交流电源模块 2 10945 Summit X460-G2 Fan module FB Summit X460-G2 风扇模块 10051H 1000BASE-SX SFP, Hi 千兆以太网SFP多模光模块,850nm,MMF 220-550m链路,LC连接头 10 无线网络POE接入交换机 16517 Summit X430-24p 24个10/100/1000BASE-T以太网PoE端口, 4个mini-GBIC端口

案例分析:陕西师范大学无线校园网 Changan Campus Yanta Campus HA-GROUP-2 1G 10G CA-01 Type:C5210 CA-03 CA-04 YT-01 CA-Core-1 YT-Core-1 Edge PoE Switch( 800 Sereis) 3715i Dist-Switch pvlan Wifi Client QinQ Building 1 Building N HA-GROUP-2 Fiber Channel 60KM NMS Management BYOD


Corporate Deck (30-40 minutes) Vision slide (this one), then: Taking best care of our customers. (need slide for this) services Building the best products (slide without stock photo) Being easy to do business with (people slide, speed, smooth) – the seated woman photo Bridge slide – vision to megatrends powered the megatrends --------------------------------------------------------------- Audience: Senior IT decision makers with budgetary responsibility. CIOs at large enterprises, network directors at small to medium size enterprises. Overall Message: Why Extreme Networks? Thought leadership. Via soft sell. Success is about innovation, we are here to help you become a successful organization and delight your customers. =========================================================================== Script: Welcome, my name is _____. I’m [your role at Extreme Networks]. I’m here to talk with you about our company and products, but more importantly about our beliefs, our purpose, and how, by partnering with Extreme Networks, you can be phenomenally successful as a leader in IT. --------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Our job at Extreme Networks is to deliver solutions to CIOs to ensure their success; and it all starts at the network infrastructure. If we are not helpful, we are not influential. We need to be helpful and deliver value to IT leaders. Being helpful is not about our people and our technology. We believe the network is the engine that fuels business innovation and accelerates IT transformation. So why does the network matter? And how can a technology vendor earn the right to be a trusted advisor in today’s fast moving, highly unpredictable economy? It all starts with what we believe, our core values and innovation guiding principles. It is all about the WHY. For reference: The IT Conversation We Should Be Having – Harvard Business Review (April 2013) A comprehensive 2013 survey conducted by The Harvard Business Review, The Economist, Corporate Executive Board, Intel, and TNS Global conducted a 2 year worldwide research, focusing on line of business executive perception of IT and the CIO Key findings from our research: Almost half of CEOs rate their CIOs negatively in terms of understanding the business and understanding how to apply IT in new ways to the business 57% of the executives expect their IT function to change significantly over the next three years, and 12% predict a "complete overhaul" of IT Only a quarter of executives felt their CIO was performing above his or her peers What the business needs from IT: CEOs are demanding more visible value from their CIOs, in terms of generating revenue, gaining new customers, and increasing customer satisfaction. Increasingly, the CIO and IT must be seen less as developing and deploying technology, and more as a source of innovation and transformation that delivers business value, leveraging technology instead of directly delivering it. The CIO must be responsible and accountable if technology enables, facilitates or accelerates competition that the C-suite didn't see coming, Gartner: in 4 years the vast majority of technology budget is managed outside of IT (could be as high as 90% of budget by the end of decade) Gartner: in 2 years, 25% of enterprise will appoint a chief digital officer (likely to be CMO or new title) to oversee tech spend