肉肉学语 By Hero.


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Presentation transcript:

肉肉学语 By Hero

About me 上海洛基英语优秀讲师 教学组经理 个人简介 朱培璟Hero About me 上海洛基英语优秀讲师 教学组经理 曾就读于英国伦敦政治经济学院LSE 高分通过IELTS雅思考试,听说双料8分 21世纪杯全国英语演讲大赛江苏省特等奖 上海国际辩论公开赛quarter-finalist,best debater 曾多次担任重要赛事,会议口译 上海商学院管理学院雅思培训师 语音标准,擅长口语塑造,江湖人称“纠音王子” 代表课程:《带着英语去旅行》 《了解世界美食,做有文化吃货》 《妙语连朱》

I made most of these items myself Hello. Do you like this jewelry? I made most of these items myself.     嗨!你喜欢这个首饰吗﹖这些东西大多是我自己做的。 You really have talent. How did you learn to do this? 你真是有天份。你怎么学会做首饰的﹖ My mother taught me some tricks of the trade. I've always loved jewelry.  我妈妈传授我做这行需要的技术。我一直很喜欢首饰。 Me, too. But I could never make bracelets like these. 我也是。不过我绝对做不出像这样的手镯。 I've been making these designs for over ten years. You can have a bracelet for ten dollars.   我做这些设计已经超过十年了。一个手镯卖你十元. I'll take one right now for seven dollars. 算我七元,我现在就买一个。 It's a deal!  成交. I made most of these items myself

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