The relevance-theoretic framework


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Presentation transcript:

The relevance-theoretic framework Chapter 6 The relevance-theoretic framework (关联理论)

The relevance-theoretic framework Chapter 6 The relevance-theoretic framework (关联理论)

Procedures Lead In Basic notions of relevance Further Thinking Origin of relevance: the 3 models Basic notions of relevance Further Thinking Homework

speaker hearer context communication

the Inferential Model 推理模式 Ostensive Inferential Model 明示推理模式 3 models to interprete daily communication: the Code Model 语码模式 the Inferential Model 推理模式 Ostensive Inferential Model 明示推理模式

the code model of communication A: What’s the time? B: It’s half past eight. message signal received signal received message ∣ ∣ ∣ ∣ source encoder channel decoder destination → → → → ↑ noise the code model of communication 语码模式

question B: Mummy said she would call me. A: What’s the time? B: Mummy said she would call me. Can we understand B's utterance in Code Model then? Why not?

the inferential model 推理模式 推理模式认为,交际是说话人提供他要表达的意图的证据(前提),听话人根据这些证据,结合“共有知识”(即共有的语境部分)而推断出说话人意图的过程。这个过程起始于前提,终结于结论。

the inferential model 推理模式 父亲: 你知道几点了? (--- 很晚了,该去吃饭了。 --- 这么晚了,还不去吃饭? --- 去吃饭! ……) 女儿:妈妈说来叫我的。 建议 责备 命令

At the meeting, when we are discussing the proposal, suddenly, Tom utters: Two plus three is five. Then you can see so many puzzled faces.

Ostensive-inferential model 明示推理模式 Sperber & Wilson consider communication as a process of ostensive-inferential process which includes two sides of communication: A: for the speaker making manifest to an audience one’s intention to make manifest a basic layer of information. 明白地表示自己有明白地表示某事的意图。

Ostensive-inferential model 明示推理模式 B: for the audience: communication is a process of making inferences on the basis of literal meaning. 听话人根据说话人提供的暗示,结合自己本身的认知语境对话语按一定方向进行推理,最终达到对话语的正确理解。

John: Did I get invited to the conference? Mary: Your paper is too long. For the speaker (Mary): We have requirements for the paper. For the hearer(John): I won't be invited if our paper is not qualified .

Examples --- Mary: Look at the mess here. --- Peter: ... Mary (Speaker): You can help me with the fix of hair-dryer. Peter(hearer):Maybe she needs my help.

Examples --- Mary: Look at the necklace. Do you think it's marvelous? --- Peter: ... Mary (Speaker): I'm telling you I like the necklace. Peter(hearer):Maybe I should buy her one.

a summary 语码模式code model:交际过程就是一种编码和解码的过程。 纯推理模式inferential model:推理是交际的基础。 明示推理模式ostensive-inferential model:说话者将其意图以某种刺激方式明示给听者,听者则根据所收到的刺激,结合当时的语境假设进行推理,寻找出最佳关联的解读。

CP The Maxim of Quantity Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purpose of the exchange). Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. The Maxim of Quality Do not say what you believe to be false. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. The Maxim of Relation Be relevant The Maxim of Manner Avoid obscurity. Avoid ambiguity. Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity). Be orderly.

Basic notions of relevance: What is relevance? Degree of relevance Principles of relevance

What is relevance? What is the time? It’s half past eight. The milkman has just come.

What is relevance? Jones has bought the Times. Jones has bought a copy of the Times. Jones has bought the press enterprise which publishes the Times.

What is relevance? 人们在理解话语时通常选择与自己的认知环境有关联的理解。 关联论认为,任何话语都是有关联的,话语的理解过程就是寻找关联的过程。 话语的关联程度就取决于话语所具有的语境效果(P91-93)和处理话语时所作的努力这两个因素。

Examples 1) Strengthening an assumption ——Which candle burn longer,wax or tallow? ——Neither,because all candles burn shorter. 2) Contradicting an assumption ——One person is climbing a twelve-floor building; he only climbs six floors to the top. ——Because he climbs from the sixth floor.

What is relevance? Relevance is defined in terms of contextual effects语境效果 and processing effort推理努力。 Contextual Effects Relevance= ———————— Processing Effort

What is relevance? A: 我抽烟你介意吗? B1:不介意。(OR: 介意) B2: 你就像在家里一样好啦。

Degree of relevance 关联的程度 maximally relevant 最大关联 very relevant 强关联 weakly relevant 弱关联 Irrelevant 完全不关联 incomplete relevance 不完全关联

Degree of relevance A: How long did the concert last? B: Two hours and a half. A: I am out of petrol. B: There is a garage around the corner. A: 我抽烟你介意吗? B: 你就像在家里一样好啦。

cognitive effects 语境效果 Degree of relevance 5 May 1881 was a sunny day in Kabul. You are now reading a book. You are fast asleep. cognitive effects 语境效果 (P91-93)

Degree of relevance A: The hostess is an awful bore, don’t you think? B: The roses are lovely, aren’t they?

Principles of relevance 认知关联原则 Cognitive principle of relevance: Human cognition tends to be geared to the maximization of relevance. Communicative principle of relevance: Every act of communication conveys a presumption of its own optimal relevance. 关联最大化 交际关联原则 最佳关联性

关联的两大原则 认知(关联)原则:人类认知倾向于追求关联最大化。 交际(关联)原则:任何话语或明示的交际行为都意味着本交际行为所传递的假设,具有最佳关联性。

Examples (from maximal to optimal) ——One person is climbing a twelve-floor building; he only climbs six floors to the top. ——Because he climbs from the sixth floor. ——If an electronic train travels ninety an hour in a westerly direction,and the wind is blowing from north,in which direction will the smoke blow? ——There is no smoke from an electronic train.

Your Assignment Please further your study of relevance theory by offering some relevant examples from advertisement. Please preview Relevance Theory (II).