Chp10 Training and Development


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Presentation transcript:

Chp10 Training and Development 第十章 培训开发 Chp10 Training and Development

Training vs. Development 培训和发展的比较 Current Jobs 目前的工作 Future Jobs 将来的工作

The Training Process Training The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. 培训开发时指企业通过各种方式使员工具备完成现在或者将来工作所需要的知识、技能并改变他们的工作态度,以改善员工在现有或将来职位上的工作业绩,并最终实现企业整体绩效提升的一种计划性和连续性的活动.

Why the Training Business is Booming Training is more inclusive than it used to be.培训比其以往的内涵更为丰富 Remedial education is necessary.补救性教育是必须的

Training and Learning Make the Learning Meaningful使学习变得富有意义 At the start of training, provide a bird’s-eye view of the material to be presented to facilitates learning.在培训开始的时候,给受训者提供一份资料概观。 Use a variety of familiar examples.运用各种熟悉的实例 Organize the information so you can present it logically, and in meaningful units.将信息组织条理化,以便能按照逻辑顺序和分单元进行介绍 Use terms and concepts that are already familiar to trainees.使用受训者已经熟悉的术语和概念 Use as many visual aids as possible.尽可能运用直观教学

Make Skills Transfer Easy使技能转化变得容易 Maximize the similarity between the training situation and the work situation.尽量使学习环境与工作环境相似 Provide adequate practice.提供适当的实践机会 Label or identify each feature of the machine and/or step in the process.标明或确定培训过程中所使用的机器或步骤的每一个特征 Direct the trainees’ attention to important aspects of the job.引导受训者注意工作的重要方面 Provide “heads-up” preparatory information that lets trainees know they might happen back on the job.提供睿智的预备性信息

Motivate the Learner激发学习者 People learn best by doing.人们在实践中学习效果最好 Trainees learn best when the trainers immediately reinforce correct responses在培训师及时肯定正确回答时受训者学得最好。 Trainees learn best at their own pace.受训者按其自己确定得时间进度学习时,学习效果最好 Create a perceived training need in the trainees’ minds.创造一种受训者心中感受到的培训需求 The schedule is important too: The learning curve goes down late in the day, less than full day training is most effective学习日程安排也很重要

The Training and Development Process Needs analysis需求分析 Instructional design教育指导设计 Validation确认 Implement the program实施培训 Evaluation评估和跟踪

需求分析阶段 设计与实施阶段 评估阶段 培训需求评估 制定标准 对象预先测验 目标确立 培训内容和 方法设计 培训过程监控 实施培训 培训评价 效果评估 反馈 需求分析阶段 设计与实施阶段 评估阶段 培训工作流程图

Analyzing Training Needs McGehee and Thayer (1961) said: “Many training efforts are begun without any reason, continued with no purpose, and end with no results.” McGehee & Thayer suggested a detailed plan to address training needs analysis

麦吉&塞耶模型 ①组织分析 ②任务分析 ③人员分析 判定组织的 培训目标 判定岗位的 培训内容 判定谁应该接受培训 和他们需要什么培训 通过绩效考核 ,分析 造成业绩差距的原因 收集和分析关键事件 对员工及其上级进行 培训需求调查 进行职务分析,分析 完成任务所需的知识、 技能、行为和态度。 根据组织目标判定 知识和技术需求 将组织效率和工作 质量与期望水平对比 制定人事持续计划 对员工进行知识审查 评价培训组织环境 ①组织分析 ②任务分析 ③人员分析 判定组织的 培训目标 判定岗位的 培训内容 判定谁应该接受培训 和他们需要什么培训

The Organization level   Business Goals & Objectives & Five year plan Manpower & succession plans Skills pool inventory for whole organization Turnover, Absentee rates, Attitude surveys, Labor costs, Waste, Customer complaints

The Job Level Job descriptions & specifications Objectives Targets Observation & work sampling Performance Appraisals Questionnaire approaches

The Individual level At this level the aim is to assess actual performance against that required for the job.

Prepare the learner Put the learner at ease—relieve the tension. Explain why he or she is being taught. Create interest, encourage questions, find out what the learner already knows about this or other jobs. Explain the whole job and relate it to some job the worker already knows. Place the learner as close to the normal working position as possible. Familiarize the worker with equipment, materials, tools, and trade terms.

培训的实施 确定培训目标 By the end of this session the trainee will be able to 在这个学期末学员将可能 _____ (an action word行动题目 )______________ _____ (item内容)__________________________ _____ (condition条件)______________________ _____ (standard标准)___ ___________________ 知识目标 行为目标 结果目标 培训后受训者将知道什么 受训者将在工作中做什么 通过培训要获得什么最终结果

培训者 渠道 优点 缺点 外部 专业,就有丰富的培训经验 没有束缚,带来新观点理念 员工比较容易接受 费用高 对企业不了解 责任心可能不强 内部 培训有针对性 责任心强 费用低 交流方便 缺乏培训经验 思路可能没创新 员工接受程度低

培训的方法 Apprenticeship training 学徒培训 Job instruction training (JIT)工作指导培训 Lecture 讲座 Audiovisual-based training视听手段 Case method案例 Simulated training 模拟培训 Training via the Internet基于互联网的培训 Role playing角色扮演 Behavior modeling 行为模式

Apprenticeship training 学徒培训 A structured process by which people become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training.是一种结构化的培训过程,人们通过课堂教学与在职培训而成长为技能娴熟的人。

Job instruction training工作指导培训 Job instruction training (JIT)工作指导培训 Listing each job’s basic tasks, along with key points, in order to provide step-by-step training for employees 受训者以一对一的方式向经验丰富的组织成员进行学习的方法

Job rotation工作轮换 Job rotation工作轮换 Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points. 让接受培训的人员在不同部门间流动,以开阔他们对企业各方面工作的了解并测试他们的能力

Lecture 讲座 Most appropriate for situations where simple acquisition of knowledge is the goal 最适于以简单获得知识为目的的情况 Must be meaningful 必须有意义 Must promote questions and discussions 必须提出问题并讨论

Lecture: Disadvantages 讲座:缺点 One-way communication 单向沟通 Less opportunity to clarify 阐明的机会少

Case study method案例法 Case study method案例法 Managers are presented with a description of an organizational problem to diagnose and solve. 为受训者提供有关组织问题的书面描述,然后,让受训者去分析这个案例,诊断问题所在,并且与其他受训者一起讨论,介绍自己的研究结果和解决方案

Role Playing 角色扮演 Presents some problem involving human interaction 展示涉及人际方面的干扰 Issues addressed during feedback 在反馈中提出的问题 What was correct? 正确的是什么? What was incorrect? 错误的是什么? How did it make others feel? 让别人的感觉如何 How could it have been handled better? 如何看起来更好?

Role Playing 角色扮演 Uses: human relations skills; sales techniques 使用:人际关系技巧;销售技术 Opportunity to practice 练习机会 Disadvantages: 缺点 Little guidance 指导少 Embarrassment; loss of self-confidence 窘迫,失去自信 Lack of opportunity to do correctly 缺少纠正的机会

Simulated training 模拟培训 Simulated training is a method in which trainees learn on the actual or simulated equipment they will use on the job, but are actually trained off the job. 以脱岗方式让受训者用其在实际工作中将要使用的设备或模拟设备进行学习的一种培训方法。

Behavior modeling 行为模拟 Modeling: showing trainees the right (or “model”) way of doing something. Role playing: having trainees practice that way Social reinforcement: giving feedback on the trainees’ performance. Transfer of learning: Encouraging trainees apply their skills on the job.

Training via the Internet 基于互联网的培训 Advantages 优势 Interactivity 互助性 Self-paced 自我调配 Consequences of mistakes less costly 错误的后果花费少 Disadvantages 劣势 Expensive 昂贵 “Computer phobia” “计算机恐慌症”

Transfer of Training 培训的转换 From Classroom 从教室 To Job 到工作

Why Transfer of Training Fails 为什么培训转换失败了 Don’t learn material 不学习材料 Don’t understand “real life” applications 不懂“真实生活”的应用 Lack of confidence 缺少信心 Forgetting the material 忘记材料 Temptations to regress 引诱复发

培训成果转化的三种理论 同因素理论 推广理论 认知转化理论

Evaluating the Training Effort 培训效果评价 Training effects to measure 要评价的培训效果 Reaction of trainees to the program 评价受训者对培训计划的反应如何 Learning that actually took place 评价受训者是否学到了预期应当了解的知识 Behavior that changed on the job 评价受训者的工作行为是否由于培训而发生了变化 Results that were achieved as a result of the training 评价培训是否达到了预期的目标

Evaluation Design 评估设计 Trainee Group 学员组 Pretest 前测试 Post-test 后测试 Control 控制组