榮耀是主聖名 Glorious Is Thy Name (HOL59 1a/3)


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Presentation transcript:

榮耀是主聖名 Glorious Is Thy Name (HOL59 1a/3) 1. 親愛救主,我敬拜祢,傳揚祢慈愛恩情; 祢有大能,祢是聖潔,榮耀是祢無比名 Blessed Saviour, we adore Thee, We Thy love and grace proclaim; Thou art mighty, Thou art holy, Glorious is Thy matchless name!

榮耀是主聖名 Glorious Is Thy Name (HOL59 1b/3) 副歌:榮耀,榮耀,榮耀是救主聖名!    榮耀,榮耀,榮耀是救主聖名! Glorious, Glorious, Glorious is Thy name, O Lord!

榮耀是主聖名 Glorious Is Thy Name (HOL59 2a/3) 2. 偉大救主,我主我神,惟祢是永晝之光; 願普天下萬國聖徒,永遠向祢獻頌揚。 Great Redeemer, Lord and Master, Light of all eternal days; Let the saints of every nation Sing Thy just and endless praise!

榮耀是主聖名 Glorious Is Thy Name (HOL59 2b/3) 副歌:榮耀,榮耀,榮耀是救主聖名!    榮耀,榮耀,榮耀是救主聖名! Glorious, Glorious, Glorious is Thy name, O Lord!

榮耀是主聖名 Glorious Is Thy Name (HOL59 3a/3) 3. 祢從天上榮耀寶座,到罪惡羞辱十架; 為要拯救世人靈魂,甘願受死付贖價。 From the throne of heaven’s glory To the cross of sin and shame, Thou didst come to die a ransom, Guilty sinners to reclaim.

榮耀是主聖名 Glorious Is Thy Name (HOL59 3b/3) 副歌:榮耀,榮耀,榮耀是救主聖名!    榮耀,榮耀,榮耀是救主聖名! Glorious, Glorious, Glorious is Thy name, O Lord!