HK$23,000 in 4 Commission weeks


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Presentation transcript:

HK$23,000 in 4 Commission weeks TLS™蛻變健康精彩人生 TLS™ Continues to Change Life May Lun 資深主管經理級經銷商 Senior Master Coordinator 四個佣金週期共賺取HK$23,000 HK$23,000 in 4 Commission weeks 本簡報中提到的收入等級純屬舉例說明,無意代表美安香港經銷商的一般收入,也無意表示任何經銷商皆可賺取同等收入。美安香港經銷商的成功與否,取決於其在發展事業時的努力、才能與投入程度。The income levels mentioned in the following presentation are for illustration purposes only. They are not intended to represent the income of a typical Market Hong Kong Distributor, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. The success of any Market Hong Kong Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent, and dedication which he or she devotes to building his or her Market Hong Kong Business.

HK$11,500 in 4 Commission weeks TLS™蛻變健康精彩人生 TLS™ Continues to Change Life Rayon Lam 經理級經銷商 Executive Coordinator 四個佣金週期共賺取HK$11,500 HK$11,500 in 4 Commission weeks 本簡報中提到的收入等級純屬舉例說明,無意代表美安香港經銷商的一般收入,也無意表示任何經銷商皆可賺取同等收入。美安香港經銷商的成功與否,取決於其在發展事業時的努力、才能與投入程度。The income levels mentioned in the following presentation are for illustration purposes only. They are not intended to represent the income of a typical Market Hong Kong Distributor, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. The success of any Market Hong Kong Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent, and dedication which he or she devotes to building his or her Market Hong Kong Business.

肥胖及超重 Obesity and Overweight 重要資訊: 自1980年起,全球肥胖人數增加超過一倍 2008年,超過14億成年人超重,其中超過2億男性屬肥胖,接近3億女性屬肥胖 肥胖是可以避免的 Key facts: Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980 In 2008, more than 1.4 billion adults were overweight; of these over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese Obesity is preventable

最新本地有關肥胖新聞 Updated Local News on Obesity

超重和肥胖的定義是甚麼? What are Overweight & Obesity? 可能損害健康的不正常或過多脂肪積聚 體重指數(BMI)是反映體重健康的指數,常用於界定成年人是否超重或肥胖 BMI = 體重(公斤) / 高度 (米2 ) 根據香港標準: 超重 = BMI 23.0 – 24.9 肥胖 = BMI 25+ Defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health Body mass index (BMI) is a simple index of weight for health that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults BMI = weight (kg) / height (m2) Hong Kong definition is: Overweight = BMI 23.0 – 24.9 Obesity = BMI 25+

脂肪比例 Fat Percentage 男性:14 – 20% (30歲以下正常比率) 17 – 23% (30歲以上正常比率) >25% (肥胖) 女性:17 – 24% (30歲以下正常比率) 20 – 27% (30歲以上正常比率) >30% (肥胖) Male:14 – 20% (Below 30 years old) 17 – 23% (Above 30 years old) >25% (Obesity) Female:17 – 24% (Below 30 years old) 20 – 27% (Above 30 years old) >30% (Obesity)

腰臀比例 Waist and Hip Ratio 計算方法(厘米): 腰 / 臀 男性:<0.85(梨型身形) 0.85 – 0.9(標準) >0.9(蘋果型身形) 女性:<0.75(梨型身形) 0.75 – 0.8(標準) >0.8(蘋果型身形) Calculation Method (cm): Waist / Hip Male:<0.85 (Pear-Shaped) 0.85 – 0.9 (Standard) >0.9 (Apple-Shaped) Female:<0.75 (Pear-Shaped) 0.75 – 0.8 (Standard) >0.8 (Apple-Shaped)

甚麼是TLS™健康生活纖營計劃? What is TLS™ Weight Loss Solution? 全面、可根據個人需要設計的減重計劃,可配合你的: 個性 決心程度 目標 教你輕鬆維持減重成果 Comprehensive customizable weight loss program that is designed to fit your: Personality Commitment level Goals Guaranteeing you a lifetime of weight loss success

甚麼是TLS™健康生活纖營計劃? What is TLS™ Weight Loss Solution? 低升糖飲食 有助減重及體重管理 維持瘦肌肉量 心血管健康 Low Glycemic Impact Eating Superior for weight loss and weight management Maintaining lean muscle mass Cardiovascular health

甚麼是TLS™健康生活纖營計劃? What is TLS™ Weight Loss Solution? 身體構成 修復及提升新陳代謝 運動 Body Composition Repair and increase metabolism Exercise

甚麼是TLS™健康生活纖營計劃? What is TLS™ Weight Loss Solution? 加速減重產品/補充品 支援健康新陳代謝 支援健康 Weight Loss Accelerators / Supplements Support healthy metabolism Support health

TLS™ 健康指南及TLS™ DVD 系列 Health Guide and Complete DVD Series 6天建議餐單 DVD系列教導你如何將 TLS™融入你每天的生活。如你對此計劃有疑問,你可從這些 DVD中找到答案 TLS™ Health Guide Comprehensive guide on how to follow TLS™ Weight Loss Solution Covers the weight loss struggle and how TLS™ is the weight loss solution Six days of sample meal plans DVD series demonstrate how you can incorporate TLS™ into your daily life. When you come across any questions, you can find the answers in these DVDs.

加速減重產品 Accelerators 食量很大? TLS™ CORE 高效修身配方控醣‧控脂二合一有助抑制身體吸收碳水化合物 新陳代謝緩慢? TLS™ 消脂配方提升能量及支援代謝以外的功能 健康小食? TLS™ 高纖蛋白營養飲品含豐富纖維、蛋白質和鈣質 Big Appetite? TLS™ CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor helps inhibit carbohydrate absorption Slow Metabolism? TLS™ Thermochrome increases energy & supports non-metabolic functions Snack Alternative? TLS™ Nutrition Shakes are great source of fiber, protein and calcium

TLS™ CORE 高效修身配方控醣‧控脂二合一 CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor 主要好處: 促進體量指數(BMI)下降 有助促進減重 抑制澱粉酵素,減慢碳水化合物吸收至血液 有助抑制身體吸收碳水化合物 有助增加飽足感 Primary Benefit: Promotes reduction in body mass index (BMI) Helps promote weight loss Inhibits the amylase enzyme and slows the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream Helps inhibit carbohydrate absorption in the body Helps promote the feeling of fullness Code: HK6462 DC:$350.00 SR:$475.00 BV:31

TLS™ CORE 高效修身配方控醣‧控脂二合一 CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor LeptiCore® : 臨床證實有助減低體重、脂肪、腰圍及臀圍 採用植物多醣及酯化脂肪酸天然複合物,顯示可促進減重 GreenSelect® Phytosome®無咖啡因綠茶葉萃取物: 混合標準無咖啡因綠茶葉萃取物及大豆磷脂 研究顯示,標準綠茶葉萃取物促進脂肪氧化過程 LeptiCore®: Clinically proven to help reduce body weight, stored body fat and waist and hip size Contains natural complex of plant-based polysaccharides and esterified fatty acids, which have demonstrated the ability to enhance weight loss GreenSelect® Phytosome® Green Tea Decaffeinated Extract: Combination of standardized decaffeinated green tea extract and soy phospholipids Scientific research has demonstrated that standardized green tea extracts promote fat oxidation Code: HK6462 DC:$350.00 SR:$475.00 BV:31

消脂配方 TLS™ Thermochrome™ 主要好處: 有助提升能量 有助紓緩偶爾疲勞 促進生熱作用及脂肪分解作用 促進減重 Primary Benefit: Helps increase energy Helps to alleviate occasional fatigue Promotes thermogenesis and lipolysis Promotes weight loss Code: HK6405 DC:$277.00 SR:$388.00 BV:28

TLS™高纖蛋白營養飲品 Nutrition Shakes 提供營養豐富和飽肚的小食選擇,讓你無需選擇快餐 需較長時間消化和吸收,增加飽足感 Designed to provide an effective alternative to fast food, providing better nutrition and satiety Digests and absorbs slowly for satiety DC:$178.00 SR:$242.00 BV:5

TLS™ 纖營修身套裝 TLS™ Weight Loss Solution Kit CORE 高效修身配方 消脂配方 高纖蛋白營養飲品-雲呢拿味 高纖蛋白營養飲品-朱古力味 DVD 系列 健康指南 日誌 (1 本) 成功分享個案DVD 28% Off! 慳$440 Save $440 CORE Fat & Carb Inhibitor Thermochrome Nutrition Shake-Creamy Vanilla Nutrition Shakes-Chocolate Delight Complete DVD Series Health Guide Journal (1 Booklet) Testimonial DVD DC: $825.00 SR: $1,150.00 BV: 40

Complete Cleansing and Detoxification Kit 產品代號 Product Code : HK13144 (配Ultimate Aloe™士多啤梨奇異果味 Strawberry Kiwi Flavor) HK13145 (配Ultimate Aloe™野莓蘋果味 Cranberry Apple Flavor) HK13146 (配Ultimate Aloe™原味 Natural Flavor) 23% Off 慳$263 Save $263 DC: $600.00 SR: $830.00 BV: 45

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獎金及獎品總值 超過HK$24,000!!!!! Awarding HK$24,000+ CASH & PRIZES!!!!!

2013 TLS™ 健康生活纖形比賽 2013 TLS™ FIND YOUR FIT CHALLENGE 比賽日期 2013年6月14日星期五 至2013年9月5日星期六 獎金及獎品總值 超過HK$24,000!!!!! Challenge Dates Friday June 14, 2013 – Saturday September 5, 2013 Awarding $24,000+ CASH & PRIZES!!!!!

Kitty Chak 優勝者 WINNERS 20磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 後 After 前 Before Total Weight Loss 20磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 7.1% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 7.5吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Pte Chan 優勝者 WINNERS 17.8磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 前 Before 後 After Total Weight Loss 17.8磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 6.5% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 5.9吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Yun Lung Chim 優勝者 WINNERS 26.6磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 前 Before 後 After Total Weight Loss 26.6磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 4.0% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 6.3吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

GiGi Guan 優勝者 WINNERS 18.9磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 前 Before 後 After Total Weight Loss 18.9磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 4.9% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 4.5吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Jenny Ngo 優勝者 WINNERS 17.8磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 前 Before 後 After Total Weight Loss 17.8磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 5.4% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 3.1吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Kwok Man Shum 優勝者 WINNERS 22.0磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 前 Before 後 After Total Weight Loss 22.0磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 3.7% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 5.9吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Suet Nga Yiu 優勝者 WINNERS 22.0磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 前 Before 後 After Total Weight Loss 22.0磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 5.0% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 2.5吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Eva Due 季軍 3rd Place 前 Before 後 After *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Eva Due 季軍 3rd Place 20.5磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 Total Weight Loss Total Fat Loss 7.2% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 5.5吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Denny Cheung 亞軍 2nd Place 前 Before 後 After *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Denny Cheung 亞軍 2nd Place 14.0磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 Total Weight Loss 14.0磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 4.6% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 4.0吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Frankie Choi 冠軍 1nd Place 前 Before 後 After *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

Frankie Choi 冠軍 1nd Place 30.0磅 lbs 總體重減少 總脂肪減少 總腰圍減少 Total Weight Loss 30.0磅 lbs 總脂肪減少 Total Fat Loss 4.8% 總腰圍減少 Total Waist Loss 7.0吋Inches *見證人的效果並非典型的,個別人士的效果或有不同。TLS™補充品為 TLS健康生活纖型計劃的一部份,系統包含健康飲食及運動。 *Results shown in this testimonial may not be typical. Individual results will vary. TLS™ supplements are part of The TLS Weight Loss Solution which includes a healthy diet and exercise.

TLS™ Day 1 & Day 2 訓練 TLS Day 1 & Day 2 Training TLS Day 1訓練: 11月7日(星期四)2:00 – 7:00 p.m. TLS Day 2訓練: 11月8日(星期五)2:00 – 7:00 p.m. TLS Day 1 Training: November 7 (Thursday) 2:00 – 7:00 p.m. TLS Day 2 Training: November 8 (Friday) 2:00 – 7:00 p.m.

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