Manipulating Loyalty:


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Presentation transcript:

Manipulating Loyalty: Chinese Americans and Taiwan ’s canned mushroom export 1960s-1980s Joan S. H. Wang Department of History National Taiwan Normal University

前言 Introduction 韓戰爆發後,中美對峙 Korean War in 1950 美國對共產中國實施禁運政策 American embargo on the importation of China’s goods, under the anti- communist panic 台灣加工食品輸美,尤其是洋菇罐頭 An increase of Taiwan’s canned foods to the U.S., especially canned mushroom

中心議題 Major themes 對台灣國民黨政府: 外貿 VS. 僑務 For Taiwan’s KMT government: foreign trades VS. overseas Chinese loyalty 對美國華商: 在地利益 VS. 祖國認同 For Chinese American merchants: local interests VS. Chinese identity

台灣洋菇罐頭銷美之數量變動 The development of Taiwan’s canned mushroom to the U. S. 台灣菇罐生產圖片 Profiles of canned mushroom production 《紐約時報》 New York Times Where mushrooms are mushrooming 《洛杉磯時報》 Los Angeles Times Taiwan is famous for exporting mushrooms 美國菇農恐懼進口洋菇 Fears plagued American mushroom farmers

Export of Taiwan’s canned mushroom to various countries (in %) (US, W Export of Taiwan’s canned mushroom to various countries (in %) (US, W. Germany, Canada, Holland, others)





洗選洋菇。資料來源︰ (右圖)《農復會30年紀實》,頁84。 (左圖)《豐年》,第22卷20期,民國61年10月,頁38。



銷美菇罐變動原因之分析 Analysis of the development of Taiwan’s canned mushroom 二戰後,美國經濟繁榮、生活富裕 after WWII, American economy prospered 外食人口增加 the tendency of eating-out life style 嘗新心態 a demand for novelty

Taiwan’s quota system of canned mushroom distribution and its impact (由重商貿到重僑務) Emphasis from international trade to overseas Chinese affairs 1.美國菇罐廠商 American Mushroom Packers 2.美國進口商 American Importers 3.日本進口商 Japanese Firms 4.華人進口商 Oversea Chinese Firms ( in LA and NYC) 5.公共配額僑商 More overseas Chinese Firms (in SF, Chicago, etc.) 6.專案核配僑商 (對匪工作與獎勵)Special Firms in SF, NYC since the 1970s as rewards for fight against Chinese communists 此制之連動和變化 Influence of the quota system 1. Dilemma of linking with motherland since the 1970s 2. Rewards or punishment

1964-65 NAME OF AGENTS QUANTITY 7 American Mushroom Packers: (1)Green Giant 35,000 c/s (2)Brandywine 30,000 c/s (3)Getz Bros 20,000 c/s (4)Oxford Royal 15,000 c/s (5)Fred 15,000 c/s (6)Kennett 15,000 c/s (7)Keystone 15,000 c/s Sub-total:145,000 c/s 2 American Importers: (1)Balfour & Guthrie 60,000 c/s (2)Biddle 50,000 c/s Sub-total:110,000 c/s

1964-65 8 Japanese Firms: (1)Mitsubishu(三菱) 46,000 c/s (2)Mitsui(三井) 32,000 c/s (3)Mozaki(野崎) 21,000 c/s (4)Tosnoku 11,000 c/s (5)Kanematsu(兼松) 11,000 c/s (6)Itohakue(伊藤忠) 11,000 c/s (7)Marubemi-Ikda(丸紅飯田) 9,000 c/s (8)Toyomenka(東棉) 9,000 c/s Sub-total:150,000 c/s 3 Oversea Chinese Firms: (1)Samwars(洛杉磯生活公司) 32,500 c/s (2)Yee Sing Chong(洛杉磯裕成昌公司) 32,500 c/s (3)Summit(紐約森美公司) 30,000 c/s Sub-total:95,000 c/s GRAND TOTAL: 500,000c/s