Graduate Student Welcome Party & Orientation 2014 Date: 2014/09/25 Time: 12:30~13:30 Room: LA206
Agenda Time Activity 12:30- 13:00 Greetings from the chair Self-introduction Teachers & Students Yun-Pi Full-time teachers MA students 13:00- 13:10 E-office Demo and School’s Regulations Sophie 13:10- 13:15 Q&A; Photo Taking All 13:15- 13:30 MA regulations (two groups) Literature: Cecilia Multimedia: Lydia 13:30~ MA advisor’s Time 1st year-Lit.: Cecilia 1st year-Multi: Lydia 2nd year-Lit.: Doris Chang 1st year-Multi: Yun-Pi
Greetings from the chair Self-introduction Teachers & Students 12:30~13:00
MA advising list Faculty’s specialty English version: Chinese version: Current advising list:
E-office Demo & School’s Regulations 13:00-13:10 thesis advising checklist and thesis advising calendar PKS questionnaire 選班代
School’s Regulations 研究生專區 輔仁大學學則 第34條 與 第63條 修業年限( Maximum Years of Course Taking): 4 years (8 semesters) 休學年限(Maximum Years for Suspension ): 2 years (4 semesters)
本所設備 (Study Room) 本所研究生讀書室(LC106) 收藏碩士班歷屆畢 生論文、《研究生報告選刊》、《研究生畢業論 文選刊》,提供研究生參考。另每年購置英美文 學、文化、語言相關書籍一百五十餘本,相關視 聽資料百餘卷,並訂閱期刊五十餘種,分別放置 於圖書館與視聽中心,提供全校師生借閱使用。 亦有多媒體教學研究室(LC201)提供研究生製作多媒 體教材使用。
E-office 網址 個人資料 (Basic Information ) 研究生課程初選 (course pre-registration ) 師生互動區 (S-T area) 論文筆記區 (research area) 學習公事包 (e-portfolio): upload thesis advising checklist and calendar thesis advising checklist and thesis advising calendar to 學習公事包
Q &A & Photo-Taking 13:10-13:15
MA Regulations & Events (two groups) 13:15-13:30
MA Regulations and Events (Cecilia and Lydia) Literature track manual Multimedia track manual minor and major exams thesis proposal defense/presentation joint conference (April or June) college’s grad. seminar (June)
MA Advisor’s time 1:30~