Respiratory System Assessment 呼吸系统评估 Respiratory System Assessment
课堂目标 Learning objectives 说出胸部重要的体表标志 To state thoracic surface marker 1 描述呼吸系统检查的内容检查 To describe the content of Respiratory System 2 正确进行胸壁、胸廓检查 To carry out the examination of chest wall and thoraces correctly 3 4 描述并正确进行肺部检查 To describe and carry out the examination of lungs correctly
检查内容? Assess what? 胸壁chest wall 胸廓thoraces 胸膜pleura 肺脏lungs
胸部体表标志thoracic surface marker 骨性标志 胸骨上切迹suprasternal notch 胸骨柄manubrium of sternum 胸骨角sternal angle 剑突xiphoid process 肋间隙intercostal sprace 脊柱棘突spinous precess 脊肋角costalspinal angle
胸部体表标志 (一)线性标志lineation of chest surface;thoracic linemarker 前正中线anterior midline 锁骨中线midclaviucular line 腋前线anterior axillary line 腋中线midaxillary axillary line 腋后线posterior line 肩胛线scapular line 后正中线posterior midline
胸部体表标志 窝\区fossa /region 腋窝axillary fossa 胸骨上窝suprasternal fossa 锁骨上窝supraclavicular fossa 锁骨下窝Infraclavicular fossa 肩胛上区supraclavicular region 肩胛下区infrascapular region 肩胛间区interscapular region
(一)胸壁检查the examination of chest wall 静脉veins 皮下气肿supcutaneous emphysema 胸壁压痛tenderness 肋间隙intercostal sprace
(二)胸廓检查 the examination of thoraces 正常胸廓normal shape of thoraces 椭圆,对称,前后径:左右径为1:1.5 胸廓外形改变the change of shape 扁平胸 flat chest 桶状胸barrel chest 佝偻病胸rachitic chest 脊柱畸形rachiterata
肺和胸膜检查 the examination of lungs and pleura 视inspection 呼吸运动respiratory movement 胸式呼吸thoracic breathing 腹式呼吸 异常呼吸型态 呼吸频率 呼吸节律:潮式呼吸 间停呼吸 抑制性呼吸 叹气样呼吸
肺和胸膜检查 触palpation 胸廓扩张度thoracic expansion 触觉语颤 胸膜摩擦感pleural friction fremitus
肺和胸膜检查 叩诊percussion A method of medical diagnosis in which various areas of the chest are tapped to determine by resonance the condition of lungs. 叩诊音 清音resonance 过清音heperresonance 浊音dullness 实音flatness 鼓音tympany
叩诊(续)percussion-cont 方法method 间接叩诊mediate percussion 直接叩诊immediate percussion 内容content 肺尖fossae 肺下界inferior boundary of lung 肺下界移动度Measure diaphragmatic excursion
肺和胸膜检查 听auscultation 正常呼吸音normal breath sound 肺泡呼吸音 vesicular breath sound 支气管呼吸音bronchial breath sound 支气管肺泡呼吸音bronchovesicular breath sound 异常呼吸音abnormalbreath sound 罗音rale 湿罗音moist rale 、干罗音rhonchus 胸膜摩擦音pleural friction rub