A Century of Growth and Expansion


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Presentation transcript:

A Century of Growth and Expansion 百年的成長與擴張 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL A Century of Growth and Expansion

扶輪始於 Rotary began 扶輪開始於美國中西部的伊利諾州芝加哥市 不久就往美國東西岸散佈 並快速跨過國界與海洋 in the Midwestern city of Chicago, Illinois, USA, but it soon spread to both coasts and quickly crossed borders and oceans.

1911年至1913年 In 1911 through 1913, 於加拿大、大不列顛及愛爾蘭成立扶輪社 clubs were formed in Canada, Great Britain, and Ireland.

扶輪擴張 Rotary expanded 扶輪疆域與社員。 至1920年扶輪於12個國家 共有45,000位社員 in numbers as well as territory. By 1920, Rotary had 45,000 members and clubs in 12 countries.

扶輪橫跨歐亞 不同語言社員的增加 扶輪普及化的成長 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL And the number of languages spoken by Rotarians increased as well, reflecting Rotary’s growing popularity across Europe and Asia.

古巴扶輪社成立於1916年 The Rotary Club of Cuba (1916) 古巴扶輪社是第一個西班牙語系扶輪社 接著扶輪得於中南美發揚光大 The Rotary Club of Cuba (1916) was the first Spanish-speaking club, and the number of Spanish-speaking Rotarians rose steadily as Rotary gained a presence in South America.

One man in particular helped spread the Rotary story around the world. 有一位社員特別致力於 扶輪故事擴展至全世界 One man in particular helped spread the Rotary story around the world. ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

1928~1931年間 扶輪的馬哥孛羅 Rotary Marco Polo 〝偉大的吉姆〞於歐亞旅行了十五萬英哩,於希臘、埃及、新加坡、香港以其他國家創建了扶輪社。至任務結束時,射員數攀伸至十五萬人。 “Big Jim” Davidson Between 1928 and 1931, “Big Jim” Davidson traveled 150,000 miles in Europe and Asia, establishing clubs in Greece, Egypt, Singapore, Hong Kong, and other countries. By the time he finished, membership figures topped 150,000.

經濟蕭條 The economic depression 三十年代早期扶輪第一次體驗到社員的下降 in the early 1930s caused Rotary to experience its first dip in membership.

但社員人數於1935年開始攀升, 於十年結束時幾乎有21萬位社員 But the numbers began to rise again in 1935, and by the end of the decade, there were almost 210,000 Rotarians.

第二次社員的下降 二次世界大戰期間 有些國家禁止扶輪活動並解散扶輪社 A second membership decline occurred during the Second World War when Rotary was banned in several countries and clubs were disbanded.

扶輪的理想不但戰後存留下來, 並於人們追尋世界瞭解的同時,更加茁壯。 並且更多的國家重新成為會員社。 But the Rotary ideals survived and thrived in the postwar era when people were searching for ways to build international understanding, and many countries were readmitted to membership.

從50年代至70年代 From the 1950s through the 1970s, 扶輪遍佈了非洲、中東及加勒比海區域。 Rotary spread throughout Africa, the Middle East, and the Caribbean region.

表揚第一百萬位社員 於1986年 法國的Jean-Paul Moroval In 1986, Jean-Paul Moroval of France was recognized as the millionth member. Jean-Paul Moroval and his wife Danielle

世界性的活動讓扶輪能至多年來不歡迎它的地方。 Then world events took Rotary to a part of the world where it had not been welcome for many years.

隨著前蘇聯的崩潰,扶輪社又重建於匈亞利、波蘭及捷克。 Following the breakup of the Soviet Union, clubs were re-established in Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic.

斯洛伐克、烏克蘭、蘇聯、克羅埃西亞及其他國家都成立了第一個扶輪社,同樣地扶輪運動遍及世界的此一部分。 The first Rotary clubs were formed in Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Croatia, and many other countries, as the Rotary movement took hold throughout this part of the world.

九十年代當中,當其他服務社團在經歷衰退的同時,由於擴展遍及中歐與東歐讓扶輪維持相當程度的成長。 Extension throughout Central and Eastern Europe during the 1990s helped Rotary maintain a relatively stable membership at a time when other service clubs were experiencing declines.

今日,於166個國家達120萬社員 包括阿拉伯聯合大公國、阿富汗、提摩里斯特等新的扶輪國家 Today, membership tops 1.2 million with clubs in 166 countries, including the newest Rotary countries of the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, and Timor-Leste.

Where will Rotary go next? 下一步 扶輪將走向哪兒? Where will Rotary go next? ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

無論於何處 Wherever 扶輪社都能無拘束地 擔任一種國際非政治組織的實體 clubs can function freely as nonpolitical entities of an international organization,

人道服務並建立彼此瞭解的橋樑。 扶輪將會發現新的服務機會以擴大對 Rotary will find new opportunities to expand its humanitarian service and build bridges of understanding.