教會發展與事工計劃 2017 Church Directives & Ministries Plan


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Presentation transcript:

教會發展與事工計劃 2017 Church Directives & Ministries Plan

行主道作榮美見証 盼主臨得光明基業 全年主題 Be a godly witness by obeying His Word; Theme of the Year Be a godly witness by obeying His Word; Receive glorious inheritance by hoping His coming

一月至六月份:行主道作榮美見証 我差你到他們那裏去,要叫他們的眼睛得 開,從黑暗中歸向光明,從撒但權下歸向 神,又因信我,得蒙赦罪,和一切成聖的 人同得基業。徒26:18 Jan to Jun - Be a godly witness by obeying His Word I am sending you to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. Acts 26:18

七月至十二月份:盼主臨得光明基業 願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父神,祂曾照 自己的大憐憫,藉耶穌基督從死裏復活,重 生了我們,叫我們有活潑的盼望,可以得著 不能朽壞,不能玷污,不能衰殘,為你們存 留在天上的基業。彼前1:3-4 Jul to Dec – Receive glorious inheritance by hoping His coming Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you. 1 Peter 1:3-4

教會整體推展事工 《與神同行》 每日讀經靈修 天使任務〔代禱守望、關顧支持、傳達福音〕 Church Directives Walk with God Bible Reading and Meditation Angel Mission – Watch and Intercession, Mutual Support, Bringing Good News

教會整體推展事工 禱告守望〔三月週六晨更禱告月〕 宣教祈禱會〔每月第一週四晚〕 培靈聚會〔四月、十月、十一月〕 Church Directives Watch and Prayer – every Saturday morning in March Pray for Mission – first Thursday night of each month Devotional conference – April, October, November

中文堂推展事工 主日學課程〔單身姊妹的挑戰〕 相交活動〔夫妻恩約、弟兄天地、姊妹天空〕 Chinese congregation ministries Sunday School Education – challenge of singleness Fellowship Event – couple covenant, activities of brotherhood and sisterhood

國語事工:獨立分堂方向 有效的帶領和聯絡〔執事的承擔〕 强化領袖培育〔支持神學生、教會路線真理〕 發揮關顧功能〔主日關顧、慕道班及真理班〕 Mandarin Ministry – church planting direction Effective leadership & coordination – faithful deaconship Strengthen leadership training – seminary students & church direction Gospel outreach – Sunday school classes and caring team

英語事工的發展 關顧和訓練:鼓勵成長 鼓勵肢體每日與主同行 哥倫比亞及巴拿馬短宣 English Ministry Continue to mentor and encourage church members in their daily walk and witness through pastoral visits and training Organize and train two missions opportunities (Colombia in June/July and Panama in August) Provide training in goal setting and time management from a biblical point of view Encourage growth and fellowship in the Saturday morning fellowships

差傳事工的發展 推動教會及團契福音事工 深化差傳使命:舉辦差傳年會、差傳課程 支援宣教士及中宣〔Salvador福音發展〕 推動商場佈道、福音探訪及公園佈道 Directives of the Mission Department Promote church and fellowship gospel works Deepen the sense of mission – conference & education Support missionaries and gospel outreach in Salvador Gospel outreach in mall, parks and home visitation

2017 教會聚會 Church key events 1/1 交職主日 Dedication Sunday 2/4 新春福音餃子宴 Gospel Dumpling Feast 3月 兒童春假活動 Children Spring break program 3月 巴西短宣 Brazil STM 3月 禱告月 March Praying Month 4/21 國語佈道會 Mandarin Gospel meeting 5/12-14 差傳年會 5/20-21 Mission Conference English 6/4 浸禮 Baptism service

2017 教會聚會 Church key events 7/8 平安午市 PEC Noon Market 8/2-7 夏令會 Summer Conference 9/10 英語福音主日 English Gospel Sunday 10/27 國語佈道 Mandarin Gospel meeting 11/26 粵語佈道會 Cantonese Gospel meeting 12/31 年終感恩 Year End thanksgiving

禱告事項 Praying For 自省認罪 求天父賜下禱告和復興的靈 新年立志與承擔 落實對神和對人的愛心 Self-examination & sin confession Ask the Heavenly Father for the spirit of revival and prayer New Year resolutions and commitment Practice love for God and for men

禱告事項 Praying For 為加拿大三級政府各官員的施政 面對核心價值的衝突 面對世俗文化的挑戰 信仰表面化與形式化的危險 Canadian 3 levels of government and policies making Clash of the core values Challenges from secular culture Danger of shallow faith and formalism

為教牧、長執、各事奉肢體,願他們有愛心、 信心、忍耐、能力和恩賜建立教會 禱告事項 Praying For 為各事工:粤語、國語、英語、差傳和兒童 為教牧、長執、各事奉肢體,願他們有愛心、 信心、忍耐、能力和恩賜建立教會 Ministries: Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Mission & Children Pray for pastors, elders, deacons and all serving members, may God give them love, faith, patience, power and spiritual gifts to build up church