A Letter of Greetings 全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 欧美同学会 · 中国留学人员联谊会会长


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Presentation transcript:

A Letter of Greetings 全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 欧美同学会 · 中国留学人员联谊会会长 From: Professor Han Qide Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee, National People’s Congress President of the Western Returned Scholars Association & the Chinese Overseas-Educated Scholars Association To: Scholars & Students Studying Abroad 全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长 欧美同学会 · 中国留学人员联谊会会长 韩启德致海外留学人员的慰问信

当前,祖国经济发展、社会安定、人民安居乐业,各项社会事业全面发展,我国社会生产力和综合国力实现了历史性跨越,国际影响日益提  Dear Overseas Scholars and Students,  Hello, everyone! Warmest greetings for the New Year and for the Chinese Spring Festival. On behalf of the WRSA /COSA and in my own name, I send best wishes to you and your family as you are studying or working abroad far away from our motherland and your own hometown. On these festive occasions, we think more than ever of our dear ones. Right now you will be thinking of China and your family and your dear relatives and close friends who are all looking forward to New Year reunions. And here, in our motherland, we are all thinking of you and concerned about you so far away. China‘s economy is growing by leaps and bounds; society is stable and in good order, and the Chinese people are living and working 尊敬的各位学长:  你们好!在2005年新春佳节到来之际,我谨代表欧美同学会 · 中国留学人员联谊会并以我个人的名义,向远在异国他乡学习、工作的留学人员及你们的家人,致以节日的问候和美好的祝愿! 每逢佳节倍思亲。在这合家团圆、辞旧迎新的日子里,你们一定更加思念祖国和亲人,祖国和亲人也始终在挂念着你们,挂念着远离家乡、刻苦求学、心系祖国的海外学子。 当前,祖国经济发展、社会安定、人民安居乐业,各项社会事业全面发展,我国社会生产力和综合国力实现了历史性跨越,国际影响日益提

in peace and contentment in peace and contentment. All social public affairs have improved in all-round way; our great motherland is carrying out her historic mission and playing a more and more important role in international affairs with an increasing effect on the world.  All the nationalities of China are living in harmony with stronger coherence than ever owing to good state policies and popular support. Nowadays, as China grows more prosperous, it is necessary for the young generation both at home and abroad to create a well-off society in all round way so as to carry out our great goal of China’s  renaissance, and this will provide an historic opportunity and a vast stage for all scholars and students studying abroad to develop their talents. It is more than 130 years since Chinese students were sent abroad to study. Throughout this long period, all overseas-educated compatriots upheld the patriotic banner and went all out to serve the cause of the people’s liberation and national renaissance, in order to make 高,民族凝聚力极大增强。祖国正处 于政通人和、欣欣向荣的发展时期。全面建设小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟目标,有赖于海内外中华儿女的共同努力,同时,也为包括广大留学人员在内的中华儿女施展才华提供了历史机遇和广阔舞台。 我国留学人员赴海外学习已有130多年的历史。在这段漫长的岁月中,一批又一批留学人员高举留学报国的伟大旗帜,为人民的解放、民族的振兴、国家的富强努力拼搏。从孙中山组建以留日学生为首的同盟会,到辛亥革命推翻封建帝制;从周恩来、刘少奇、邓小平、朱德等老一辈

无产阶级革命家赴欧洲寻找救国的真理,到新中国的诞生;从李四光、严济慈、华罗庚、钱学森等老一辈科学家学成毅然返国,到新中国科技、教育、国防体系的全面建立,中国革命、建设和改革的每一段历程,都留 下了无数留学人员闪光的足迹。 改革开放以来,我国在世界各国的留学人员已超过70万人,留学人员队伍还将进一步壮大,留学人员工作正处于历史上最好的发展时期。党和政府对留学人员工作高度重视,把留学人员作为祖国人才资源的重要组成部分,坚持“支持留学,鼓励回国,来去自由”和鼓励留学人员回国工作与为国服务并举的方针,并制定 China prosperous and powerful. During the Chinese revolution, the period of China’s construction and the period of reform and opening up to the outside world, our overseas-educated scholars and students left their glorious footprints in various fields-and technology, in education, and in national defense.  Among them, the outstanding scientists Li Siguang, Yan Jici, Hua Luogeng and Qian Xuesen, along with the elite of the older generation made great contributions to New China. If we look back in the past, we remember Sun Yat-sen, educated overseas in Japan, who organized and set up the United League of China (1905-1912), which led the revolution in 1911 to overthrow the feudal imperial system. And among the older-generation revolutionaries, were Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping and Zhu De, who went to Europe, in searching for the truth to save China. Since China’s reform and opening up to the outside world, some 700,000 scholars and students have gone all over the world to study.

欧美同学会有着近百年悠久历史,最近又新增冠了“中国留学人员联谊会”的新会名,作为广大海内外 such an overseas study-oriented army is still expanding and flourishing.  Our Party and State Administration always pay great attention to all of you, who are considered an organic part of state personnel resources in accordance with the policy for all overseas-educated scholars: “Support going abroad for study, encourage return to the homeland and be free to travel back and forth.“  Therefore, in order to continue such a policy, two documents have been issued in science entitled  “Suggestions for Encouraging Higher-level Overseas-educated Members to Return to China” , and “Suggestions for Encouraging Overseas-educated Members to Serve China in different ways.” Both of these documents aim at providing much better environmental and living conditions for those who wish to serve China when they have completed their studies abroad. Our Party and State Government earnestly hope that you will try your best to be a patriot, a hard-working pioneer, a scientific top climber, or and a human-civilization disseminator. We earnestly hope that most of you will carry forward the glorious tradition of dedicating yourselves to serve our motherland, and 了《关于鼓励海外高层次留学人才回国工作的意见》和《关于鼓励海外留学人员以多种形式为国服务的若干意见》,为留学人员回国工作、为国服务创造了良好的环境和条件。党和政府殷切地期望你们努力成为甘于奉献的爱国者、艰苦奋斗的创业者、科学高峰的攀登者和人类文明成果的传播者。希望广大留学人员发扬留学报国的优良传统,把个人的理想抱负与祖国的前途命运紧密结合起来,在实现统一祖国、振兴中华的历史进程中,实现自己的人生价值,谱写报效祖国和人民的壮丽篇章。 欧美同学会有着近百年悠久历史,最近又新增冠了“中国留学人员联谊会”的新会名,作为广大海内外

计民生重大问题建言献策;为了更好地发挥海内外留学人员智力优势,服务于国家经济建设和社 combine your own ideals and ambitions with China’s destiny to write your own glorious epic. We trust that you will render your service to repay our motherland's generosity and realize the value of your life during this historic period of China's renaissance and unity.   It is nearly 100 years since the WRSA was established. Recently, this nongovernmental organization was given a second name  “The Chinese Overseas-Educated Scholars Association”, as this shows it is more general and broader than the “Western Returned Scholars Association”. It should unite overseas-educated scholars and students all over the world, and we should make full use of such an organization’s superiority in organizing and encouraging all overseas-educated members to play an important role in bringing glory to China in building the economy and in furthering its political and spiritual civilization.  The task of the WRSA or COSA is to prompt all overseas-educated members to do pioneering work and serve China. 留学人员的组织,充分发挥自身的特点和优势,更加广泛地团结海内外留学人员,组织和引导海内外留学人员在社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设事业中建功立业,促进留学人员回国创业和为国服务,是我会义不容辞的责任。近年来,我会与广大海外留学人员一起高举留学报国的伟大旗帜,开展了多种形式的为国服务活动。为把广大留学人员的报国热情和祖国现代化建设事业紧密结合起来,我会已成功举办了八届“21世纪中国”系列研讨会,推动留学人员围绕国 计民生重大问题建言献策;为了更好地发挥海内外留学人员智力优势,服务于国家经济建设和社

会发展,我会倡议并采取多种方式推进留学人员报国计划”的实施,把留学人员的聪明才智融入到祖国的现代化建设之中;我会采取“走出去,请进来”双向互动的方式,先后组织了30多个代表团出访美、俄、日、韩、英、法、德、加、澳、瑞等十几个国家,与海外留学人员及近百家海外留学人员社团组织建立了长期联系,努力拓宽他们同祖国的联系渠道。今后,我们还将继续努力,切实加强自身建设,热情关心留学人员的工作、学习和生活,反映留学人员的愿望和要求,维护留学人员的合法权益,把我会建设 成为广大留学人员之家。 伟大的事业蕴涵美好的希望, In recent years, as we uphold the great banner of overseas-educated members dedicating our wide-ranging talents to the service of the motherland, our association has organized many activities to serve China. In order to turn the WRSA or COSA members’ patriotic enthusiasm into action to modernize China, the association held its 8th Symposium entitled China in the 21st Century, which aimed at urging the overseas-educated members to make suggestions and offer advice. In order to bring their intelligence and practical contributions into play and help them serve economic construction, our association has taken many measures and adopted suggestions to help our “Study Abroad to Serve My Country” plan to be carried out. Our association has sent more than 30 delegations to the United States, Russia, Japan,South Korea, the UK, France, Germany, Canada, Australia and Switzerland and, at the same time, set up long-term relationships with over 100 associations or leagues of overseas study-oriented scholars and students so as to increase channels to contact many more

衷心祝愿大家在新的一年里工作顺利、学业有成、身体健康、阖 家幸福! study-oriented personnel abroad. From now on, we will continue to improve our services and make effective efforts to strengthen our organization so as to protect your legal rights and interests, and turn our WRSA or COSA into a true home for all overseas-educated scholars and students. Our cause brings with it a great hope that it will stimulate limitless power. Let us, hand-in-hand, uphold the great banner of “Study Abroad to Serve My Country”, and strive for our glorious goal of China’s renaissance. It is my conviction that a prosperous and stable China must stand up strongly in the East as her economy goes from strength to strength, her legal system is functioning well, her science and technology becoming more advanced, and her culture enriched with our joint efforts.  I earnestly wish that in the coming year all of you work well, study effectively, and keep fit, and 2005 brings happiness to you and your families. 美好的希望激发无穷的动力。让我们携起手来,高举留学报国旗帜,为实现中华民族伟大复兴共同奋d斗。我坚信,通过广大中华儿女的共同努力,一个经济更加发展、法制更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民生活更加殷实的祖国必将屹立于世界 的东方。 衷心祝愿大家在新的一年里工作顺利、学业有成、身体健康、阖 家幸福! 于2005年新年除夕 On the eve of New Year 2005