安 静 Be Still 藏我在 翅膀荫下 遮盖我 在祢大能手中


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Presentation transcript:

安 静 Be Still 藏我在 翅膀荫下 遮盖我 在祢大能手中 English-Chinese-C2x-L  Hide me now, Under Your wings Cover me, Within Your mighty hand 藏我在 翅膀荫下 遮盖我 在祢大能手中

当大海翻腾波涛汹涌 我与祢展翅暴风上空 父祢仍做王在洪水中 我要安静 知祢是神 When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father you are King over the flood I will be still, know You are God 当大海翻腾波涛汹涌  我与祢展翅暴风上空  父祢仍做王在洪水中  我要安静 知祢是神 

Find rest my soul, In Christ alone Know His power, In quietness and trust 我灵安息 在基督里 祢大能 使我安然信靠

当大海翻腾波涛汹涌 我与祢展翅暴风上空 父祢仍做王在洪水中 我要安静 知祢是神 When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father you are King over the flood I will be still, know You are God 当大海翻腾波涛汹涌  我与祢展翅暴风上空  父祢仍做王在洪水中  我要安静 知祢是神 

藏我在 翅膀荫下 遮盖我 在祢大能手中 Hide me now, Under Your wings Cover me, Within Your mighty hand

当大海翻腾波涛汹涌 我与祢展翅暴风上空 父祢仍做王在洪水中 我要安静 知祢是神 当大海翻腾波涛汹涌  我与祢展翅暴风上空  父祢仍做王在洪水中  我要安静 知祢是神  When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father you are King over the flood I will be still, know You are God

我灵安息 在基督里 祢大能 使我安然信靠 Find rest my soul, In Christ alone 我灵安息 在基督里 祢大能 使我安然信靠 Find rest my soul, In Christ alone Know His power, In quietness and trust

当大海翻腾波涛汹涌 我与祢展翅暴风上空 父祢仍做王在洪水中 我要安静 知祢是神 当大海翻腾波涛汹涌  我与祢展翅暴风上空  父祢仍做王在洪水中  我要安静 知祢是神  When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father you are King over the flood I will be still, know You are God

当大海翻腾波涛汹涌 我与祢展翅暴风上空 父祢仍做王在洪水中 我要安静 知是神 当大海翻腾波涛汹涌  我与祢展翅暴风上空  父祢仍做王在洪水中  我要安静 知是神  When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father you are King over the flood I will be still, know You are God

当大海翻腾波涛汹涌 我与祢展翅暴风上空 父祢仍做王在洪水中 我要安静 知祢是神 当大海翻腾波涛汹涌  我与祢展翅暴风上空  父祢仍做王在洪水中  我要安静 知祢是神  When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father you are King over the flood I will be still, know You are God

I will be still, know You are God 我要安静 知祢是神 I will be still, know You are God