是何婴孩 What Child is This.


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Presentation transcript:

是何婴孩 What Child is This

这位奇妙婴孩是谁, 安卧玛丽亚怀中? 夜半降生天使歌颂, 牧人们惊奇欢腾. v1 What Child is this, Who laid to rest, On Mary’s lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping? 这位奇妙婴孩是谁, 安卧玛丽亚怀中? 夜半降生天使歌颂, 牧人们惊奇欢腾.

这是基督我王, 天使颂扬牧人欢唱: 快来欢呼敬拜, 玛丽亚怀中圣婴. This, this is Christ the King, Whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring Him laud, The babe, the son of Mary! 这是基督我王, 天使颂扬牧人欢唱: 快来欢呼敬拜, 玛丽亚怀中圣婴.

为何看来穷苦微贱, 牛马就在祂旁边? 应当敬畏应当敬畏, 圣道赎罪到人间. Why lies He in such mean estate v2 Why lies He in such mean estate Where ox and lamb are feeding? Good Christian, fear for sinners here The silent Word is pleading. 为何看来穷苦微贱, 牛马就在祂旁边? 应当敬畏应当敬畏, 圣道赎罪到人间.

钉痕鞭伤将他重创, 十架重生为你为我; 歌唱赞美道成肉身, 玛丽亚怀中圣婴。 Nails, spear shall pierce Him thru The cross be borne for me, for you; Hail, hail the Word made flesh The babe, the son of Mary! 钉痕鞭伤将他重创, 十架重生为你为我; 歌唱赞美道成肉身, 玛丽亚怀中圣婴。

献上乳香没药黄金, 众人当齐来拜祂; 万王之王带来救恩, 应当倾心接待祂. v3 So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh Come, rich and poor, to own Him: The King of kings salvation brings Let loving hearts enthrone Him. 献上乳香没药黄金, 众人当齐来拜祂; 万王之王带来救恩, 应当倾心接待祂.

高天之上传扬, 童女吟唱摇篮曲; 欢呼救主降生, 玛丽亚怀中圣婴。 Raise, raise the song on high The virgin sings her lullaby Joy, joy for Christ is born The babe, the son on Mary! 高天之上传扬, 童女吟唱摇篮曲; 欢呼救主降生, 玛丽亚怀中圣婴。