Unit 2b communication.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2b communication

Words and expressions 1-5 Ask a…and…是一个惯用语,相当于‘if you ask…,you will…’,实际上这是一个省略了if的条件从句,在If 省略的时候,主句必须由 and 来连接,比如:Practice speaking English more, and you will improve your oral English quickly.多说英语,那么你的英语口语提高就会很快。And he may well reply…这里的well作副词,表示“在很大程度上”,“远远地”,例如: He is well past forty.他已经四十多岁了。又比如:He sat well back in his chair.他在椅子上坐得很靠后

Words and expressions 2-5 意思是“占据统治地位”。形容词形式是:dominant. Peace was the dominant theme of the conference. 和平是大会的首要议题。 Exceed:超过的意思。比如:If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may go bankrupt. 如果你所负的债务超过你的资产,你就会破产。 Over-estimate, over-complicate 注意这两个单词的构词法,英语中的前缀,over-含有“过分”,“过于”的意思,其他例子还有:oversleep睡过头,overheat温度加得过高,overact 行动,举止过分等等。与此相反的前缀是under-,表示,“过低”,“低于”。例如:underestimate 过低估计,underact 表演不充分,underfeed喂食太少。

Words and expressions 3-5 …“把……限制在……”,注意,这里的to 是介词,后面必须跟名词性词组,例如:As the supply of tea is running short, we must limit each person to one cup.由于茶水供应不足,每个人只限一杯。 Worst of all “最糟糕的是……”,例如:Worst of all, he had no hope of shaking her resolution.最糟糕的是,他没有指望能动摇她的决心。 Insist on “.坚持”,注意,insist的用法,insist on/upon sth./doing sth.,例如:I insist on his coming with us. 我坚持他和我们一起来。Insist 后面也可跟 that 引导的从句:They insisted that she(should)be invited. 他们坚持要邀请她。Insist 的词义与persist相近似,但必须注意的是persist必须与介词in 连用:persist in sth./doing sth.“坚持做某事”。当persist跟that引导的从句时,它的意思就发生变化,表示“坚持说”,“反复说”,例如:He persisted that he was innocent of the crime.他坚持说自己没犯罪。

Words and expressions 4-5 insensive“缺乏反应的,”“对……不敏感”,例如:insensitive to the needs of the customers. 对顾客的要求不敏感。 Rely on / upon sth 注意这一词组的用法。后面可以是接名词或代词,比如,She relies on her parents for tuition. 她的学费依赖她的父母。还有,这个词组的后面也可以跟不定式。比如:You may rely on me to help you. 你可以依靠我来帮你。也可以跟复合结构,例如:Don’t rely on my/me helping you.不要指望我来帮你,文章中的rely on the business world speaking their language 是最后一种用法。

Words and expressions 5-5 害怕做某事: I am afraid of speaking to the public.我害怕在公众场合讲话。 Chit-chat 是“非正式的闲聊”,也可以做动词用。比如:we are just chit-chating about this and that.我们只是在随便闲聊而已。 Add up to 意味着,说明。比如:their action added up to a deliberate flouting of rules.他们的行动说明他们在故意违反规则。