The status quo and possible solution to the pollution of POPs


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Presentation transcript:

The status quo and possible solution to the pollution of POPs 杨新羽 张嘉幼 曾晓文

The conception of POPs POPs are a small group of persistent , bio-accumulative , long-range transported and toxic chemicals. They have high solubility in grease. Through the transportation of atmosphere and water, the pollution of POPs can be global, so they are considered to be highly poisonous. In May 2001 , the Stockholm Convention , a legally binding treaty on POPs , was signed. It entered into force on May 27th, 2004. China signed the Convention on the first day opened for signature.   1) DDT、氯丹(chlordane)、灭蚁灵(mirex)、艾氏剂(Aldrin)、狄氏剂(Dieldrin)、异狄氏剂( Endrin)、七氯(heptachlor)、毒杀酚(toxaphene);   2) 六氯苯(hexachlorobenzene)和PCBs;   3) including dioxins、呋喃(furan)类

The structure of PAHs 1,2,5,6-二苯并蒽 (显著致癌性) 芘(bi) 3,4-苯并芘 (高度致癌性)

The structure of PAHs 6-甲基-5,10-亚乙基-1,2-苯并蒽 10-甲基-1,2-苯并蒽

The structure of PAHs 1,2,3,4-二苯并菲 2-甲基-3,4-苯并菲

The property of PAHs PAHs结构上最明显的特征是它们都是在一个平面上的稠环相结合。它的分子中,多个苯环的共轭∏电子云,构成大∏电子云体系,决定了其自身的光学性质,同时也使得PAHs具有稳定的化学性质。自然界中除少数几个氢化衍生物外,所有的PAHs在常温下大多是固态,且挥发性甚小(萘除外)。由于PAHs的分子量较大,而且没有极性取代基团,导致其在水中的溶解度极小。

The transmission of POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants are transported across international boundaries far from their sources, even to regions where they have never been used or produced. The eco-systems and indigenous people of the Arctic are particularly at risk because of the long-range environmental transportation and bio-magnification of these substances. Consequently, persistent organic pollutants pose a threat to the environment and to human health all over the globe.

The status quo - which we must encounter There are many significant events caused by POPS, for instance, the fatal damage in 1968( Aizhi county, Japan) caused by PCBs in edible oil, resulted in several death and agenesis of infants. Similar events happened in Taiwan, China. During the civil war in the United States, the wide spread of POPs caused countless health problems in the local people, the soldiers and their descendents. In 1999, Belgium, the pollution of PCDD and PCDF in chicken-feedstuff spread all over the world, causing disastrous damage to the stock raising industry, <<The silent sping>>

The living proof

How can POPs come into our surroundings? Firstly, by the combustion of rubbish and other solid wastes. Secondly, by the combustion at a high temperature of fossil fuel and the release of oils. Thirdly, the process of industry. (smelting, prefabricating, heating, paper making, printing and dyeing)

The distribution of PAHs along the kiaochow bay(胶州湾) We can use specific methods to distill the PAHs from the soil along the Kiaochow bay, and then use HPLC to detect the concentration of PAHs. The areas in the circle are affected by PAHs severely.

The ability of POPs to cause cancer

How to deal with the problem - the authority UNEP( United Nations Environment Program) consolidate the common division <<POPs>> on 23th, August. The key to the prevention and cure of POPs is the enactment of TDI( Tolerant Daily Intake). Make laws and regulation to control the emission of POPs.( effective way to control the source)

How to deal with the problem - the environmentalist Four fields for research: 1)The transportation, transformation and environmental trend of POPs. 2)The degradation under natural and artificial circumstances. 3)The characteristic of the environmental behavior of POPs in typical climate and geographic conditions. 4)The inter-relationship between the structure and the environmental behavior.

To control POPs Three methods: 1)Find alternative to replace the source 2)Reduce the emission of POPs through strict control of the manufacturing process 3)To deal with existing POPs

The technics of controlling POPs The technics of controlling the source of POPs based on the principle of destroying the structure of POPs, and eliminating the damage. Combustion in high temperature Chemical treatment Landfill Long-time store and recycle

The interaction between PAHs and microorganisms

PCBs样品操作流程图 PCB209 无水硫酸钠 铜粉 样品称重 超声萃取 离心分离 旋转蒸发 丙酮/正己烷 过硅胶柱 2% NaCl 交换溶剂 GC分析 再次浓缩 过无水硫酸钠 浓硫酸净化

The Status quo of POPs Research in China The national environmental department has organized some international cooperation items about POPs, such as how to control organic chlorine and investigation about contamination of PCBs, pre-preparation item for obeying “Stockholm Convention” and so on. We will develop advanced sampling technics and devices to survey POPs and set a new detecting technics and quality-controling system which is as good as international technics to detect tiny and persistent pollutants. Thus, the technics about detecting POPs in environment will be improved in China. And the main research contents are including:POPs物质的分析方法及快速检测技术(analysis method of POPs and quick monitoring technics);典型POPs的多介质环境循环模型(multi-medium environmental cycling model of typical POPs );受POPs污染水体,土壤,底泥的修复原理(POPs–contaminated aquatics, soil, sediment remediation principle).

The Status quo of POPs Research in China And next stage, we will go further to perfect primary listing and strategy about pesticide persistent pollutants, investigate POPs which are produced by medical treatment and combustion of dangerous wastes and so on. We will propose a plan and a strategy to reduce POPs and take actions in typical industry, such as organize a “feasible technics/best environment practice model”

International POPs research Historic period Organic chemistry commonly used (WWⅡ~1960s) Organic chemistry pollution aggravate (1960s~1990s) << Silent spring>>   1976年7月在意大利发生的二恶英泄漏事件,1968年在日本以及1979年在台湾发生的因食用受多氯联苯污染的米糠油而导致上千人中毒的事件等 POPs conception appears (1990~1995)   1995年5月召开的联合国环境规划署(UNEP)理事会上提出了首批12种受控制POPs包括艾氏剂,氯丹,滴滴涕,异狄氏剂,七氯,灭蚁灵,毒杀芬等8种杀虫剂,以及多氯联苯,六氯代苯,二恶英,呋喃.在这次会议之后,POPs概念正式得到国际社会的认可. Become heat discussion and international focus 2001年5月23日,包括中国在内的90个国家的环境部长或高级官员在瑞典斯德哥尔摩代表各自政府签署了《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》,从而正式启动了人类向POPs宣战的进程.根据该公约,各缔约国将通过法律,禁止或限制使用12种对人体健康和自然环境特别有害的POPs.

POPs heat topic Toxicity and ecology impact Basic parameter and configuration-activity quantitative research Transfer and translate behavior Eliminate and substitute research

Thank you for listening ^-^