共同備課老師 興雅國中:黃仁璋、龔見礎 南港高中:林淑如 陽明高中:林尚穎 西松高中:施青吟、陳錦鳳


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Presentation transcript:

共同備課老師 興雅國中:黃仁璋、龔見礎 南港高中:林淑如 陽明高中:林尚穎 西松高中:施青吟、陳錦鳳 翰林版Book 4, Unit 7 共同備課老師 興雅國中:黃仁璋、龔見礎 南港高中:林淑如 陽明高中:林尚穎 西松高中:施青吟、陳錦鳳


Party Time?!

Think!! How does the bear feel in the beginning? 2. What can you see at the party? 3. What does the bear do at the party?


1. Unscramble the Story 1.把課本分成五個段落 2.外加一句與課文內容無關的句子 3.將六個句子寫在不同的六張紙上並編號 4.每組將拿到六張紙,必需討論將句子先順找 出,並挑出多餘的那一句 5.將順序在桌上排好後,舉手告訴老師,老師再 過去檢查是否正確 6.請答案不同的組別,說說他們的想法 7.老師播放課文CD或電子書,一起對答

The scrambled story 1. All of the food was delicious, and everyone had a great time eating and talking. Many of the members stayed at the steak house until it was dark.  4. “Say cheese,” said the waiter. Everyone laughed happily. What a nice party! 5. All of the members had to practice for the contest. 2. At the end of the party, the band teacher asked a waiter to take a picture for them.  6. Some of the band members brought their flutes and violins. They played a few songs, and the other members sang with the music 3. The school band had a party at Yummy Steak House this afternoon.

2. Play the CD 老師播放Reading CD一次,讓學生明瞭整個課文內容。

3. Q & A 1. What did the school band do at the steak house this afternoon? 2. Why did the school band members bring their flutes and violins to the party? 3. How was the food at the party? 4. Did they have a good time? 5. At the end of the party, what did the band teacher ask a waiter to do?

4. Mind Map

Mind Map Reading: A Party at the Steak House What did they do at the party? Who joined the party? What did they do before the end of the party? Where was the party? A Party When was the party? How was the party?

Mind Map Reading: A Party at the Steak House sang with the music played a few songs eating the school band the band teacher What did they do at the party? talking Who joined the party? What did they do before the end of the party? Where was the party? A Party When was the party? How was the party? asked a waiter to take a picture for them at Yummy Steak House this afternoon nice

Mind Map (正解)


Dictation 學生兩人為一組,各拿A、B卷的聽寫學習單,A學生唸A卷學習單英文句子給B學生聽,讓B將B學習單空格填上,接著,由B學生唸B卷學習單上英文句子給A聽,讓A將A學習單空格填上,如此重複進行,直到A、B學生填完聽寫學習單。

Please read part A to your partner. eA Party at the Steak House A The school band had a party at Yummy Steak House this afternoon. B _______ _______the band members brought thei_____ and ________. A They played a few songs, and other members sang with the music. B: ______ ______. the food _____ delicious, and everyone had a great tim_____ and ________ A Many of the members stayed at the steak house until it was dark. Bh_______ ______ ______e party, the band teacher_________a______ ______take a picture ________them. A “Say cheese,” said the waiter . B Everyone happily. A What a nice party !

Please read part B to your partner eA Party at the Steak House A The had a party at Yummy Steak House this afternoon. B Some of the band members brought their flutes and violins . A They played a few songs, and ____members ______ _____the music. B All of the food was delicious, and everyone had a great time eating and talking . A _____ ______ the members at the steak house it was dark. B At the end of the party, the band teacher asked a waiter to take a picture for them. A “Say cheese,” said the . B Everyone laughed happily. A What a nice !

The End