Talking in English can be fun. (說英文可以很有趣)


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Presentation transcript:

Talking in English can be fun. (說英文可以很有趣) 觀念: be動詞或連綴動詞(如look, sound, smell, taste, feel, get, become, keep…) 本身意思不完全清楚,因此要補充字詞 (即「補語」),使其句意完整。 John is happy. Talking in English can be fun. (說英文可以很有趣) I feel better after taking the medicine. (我吃藥後感覺好多了。) It’s getting hotter and hotter.(天氣變得愈來愈熱了。) Keep quiet, please. (請保持安靜。) John looks cool. (約翰看起來很酷。) The corn soup tasted delicious. (這碗玉米濃湯嘗起來味道鮮美。)

S + Vi + SC (主詞 + be動詞/連綴動詞 + 主詞補語) 蘋果變(turn)紅了. The apples have turned red. 請保持(stay)冷靜 Please stay calm. 形容詞

名詞 David Smith is our new teacher. Our new teacher is David Smith. The man appeared to be a fool. The food tastes like rubber. John 成了有錢人 John has become a rich man. 這塊肥皂聞起來像玫瑰 The soap smells like a rose.   名詞

I’m in the school. (我在學校裡) Jeff is in the office. (傑夫在辦公室裡) 我母親在廚房裡 My mother is in the kitchen. 那隻貓在桌上 The cat is on the table. 袋子在椅子下 The bag is under the chair. 表地方的介係詞

to + V V-ing His job is to serve the guests. 他的工作是服務顧客       His job is to serve the guests. 他的工作是服務顧客 His job is cleaning the dishes.  他的工作是清洗盤子。 Mary seems to have gone. Mary 好像已經走了 孩子們漸漸(grow)喜歡上數學課 The kids grow to like math class. to + V V-ing

It is nice to see you again. It seems hard to finish this task. It remains unknown to solve this problem. It is my job to take care of this machine. 學英文變得很無聊 It becomes boring to study English. 開冷氣就變涼爽了 It turns cool to turn on the air-conditioner.

子句 The reason for his delay was that he had a flat tire this morning. 今天他遲到的原因是因為早上輪胎爆胎。 It appeared that they have changed the plan. (看起來他們好像改變計畫了) 颱風好像(seem)要來了 It seems that they typhoon is coming. 這是因為孩子們會得到禮物 It is because that the children will get the gifts. 這是為什麼大家喜歡過年的原因 This is why everybody likes the New Year’s Holiday. 子句

appear (1)修飾動詞 My boss appeared angry. (我們老板看起來很生氣) My boss appeared very angry last night.. (我們老板昨晚看起來非常生氣) My boss appeared quite angry after the meeting. (我們老板開完會後看起來蠻生氣) My boss appeared quite angry when he heard the news. (當我們老板聽到這個消息時,他看起來蠻生氣) 時間副詞

My boss appeared angry last night because she left suddenly My girlfriend appeared frustrated to fail the exam. My brother appeared tired that he did not sleep well last night 表原因的副詞

(2) 修飾名詞 My classmate who wears funny glasses appeared happy all the time. (我那位戴著很滑稽的眼鏡的同學總是看起來很開心) My boss, smoking all the time, appeared quite angry after the meeting last night. (我們那個總是在抽煙的老板, 昨晚開完會後看起來蠻生氣) The short boy blamed by his teacher appeared upset because he forgot his homework. (那位被老師罵的矮個子的男孩看起來很沮喪因為他忘記帶作業) Peter, one of my senior high school classmates, appeared happy to get his driver’s license. (Peter, 我的一位高中同學, 拿到了駕照看起來很開心) 形容詞子句 分詞片語 同位語

(3) 接名詞 The man appeared to be a fool. The food tastes like rubber

(3) 接不定詞 The man appeared to have a heart attack. It seems to have rained last night. (4) 接子句 The reason for his delay was that he had a flat tire this morning.  今天他遲到的原因是因為早上輪胎爆胎。 It appeared that they have changed the plan. (看起來他們好像改變計畫了) 颱風好像(seem)要來了 It seems that the typhoon is coming

Verb Be 感官動詞 連綴動詞 1. be 2. 3. feel 4. 5. look 6. smell 7. sound 8. taste 9. become 10 11. grow 12. seem 13. stay 14. turn 15. appear 16. get

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