中華大學華語中心始業宣導 Mandarin Center of Chu opening ceremony


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Presentation transcript:

中華大學華語中心始業宣導 Mandarin Center of Chu opening ceremony Welcome to Mandarin Training Center of Chung Hua University 中華大學華語中心始業宣導 Mandarin Center of Chu opening ceremony

中華大學華語中心始業宣導 Mandarin Center of Chu opening ceremony

出席時數 Attendance 簽證 VISA 學生保險 Insurance Program 全民健康保險 National Health Insurance (NHI) 出納組繳費 To pay at Cashier Section 銀行/郵局開戶 Open an account 工作證 Work Permit 機車駕照 Motorcycles/ scooters Driving Licenses 其他提醒 Reminders 進入圖書館 To enter Library 校園無線網路 On campus Wi-Fi

出席時數 Attendance 如需請假請提前申請,若未告知以曠課計算。 到課時數需達課程時數之75%。 華語中心將主動通知連續三次曠課學生;如總曠課時數達該期總課程時數之25%,華語中心可停止學生課程,並通報外交部與新竹移民署。 Students who do not take a leave notice will be considered as absent. Total attendance must be over 75 % of total class hours. Mandarin Center will contact students with three consecutive times of absence without leave notice for attending the situation. If leaving without notice has been accumulated up 25% of total program hours, the student may be expelled from CHU and be reported to the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Immigration Agency, Hsin Chu City.


簽證 VISA 申請延簽:請於每次簽證到期前一星期向華語中心申請出席證明。 就讀滿4個月後可申請居留簽證,請於居留期限到期前一個月告知華語中心,中心將協助您準備申請文件。 For extension: Please apply for attendance record a week before visa expired. 4 months after enrolling to a Chinese Program, you are allowed to apply Resident VISA. Please inform Mandarin Center a month ago. We will assist you for preparing the required documents.

學生保險 Insurance Program 費用:6個月,新台幣3600元。 被保險人於有效期間內因疾病或傷害,而於醫院或診所接受門(急)診診療者,保險公司按醫院或診所實際收取之門(急)診醫療費用(包含診察、處方、醫藥、檢驗或X光檢查等之全部費用),給付「門(急)診醫療保險金」,但每次最高給付金額以1000元為限。 Fee: NT$ 3,600 for 6 months. Outpatient/Emergency treatment benefit:While this Policy is still effective, if the Insured suffers an illness or injury and receives treatment at a hospital/clinic as an outpatient, the insurance company will reimburse all medical expenses incurred. The payment of benefit shall not exceed the limit of 1000 NTD (per visit)

學生保險 Insurance Program 請前往有全民健康保險標示 之醫院與診所。 請於就醫時提供與您護照上相同之英文姓名。 Please go to a legal hospital/ clinic specified by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. with this symbol. Please use your English Name when register at the hospital.

學生保險 Insurance Program 請向診所/醫院索取以下兩項文件: 1) 收據:診所/醫院會在每次您就醫時提供。 2) 診斷證明:若您完成同一傷/病因之診療,請於最後一次 就醫時再申請即可。 請帶上述兩樣文件至國際處辦公室申請。 Please collect 2 documents from clinic/ hospital: 1) The original copy of payment receipt: You will get this document in every visit. 2) Certificate of diagnosis in Chinese (診斷證明): please apply when finish all the treatment for the same symptom. Please apply with these 2 documents at International Office.

學生保險 Insurance Program 理賠方式: 1) 現金:收到通知後到保險公司領取,新竹市東區民族 路150號4樓。(巨城購物中心附近) 2) 匯款:請於申請時提供存摺影本。 Method of reimbursement: 1) By Cash: To collect at Insurance. No.150, Minzu Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City. Close to Big City shopping mall. 2) By Transaction: Please provide Bank passbook when apply.

全民健康保險 National Health Insurance (NHI) 居留證核發後的6個月且未出境超過30天後需加入健保。 每月新台幣749元。 It is essential to join in at 6 months later after getting ARC card, plus did not leave Taiwan longer than 30 days. NTD 749 per month.

出納組繳費 To pay at Cashier Section 繳費請至行政大樓4樓出納組 To make a payment, please go to Cashier Section, 4th floor in Administration Building.

銀行/郵局開戶 Open an account 哪裡申請? 中華大學行政大樓三樓郵局,或校外銀行。 Where to apply? On-Campus Post Office, Administration Building (3F), or a bank.

銀行/郵局開戶 Open an account 1 攜帶文件? 1) 統一證號基資表 (於移民署申請) 2) 護照與影本 3) 學員證與影本 4) 印章 5) 存款1000元 What to bring? 1) Residential Certificate Number (To apply at local Immigration Office) 2) Passport and a copy 3) Student Card and a copy 4) A personal Stamp 5) NTD1000 for making a deposit 4

銀行/郵局開戶 Open an account 存摺,可做為財力證明用 Passbook, can be used as bank statement. 金融卡 (提款卡) ATM Card

工作證 (華語簽證學生) Work Permit (Mandarin Visa holder) 未持有工作證之學生,不得打工或工作。 在台灣學習華語一年以上之正式學生並持有居留證者可提出申請。 若違反規定將被罰款3萬至15萬罰金或遣返,且會影響未來申請其他簽證。 如於上課時間進行打工,中心將停止學生課程並通報移民署。 Students without work permit are prohibited to work. Student who has ARC card and has studied Chinese in Taiwan for over a year can apply work permit. The fine is between NTD30,000 to 150,000 or deported, also will affect your future visa application. Students found working during the class hours will be asked to stop the class and be reported to Immigration Office.

機車駕照 Motorcycles/scooters Driving Licenses 在台居留一年以上可考機車駕照。 To apply for Driving License after resident in Taiwan over a year.

其他提醒 Reminders 請勿危害自身或他人安全;避免不必要之危險;進行相關可能違法之情事。 Please do not endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or break any laws. 中華大學華語中心聲明書 Declaration for Studying Mandarin Program at CHU

進入圖書館 To enter Library 2) 圖書館(行政大樓6樓) 1) 學員證 Student Card Library, 6th floor, Administration Building 3) 進入圖書館 Entering Library 4) 讀學生證條碼 Bar code reading

校園無線網路 On campus Wi-Fi 1/2

校園無線網路 On campus Wi-Fi 帳號:學號。例如學號為G10299001,密碼為「g10299001」。 密碼:護照號碼 (英文大小寫不變) Username: Student number, with lower letter “g”. For example, student number G10299001, the username is “g10299001” Password: Passport Number (Same format as shown on passport)

檔案下載處 To download here http://international.chu.edu.tw/app/super_pages.php?ID=1page503