Lecturer: Dr. Claudius Petzold European Law and Life Culture Unit 13: Fraud and Bribery Lecturer: Dr. Claudius Petzold Unless noted, the course materials are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Taiwan (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
I. 題目 fraud He was found guilty of fraud. 他被判決犯有詐騙罪。ㄓㄚˋㄆㄧㄢˋ bribe The official was dismissed from office for taking bribes. 這官員因受賄被免職。ㄕㄡˋㄏㄨㄟˋ Precaution measures預則措施 (刑法,行政法) Whistleblower 公益揭發 Clean politics
II. A social/human problem! 我們都(不)會受賄? 人都會受賄,只有的人比較貴。
III. A social/human problem! Killing someone for 200 Million. That person has murdered and abused children. You work as a judge, one party requests a judgment in its favor for 2 million. As before, but: You son is ill. You need an operation in the USA but can’t pay it. As before, and now, you know that party is finally right but can’t proof it.
IV. A social/human problem Before an important test, someone is offering you the questions for 200.000 NTD? For you son? Your friend is driving a car. Because he has drunken a little bit, he caused a accident. Now he asks you to say he hasn’t drunken anything. You are an attorney. One of your best clients cheats the opposite party. Quit your job? Loose your income
IV. A social/human problem It is a general problem, not avoidable Humans are greedy animals Some cultures more, some less China/India Sweden/Singapore We need a clean society
收受???? 詐術???
V. 法律 Article 121 A public official or an arbitrator who demands, agrees to accept, or accepts a bribe or other improper benefits for an official act shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than seven years; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than five thousand yuan may be imposed. A benefit received through the commission of an offense specified in the preceding paragraph shall be confiscated; if the whole or a part of such a benefit cannot be confiscated, the value thereof shall be collected from the offender. 公務員或仲裁人對於職務上之行為,要求、期約或收受賄賂或其他不正利 益者,處七年以下有期徒刑,得併科五千元以下罰金。 犯前項之罪者,所收受之賄賂沒收之。如全部或一部不能沒收時,追徵其 價額。
V. 法律 Article 122 A public official or an arbitrator who demands, agrees to accept, or accepts a bribe or other improper benefits for a breach of his official duties shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than three years but not more than ten years; in addition thereto, a fine of not more than seven thousand yuan may be imposed. A breach of official duties shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or with imprisonment for not less than five years; in addition thereto, a fine not more than ten thousand yuan may be impose 公務員或仲裁人對於違背職務之行為,要求、期約或收受賄賂,或其他不 正利益者,處三年以上十年以下有期徒刑,得併科七千元以下罰金。 因而為違背職務之行為者,處無期徒刑或五年以上有期徒刑,得併科一萬 元以下罰金。 對於公務員或仲裁人關於違背職務之行為,行求、期約或交付賄賂或其他 不正利益者,處三年以下有期徒刑,得併科三千元以下罰金。但自首者減 輕或免除其刑。在偵查或審判中自白者,得減輕其刑。 犯第一項或第二項之罪者,所收受之賄賂沒收之;如全部或一部不能沒收 時,追徵其價額。
V. 法律 Article 339 A person who by fraud causes another to deliver to him property belonging to such other or to a third person for purpose to exercise unlawful control over other’s property for himself or for a fourth person shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or short-term imprisonment; in lieu thereof, or in addition thereto, a fine of not more than one thousand yuan may be imposed. 意圖為自己或第三人不法之所有,以詐術使人將本人或第三人之物交付者 ,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科一千元以下罰金。 以前項方法得財產上不法之利益或使第三人得之者,亦同。 前二項之未遂犯罰之。
V. 法律 Article 342 A person who manages the affairs of another for purpose to takes an illegal benefit for himself or for a third person or to harm the interests of his principal and who acts contrary to his duties and thereby causes loss to the property or other interest of the principal will be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or short-term imprisonment; in lieu thereof, or in addition there to, a fine of not more than one thousand yuan may be imposed. 為他人處理事務,意圖為自己或第三人不法之利益,或損害本人之利益, 而為違背其任務之行為,致生損害於本人之財產或其他利益者,處五年以 下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科一千元以下罰金。 前項之未遂犯罰之。
V. 法律 Law Moral “不要做的事” Fraud, embezzlement, concealment more or less the same punishment
V. 法律 法律有什麼目的?用??
VI. 是什麼? Allowed and moral Allowed but not moral Not allowed (but moral) Not allowed and not moral
VI. 是什麼? A wants a driving license but cant drive, so he offers 200.000,00. B is working in a bank and decides about loans for a company C. It is a normal relationship without problems. Only for “relationship”, C invites him sometimes for football games. D and E have an litigation at court. D’s attorney meets the judge and invites him for lunch.
VII. Political problems The German minister is befriended to important person in the film industry, X. that person invites him to a holiday party in Spain and pay his hotel etc. A few month before, the minister has supported financial aid for the company of X. The minority party F received some donation by a hotel association. Shortly after new elections, the form a coalition government with the party C. They insist on special tax law which reduced taxes for the hotel industry.
VII. Political problems The financial sector is known for political donations to the C Party and the F Party. After the crisis, both parties will regulate the financial sector. The sector indicates that it will have impact on the “social responsibility” of the institutions. The sector indicates that it will move to Singapore.
VII. Political problems W is a speaker of the parliament. Known as a serious politician, he enjoys the highest reputation in all parties. For helping a friend who is accused/charged of embezzlement, he take a phone call to the prosecutors office and requests a “better handling” of the case. W insists that he has believed that his friend didn’t violate law. Some persons requests that he step down. Some persons refers to his knowledge, reputation etc. A person which such history shouldn’t be treated like that.
VII. Political problems Some high level police officers have been seen with leaders of a criminal organization while drinking tea in private circumstances. Asked by the media about that questionable behavior, they replied that
VIII. Precaution measures預則措施 (刑法/行政法) 刑法: general prevention Death penalty as in China Clean society! (Greece) Things are changing from the bottom and the top. 行政法: Disciplinary measures Double check/4 eyes principle/rotation
Don’t kill the messenger! IX. Whistleblower Don’t kill the messenger! 不斬來使/別是殺死傳令兵/ 古代時,國王常常作戰,軍隊打敗,得排小軍人於國王通知。
IX. Whistleblower/. Buithenen Fall Paul van Buitenen EU公務員,1998,監督 官吏,得監督歐盟內的部門(D20)。他發現, 在歐盟內的部門(D22) 發生處置失當, 歐盟府採購契約時,不遵守法律,在有些工程欺騙 - 先通知 UCLAF(調查欺騙問題的歐洲組織) - D 20 開始調查,提供一個報告,也認為在D20部門發生欺騙,問題:沒發生什麼,沒有什麼結果,沒繼續調查,指控 Paul van Buithen威脅他向歐盟的議會共給大的報告,自己的部門禁止Buitenen再跟歐洲聯盟監察使聯絡,又禁止他通知歐盟議會 12/98歐盟會議應召開,又得決定是否歐盟要繼續上述工程,Buithen擔心因為議會不知道 , 因此;被停職,交付1/2薪水 還調沒查工程欺騙,又別的公務員每遇到什麼苦難 可是: 沒有人被判決犯有詐騙罪。
IX. Whistleblower 有時候,電視開始報導,不但: 執委會指控Buitenen他說謊,遇到壓力/ 最後,委託獨力委員會驗證發生處置失當,歐盟政府採購契約時,不遵守法律, 最後的結果: 建立OLAF(奧拉夫)調查欺騙問題的歐洲組織 當時的執委會得退位 從這個案子看得出來: Whistleblower的問題/不是在大機構內的犯罪者
IX. Whistleblower 利益的衝突: 忠誠zhongcheng2義務44/保守歐盟密的義務 言論自由 公職人員對公眾義務與其本身利益相衝突
IX. Whistleblower III. Staff regulation 公務員服務法 1.) 歐盟公務員法(Verordnung)第17條禁止公務員公開歐盟內的內情或通知除非該內情是已經公開的。 如果一個歐盟的公務員在打算公開內情,他得預先通知上層長官/機構。如果,長官認為內情的公開能侵害歐盟的利益,能禁止公開。. 2.)第一個權利Remonstration (Article 21 a Para 1/ Staff Regulations) 陳述權,跟台灣的公務員服務法第二條類似的。 公務員接受命令時,如果他認為該命令是違背2/4或不合理的,他可以隨時意見/陳述 如果服務員提供書面的建議,長官得書面的回答。如長官在確認que4ren自己的命令, 服務員可以向上層的機構提供問題。如果他們書面的確認,公務員得遵守命令除非是違法。 3) 在歐盟機構內的違法的行為或活動(Art. 22 a/ Staff Regulations) 沒公務員,執行他的職務時,發現事實情況,使他認為在機構可能發生違法的行為,公務員得直接通知他的長官或他的主任。如果他認為通知長官無效:得通知祕書長或OLAF(奧拉夫)調查欺騙問題的歐洲組織。 在內種情況,他可以通知: 如果違法的行為存在 (欺騙(行為/貪污tan1wu1行為), 有限制! 只如果違法的行為會害歐盟的利益,才能通知! (the existence of possible illegal activity, including fraud or corruption, detrimental to the interests of the Communities,) 第二情況是: 如果另外公務員不遵守他忠實zhong及依法執行職務義務。有限制: 另外公務員的錯誤很嚴重。 (conduct relating to the discharge of professional duties which may constitute a serious failure to comply with the obligations of officials of the Communities)
IX. Whistleblower 限制:不克再機構之外公益揭發! USEFULL?
X. Young prosecutor’s problem 命令! Please do that!
版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源/作者 8 Article121…追徵其價額。 中華民國刑法第121條 依著作權法第9條第1項,法律不得為著作權之標的,本段文字屬公領域之文書。 9 Article122…追徵其價額。 中華民國刑法第122條 10 Artigle 339…前兩項未遂犯罰之。 中華民國刑法第339條 11 Artigle 342…前項之未遂犯罰之。 中華民國刑法第342條