4B Unit 7 What's the matter? Story time.


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Presentation transcript:

4B Unit 7 What's the matter? Story time

Let’s enjoy

Our aims: 1.I can talk about the feelings. 我能谈论感觉的词。 2.I can understand,read and act the story. 我能理解,朗读并试着表演故事。 3.I can use “ What’s the matter?”to ask questions. 我能尝试用新句型对话。

Do some exercises play basketball play table tennis play football sit down swim run fly skate stand up jump Tip:请同学们大声读出单词并做动作。

Are you tired? 累的 Yes,I am ./No,I’m not.

Think and say I’m hungry. food

Think and say ..\t014b3a7a1d476160ed.jpg I’m thirsty. drinks 口渴的

Can you ask her? What’s the matter? 你怎么了? I’m hungry…

What, What, What’s the matter? tired ,tired , I am tired . Let’s say a chant! 可以和同桌拍手说哦! What, What, What’s the matter? tired ,tired , I am tired . What, What, What’s the matter? hungry, hungry, I am hungry. thirsty, thirsty, I am thirsty. ill, ill, I am ill. 生病的

LiuTao has a basketball match in the afternoon. Now,he is at home.

Watch and find What’s the matter with LiuTao?

Let's judge! What’s the matter with LiuTao ?(T/F) He is thirsty. ( ) T He is hungry. ( ) He is tired. ( ) He is ill. ( ) T F T F

Can I have some water , Mum? Read the story by yourself and try to answer。 自读课文,试着回答。 Let's choose! 1.LiuTao is thirsty,what would he like? Can I have some water , Mum? A B C Here you are. 2.LiuTao is tired,he wants to . Thank you , Mum. A .watch TV B.do his homework C.go to bed

Listen and repeat

Happy reading 选择你喜欢的方式,朗读课文 和同伴分角色读 小组内齐读 自己朗读 …

Read and act 和老师一起来表演对话吧!

Read in roles 全班分角色朗读课文,注意模仿语音语调哦!要加上动作和表情哦!

Let’s act Rules: 1. 三人一组 2. 快速确定角色 3. 关注课文人物 说话时动作和表情

Show Time Let’s act the story

Let’s imagine A:What’s the matter? B:I’m…(hungry/thirsty/ill/tired). 今天Mike也去参加篮球比赛的,他会怎么样呢?请你和同桌续编课文,开动你们的脑筋想一想哦! Useful sentences:有用的句型 A:What’s the matter? B:I’m…(hungry/thirsty/ill/tired). A:Come and have a/an/some… B:Thank you. A:Are you …? B:No,I’m not.I want to….

Ticking time Ticking time 根据自己实际情况如实评星哦! I can talk about the feelings. 我能用英语说出一些感觉的形容词。 I can read and act the story. 我能朗读并表演故事。 I can use “ What’s the matter? ”to ask questions. 我能用新句型来提问。 Ticking time 根据自己实际情况如实评星哦!

When someone in trouble, please try our best to help(帮助)him/her. Helping others is the source of happiness. 助人为乐是快乐之本!

Homework Read the dialogue 3 times. (有感情地朗读课文3遍。) 2.Practice the dialogue with your partners using the sentences that we have learned. (用本课所学句型和你的同桌操练对话。)

Thank you very much ! Bye-bye!