華語教學概論 --七夕 陳彥妤F9665019 施俊卉F9633021.


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Presentation transcript:

華語教學概論 --七夕 陳彥妤F9665019 施俊卉F9633021

七夕的由來 農歷七月初七是中國的情人,人們俗稱『七夕節』,也有人稱之為『乞巧節』或『女兒節』,這是中國傳統節日中最具浪漫色彩的一個 節日,也是過去姑娘們最為重視的日子。

Chinese Valentine's Day (or "Qi Qiao Jie ") falls on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar As is the custom elsewhere in the world, this is a day devoted to romance. In China, this day is also known as "The Begging Festival" or "The Daughter's Festival." It is an important day for girls.

七夕的故事 很久以前,有一個跟著哥嫂過活的孤兒,既聰明又勤 快,可嫂嫂仍嫌棄他,天不亮就趕他上山放牛,大家都叫他牛郎。幾年後,哥嫂和牛郎分了家,狼心的嫂嫂只給他一間破茅房、一頭老牛。從此,牛郎白天放牛、砍 柴,晚上就和老牛同睡在那間破茅房內。一天,牛郎趕牛走進了一片陌生的樹林,這裡山青水秀、鳥語花香。

牛郎見到九個仙女駕著祥雲落在河的草地上,然後脫去 五彩霓裳,跳進清澈見底的河水裡,牛郎盯著一個最年輕是美麗的仙女看入了神,這時老牛突然說話了:『她是天上的織女,只要拿走五彩霓裳,她就會做你的妻 子。』牛郎悄悄地沿著樹從,悄悄拿走了織女的五彩霓裳。

天近午時,其他仙女紛紛穿起五彩霓裳,駕著祥雲而去。唯獨找不到五彩霓裳的織女留下了。這時,牛郎 從樹後走出,請求織女做他的妻子。織女見牛郎忠厚老實,勤勞健壯,便脈脈含羞地點了點頭。牛郎織女喜結良緣後,男耕女織,互敬互愛。兩年後,織女 生下一男一女。然而天帝聞知織女下嫁人間,勃然大怒。七月初七,王母奉旨帶著天兵天將捉了織女。悲痛欲絕的牛郎在 老牛的幫助下,用蘿筐挑著兒女追上天去。

眼看追上了,王母拔下金簪一劃,牛郎腳下立刻出現一條波濤洶湧的天河。 肝腸寸斷的織女和肩挑兒女的牛郎,一個在河東一個在河西,遙望對泣。哭聲感動了喜鵲,霎時無數的喜鵲飛向天河,搭起一座鵲橋,牛郎織女終於可以在鵲橋上相 會了。王母無奈,只好允許牛郎織女每年的七月初七在橋上相會一次。

The story begins with the handsome but poor orphan who lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law. After his parents passed away, the boy's brother inherited the house and land. But all he had was an old ox. As a cowherd, the boy had to work the farm fields with his ox everyday. His daily life routine resembled the story of Cinderella. The seventh daughter of the Emperor, also known as the Weaving Maid, was good at handcrafting, especially weaving clothes. The Emperor particularly appreciated her skills of weaving clouds with rainbows to make the world more beautiful.

The cowherd's ox, which was actually an immortal from heaven, made mistakes in heaven and was reincarnated as an ox to toil on earth. One day, the ox suddenly said to the cowherd: "You are a nice person. If you want to get married, go to the brook and your wish will come true." The cowherd went to the brook and watched the seven pretty daughters of the Emperor come down from heaven to take a bath. Fascinated by the youngest and the most beautiful one, the cowherd hid her fairy clothes. When the other six fairies went away after the bath, the youngest could not fly back to heaven without her fairy clothes.

The cowherd then appeared and told the Weaving Maid that he would keep her clothes until she agreed to be his wife. After a slight hesitation, mixed with coyness and eagerness, the maid accepted the handsome man's proposal. The couple was then married and had two children two years later. Meanwhile, up in heaven, the Emperor missed the beautiful skies once woven by his seventh daughter. He ordered his daughter's grandmother to find her and bring her back to him. As the seventh princess was flying to heaven with her grandmother, the cowherd put on his old ox's hide (which he preserved after the animal had died long ago) and put their children into two bamboo baskets laced with his wife's magical fairy clothes to chase after his love.

But the grandmother created a milky way in the sky with her hairpin, which kept the lovers apart. The seventh princess moved to the star Vega (The Swooping Eagle) in the Lyra (Harp) constellation. And the cowherd and their two children stayed on the star Altair (Flying One) in the Aquila (Eagle) constellation.