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Double Seventh Festival Dormitory 215 Class 6 09 Politics 李丹 莫学燕 陈海欣 魏敏 戴依铭 李婉华 Members: 七 夕.

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Presentation on theme: "Double Seventh Festival Dormitory 215 Class 6 09 Politics 李丹 莫学燕 陈海欣 魏敏 戴依铭 李婉华 Members: 七 夕."— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Seventh Festival Dormitory 215 Class 6 09 Politics 李丹 莫学燕 陈海欣 魏敏 戴依铭 李婉华 Members: 七 夕

2 The love story 这个传说一直流传下来的近 2 千年。这个故事已被记录为早在晋代(公元 256-420 )。诗人组成的数以百计的诗句对爱情故事和戏曲故事告诉许多类 型。 The legend has been handed down for nearly 2 millennia. The story has been recorded as far back as the Jin Dynasty (256-420 AD). Poets composed hundreds of verses on the love story and many types of Chinese opera tell the story. 相传织女是天帝最小的一个女儿。她和她的姐姐们一起在天空编制美丽的 云朵。牛郎父母早逝,又常受到哥嫂的虐待,只有一头老牛相伴。 Zhi Nu was said to be the youngest of seven daughters of the Queen of Heaven. With her sisters, she worked hard to weave beautiful clouds in the sky, while Niu Lang was a poor orphan.driven out of his home by his elder brother and his cruel wife.

3 牛郎生活很孤独只有老牛和他相伴。有一天老牛给他出了计谋,要娶织女做妻子。 Niu Lang lamented over his lonely and poor life with an old cow, his only friend and companion. The magical cow kindly told him of a way to find a beautiful and nice woman as his life companion. 到了那一天,美丽的仙女们果然到银河沐浴,并在水中嬉戏。这时藏在芦苇中的 牛郎突然跑出来拿走了织女的衣裳。惊惶失措的仙女们急忙上岸穿好衣裳飞走了, 唯独剩下织女。在牛郎的恳求下,织女答应做他的妻子 Under the direction of the cow, Niu Lang went to the riverside on an evening, where the seven fairies slipped out of their heavenly palace to bathe. He took one of the beautiful silk dresses the fairies had left on the bank. When the fairies left the water, the youngest couldn't find her clothes and had to see her sisters fly back to heaven without her. Then Niu Lang came out with the dress and asked the youngest fairy, Zhi Nu, to stay with him.

4 婚后,牛郎织女男耕女织,相亲相爱,生活得十分幸福美满。织女还给牛郎生了一儿 一女。后来,老牛要死去的时候,叮嘱牛郎要把它的皮留下来,到急难时披上以求帮 助。老牛死后,夫妻俩忍痛剥下牛皮,把牛埋在山坡上。 Several years passed on Earth, which were only a few days in heaven. Niu Lang and Zhi Nu lived happily together and had two children before the Queen of Heaven discovered Zhi Nu's absence. She was so annoyed she had Zhi Nu brought back to heaven. Seeing his beloved wife flying in the sky, Niu Lang was terrified. He caught sight of the cowhide hanging on a wall. The magical cow had told him before dying of old age: "Keep the cowhide (牛皮) for emergency use." 埋下老牛后 他们和两个孩子一起回家了 Putting the cowhide on, he went after his wife with his two children

5 织女和牛郎成亲的事被天庭的玉帝和王母娘娘知道后,他们勃然大怒,并命令天神下 界抓回织女。天神趁牛郎不在家的时候,抓走了织女。牛郎回家不见织女,急忙披上 牛皮,担了两个小孩追去。眼看就要追上,王母娘娘心中一急,拔下头上的金簪向银 河一划,昔日清浅的银河一霎间变得浊浪滔天, With the help of the cowhide, Niu Lang was able to follow Zhi Nu into heaven. He was about to reach his wife when the Queen showed up and pulled off her hairpin to draw a line between the two. The line became the Silver River in heaven, 从此,牛郎织女只能泪眼盈盈,隔河相望,天长地久,玉皇大帝和王母娘娘也拗不过 他们之间的真挚情感,准许他们每年七月七日相会一次,相传,每逢七月初七,人间 的喜鹊就要飞上天去,在银河为牛郎织女搭鹊桥相会。 Zhi Nu went back to the heavenly workshop, going on weaving the clouds. But she was so sad, and missed her husband across the Silver River so much that the clouds she weaved seemed sad. Finally, the Queen showed a little mercy, allowing the couple to meet once every year on the Silver River.

6 Double Seventh Festival The 7th day of the 7th lunar month is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian. People call this day as “Qi Qiao Festival” ( 乞巧节 ) “Girls Day”, ( 女孩节 ) “ “Daughters of festival.“( 女儿节 )

7 It is also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day

8 Double Seventh Festival ’ customs The most common practices are that women carry out various Qiqiao ( 乞巧 ) various in the night. Different areas have different customs. So have different tastes

9 在台湾地区,七夕也是行 16 岁成年礼的日子 广西七夕储水 陕西结扎巧姑 中国西南 —— 染指甲

10 Guangzhou Qi Qiao Festival is the most distinctive Before the festival, the girls prepared colored paper, grass, cord, etc for make some cute gadgets. put the green beans into water until budding. then used it for praying. That is called“ 拜仙禾 ” 和 “ 拜神菜 ”. 节日到来之前,姑娘们就预先备好用彩纸、通草、线绳等,编制成各种奇巧 的小玩艺,还将谷种和绿豆放入小盒里用水浸泡,使之发芽,待芽长到二寸 多长时,用来拜神,称为 “ 拜仙禾 ” 和 “ 拜神菜 ” 。 From the Sixth day to Seventh day, the girls wear pretty clothes and new jewelry, under the stars to pray. This is called “welcoming the fairy” ( “ 迎仙 ” ) 从初六晚开始至初七晚,一连两晚,姑娘们穿上新衣服,戴上新首饰,一切都安 排好后,便焚香点烛,对星空跪拜,称为 “ 迎仙 ” ,


12 Double Seventh Festival’ Food Different areas have different dietary customs, but generally called eat qiao shi( 巧食 ). Included: Dumplings, noodles, etc.Dumplings, noodles The most famous food is Qiao Fruit( 巧果 ).It has many species. 巧果 ). The main material is oil, flour, sugar, honey. 七夕乞巧的应节食品,以巧果最为出名。款式极多。主要的材料 是油、面、糖、蜜 。

13 Dumplings Noodles Qiao Fruit

14 Why can Altair and Vega stand for so long as one year in order to meet each other ? They sacrifice so much. Is it worth? I think the answer is yes

15 It’s all about love I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 For love Beliefs will not change For love Hope will be shine For love To create better future For love Always worth to expecting

16 We are surrounded by love The world is filled with love Family love Friendly love love

17 The soul cannot live without love. Happiness is having someone's love when you need love. We should cherish the man you love and the man who love you

18 The end Thank you for your listening

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