Unit 3. Text A. Anesthetics


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3. Text A. Anesthetics 第3部分 Unit 3. Text A. Anesthetics 主讲教师:黄昆

The value of anesthetics to mankind cannot be overestimated. 过高估计 华中科技大学远程教学

手术室 镇静药 Before anesthetics or other sedatives were used, the operating rooms of hospitals were ghastly places where hideous screams and groans of the patients were the rule rather than the exception. Adj可怕的; 恐怖的 令人惊骇的 而不是 华中科技大学远程教学

与…..相反 Contrary to what one might thinking, this great boon to mankind, anesthetics, has been used for only a hundred years. 恩惠 华中科技大学远程教学

In addition to anesthetics, there are several other kinds of sedatives, among which are substances known as narcotics and hypnotics. 催眠的 麻醉的 华中科技大学远程教学

物理性质 The action of anesthetics within the body is due to two factors: its physical property of solubility in fats and water and its chemical characteristic of combining with nerve tissue. 和神经组织结 合的化学性质 在酯类以及水中 的溶解度 华中科技大学远程教学

Dissolved in (fat, water) readily Easily ;容易的 Dissolved in (fat, water) readily An anesthetic must be volatile if it is to be administered through the respiratory tract. 必需是 易挥发的 呼吸道 华中科技大学远程教学

脊髓 直肠 There are some anesthetics which can be administrated through the rectum or injected into the spine. These do not have to be volatile, but they must have properties which enable the body fluid to assimilate them. 吸收 华中科技大学远程教学

Crease:褶皱 After the anesthesized person creases to breath the fumes, the body soon begins to throw off the poison. 烟雾 摆脱 华中科技大学远程教学

No one can even guess the misery and suffering which men have been spared by the discovery and use of anesthetics. Be spared 固定搭配 Means:继续活下去 华中科技大学远程教学

Text B. Drugs and Mind (1) 华中科技大学远程教学

鸦片 大麻 Alcohol, opium, cannabis and tabacco have been known for centuries and history each fills many books. 华中科技大学远程教学

Offered提供 still offers 持续提供 神游 The experience of a mind-moving drug offered, and still offers, an agreeable escape from the monotony of life. 单调 华中科技大学远程教学

硬化 Cirrhosis of the liver was recognized in the eighteenth century as a consequence of too much drinking. Lung cancer was not seen as a sequel to smoking until the middle of the twentieth. 结果;后遗症 华中科技大学远程教学

Much was learnt, and much remains to be learnt, about the innumerable other constituents which give particular qualities to particular beers, wines and spirits. 华中科技大学远程教学

名词;残留的 Much was learnt, and much remains to be learnt, about the innumerable other constituents which give particular qualities to particular beers, wines and spirits. 无数的 In为否定前缀Able为 形容词后缀 华中科技大学远程教学

The human brain was very inaccessible to any sort of experimental investigation. 难以进去的 华中科技大学远程教学

风气 The general ethos in western Europe and America favoured the publication of any novel findings, often far in advance of facts being properly established. Far 表程 度的加深 In advance 预先 华中科技大学远程教学

英语翻译练习材料 1.尽管人们也提出了许多理论,但全身麻醉药对大脑作用的确切机理尚不得而知。 2.麻醉剂如果通过口腔吸入给药则必须是挥发性的,而通过直肠或脊椎给药的麻醉剂则不一定非要基本挥发性。 3.直到18世纪,肝硬化才被发现是由于饮酒过多所致。 4.对于那些在工厂药物实验室工作的人员来说,设计对人的思维能够产生作用的药品的技术困难是难以克服的。 华中科技大学远程教学

英语口语练习材料 1.The family is one of nature's masterpieses. 家庭是大自然创造的杰作之一。   家庭是大自然创造的杰作之一。 2.The family you came from isn‘t as important as the family you are going to have.   你将拥有的家庭比你出身的那个家庭重要。 3.We never know the love of the parents until we become parents ourselves.      养儿方知父母恩 。 4.A poet is born, not made.   诗人靠天分,不是靠培养 5.Rules and modesty destroy genius and art.   规则与谦逊会毁掉天才和艺术 华中科技大学远程教学