Self-Efficacy as a Moderator of Information-Seeking Effectiveness


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Presentation transcript:

Self-Efficacy as a Moderator of Information-Seeking Effectiveness Brown & Ganesan & Challagalla, 2001 陳基國、秦北斗、林昉、李桂欽、吳斌

目錄 Agenda 1、Research construct 2、Research questions and structure 3、Literature review and hypotheses 4、Method 5、Results 6、Discussion and conclusion

1、Research construct Information seeking and self-efficacy contribute to self-regulatory (role clarity) effectiveness in Industrial Sales Self-regulation  Aligned personal goal/performance (w/expectations & standard of org.) Continuously seek information  Effective self-regulation to direct, evaluate, and adjust their efforts (Ashford, 1986; Kanfer & Kanfer, 1991; Morrison, 1993) Seeking information and accurately interpreting it are critical to self-regulatory effectiveness (Ashford, 1989; Carver & Scheier, 1998) However, previous research primarily focused on identifying personality traits (ex. Self-esteem, relationship) associated with tendencies to seek greater or lesser amount of info. Self-efficacy: Ind. difference influence self-regulatory (Bandura, 1997; Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998) Self-Efficacy is concerned with judgment of personal capability Vs. self-esteem is concerned with judgments of self-worth (Bandura, 1997) Self-Efficacy Personality traits: Information seeking Self- regulatory Aligned goal/ performance

2、Research questions and structure Whether people with particular dispositions (self-efficacy) seeking more or less feedback? How effectively individuals seek, integrate, and interpret information from supervisors and coworkers to clarify role expectations and perform up to standard? 1A: Self-efficacy beliefs moderate the effectiveness with which employees use information seeking to improve role clarity and work performance 1B: Role clarity mediates the joint effects of self-efficacy and information seeking on work perf. Self-Efficacy (High Vs. Low) Information Seeking > Direct inquiry > Monitoring > Inquiry x monitoring Personality traits > Self-Esteem > Relationship… 1A: Role Clarity Performance Understanding the personal characteristics and processes that contribute to role clarity has far-reaching implications for org. effectiveness Information Seeking > Direct inquiry > Monitoring > Inquiry x monitoring 1B: Self-Efficacy Role Clarity Performance

3、Literature review

+ 3、Hypotheses Inquiry x Monitoring Hypothesis 1 Inquiry and monitoring will interact such that role clarity increases as the combination of inquiry and monitoring increases. The slopes of the relationships of inquiry and monitoring with role clarity will become increasingly positive as the level of the other method of information seeking increases. + Information Seeking > Direct inquiry > Monitoring > Inquiry x monitoring Role Clarity Inquiry x Monitoring

3、Hypotheses Hypothesis 2a Self-efficacy will moderate the relationship between information seeking and role clarity. The combination of inquiry and monitoring methods of information seeking will be more strongly related to role clarity for employees with high self-efficacy than for employees with low self-efficacy. Information Seeking > > Inquiry x monitoring Role Clarity Self-Efficacy Information Seeking > Direct inquiry > Monitoring > Inquiry x monitoring Role Clarity Self-Efficacy Hi + +

3、Hypotheses Hypothesis 2b Information seeking will mediate an indirect relationship between self-efficacy and role clarity. Information Seeking > Direct inquiry > Monitoring > Inquiry x monitoring Information Seeking > Direct inquiry > Monitoring > Inquiry x monitoring Self-Efficacy Role Clarity Hypothesis 3 Role clarity will mediate the effects of information seeking on work performance. Information Seeking > Direct inquiry > Monitoring > Inquiry x monitoring Role Clarity Role Clarity Performance

4、Method 調查結果 資料處理手段 鎖定兩家公司的銷售人員,採用郵寄調查表的方式搜集數據 最終獲取 279 個有效樣本 平均年齡為 44 歲,91% 為男性,多數擁有大學以上之學歷 資料處理手段 驗證性因素分析 迴歸分析

4、Method 資訊內容 資訊獲取方式:Inquiry & Monitoring Information seeking 評價資訊:總體工作表現 參考資訊:角色期望 社會資訊:公司價值與態度 技術資訊:工作技術 資訊獲取方式:Inquiry & Monitoring for Inquiry 設置“過去3個月向自己的主管和同事詢問此類資訊的頻率”等共8個題項 for Monitoring 設置“過去3個月自己通過聽觀主管和同事獲取此類資訊的頻率”等共8個題項 Information seeking Self-Efficacy Strength and magnitude scales Bandura (1997), Lee & Bobko (1994)

4、Method Role clarity 從8個項目判斷被試者對於他們主管的角色要求和期望的確認程度 Performance Singh & Rhoads (1991) Performance 從7個項目評價銷售人員完成銷售目標的水平 Behrman & Perreault (1982) 本研究採用7-point scales的形式設問

4、Method 控制變數:過去的研究表明某些因素對 Role clarity 產生正向影響 基於以上 4 個維度的相同層面描述 Inquiry 和 Monitoring 兩種資訊來源,詢問受試者接到主管主動提出請求的頻率 Supervisor-initiated feedback. 使用 House & Desslers (1974) 自製量表測量 使用 Kohli & Jaworski (1994) 自製量表 設置一項,直接詢問 Supervisory consideration and initiation of structure. Self-generated feedback. Job tenure Organizational membership 使用虛擬編碼的方式控制 Organizational membership 在 Role clarity 和 Performance上的影響

5、Results 因此,如假設2b所述,資訊獲取方式並沒有在 Self-Efficacy 與 Role clarity 之間構成中介變量 Self-Efficacy 與任何資訊搜索變量(Inquiry、Monitoring、Inquiry x Monitoring)沒有相關關係, 與 Role clarity 也沒有直接的相關關係 因此,如假設2b所述,資訊獲取方式並沒有在 Self-Efficacy 與 Role clarity 之間構成中介變量

5、Results 為驗證假設1和2b,本研究使用了三步分析法 Step1:對控制變數與 Role clarity 進行回歸 Step2:移除控制變數,將 Inquiry、Monitoring 以及 Inquiry x Monitoring 交互影響共計三個項目進行回歸 Monitoring 對 Role clarity 產生負面影響,而 Inquiry 卻沒有顯著影響 Monitoring 和 Inquiry 的交互項對 Role clarity 產生正向影響。據此,假設 1 的前半句成立 為驗證假設 1 的後半句,研究者採用 Aiken & West (1992) 的斜率測試,以此分析: 不同 Monitoring 水平下,Inquiry 對 Role clarity 的影響 不同 Inquiry 水平下,Monitoring 對 Role clarity 的影響

5、Results The slopes of the relationships of inquiry and monitoring with role clarity will become increasingly positive as the level of the other method of information seeking increases. 假設1成立

5、Results 為判斷假設2,先根據Step2結果分析 Information seeking 和 Role clarity 之間的關係 Self-Efficacy

5、Results Step3:為驗證假設2a,將 Self-Efficacy 的主效應與兩個額外的交互關係 (Self-Efficacy x Inquiry 和 Self-Efficacy x Monitoring), 以及假設的三方交互關係(Self-Efficacy x Inquiry x Monitoring)進行回歸分析 結果表明雖然三方交互關係非常顯著,但雙向交互關係卻不顯著 通過斜率測試表明該分析三方交互關係在高低 Self-Efficacy 水平下的顯著程度 當 Self-Efficacy 較高時,Inquiry x Monitoring的交互關係顯著 當 Self-Efficacy 較低時,Inquiry x Monitoring的交互關係不顯著

5、Results 這表明,Self-Efficacy 較高時, Inquiry 和 Monitoring 對 Role clarity 的影響更加強烈 假設2a成立

5、Results 為探究 Role clarity 在 Inquiry x Monitoring 項目和 Performance 上的中介關係,本研究使用回歸分析法 Step2和step3已證明兩種獲取資訊方式的交互項、兩種獲取資訊方式 x Self-Efficacy 三方交互項對 Role clarity 產生正向影響 當不控制 Role clarity 變數時,兩種獲取資訊方式的交互項,兩種獲取資訊方式 x Self-Efficacy 三方交互項呈現弱相關 當控制 Role clarity 變數時,Self-Efficacy x Inquiry x Monitoring、兩種獲取資訊方式交互項不再顯著 Role clarity 是兩種獲取資訊方式交互項、兩種獲取資訊方式 x Self-Efficacy 三方交互項目和 Performance 的完全中介變量 假設3成立

6、Discussion and conclusion 研究發現 Self-Efficacy moderates that role-clarifying effects of inquiry and monitoring Inquiry and monitoring are synergistic and work best when used together The difference in self-regulatory capabilities between self-efficacy groups is not based on differences in the frequency of information-seeking Role clarity mediates the joint effects of self-efficacy, inquiry and monitoring on work performance 研究局限 All of the measures we used were included on a single instrument, raising a possible concern over common method bias in the estimation of the hypothesized relationships. The primary hypothesized relationships involved complex interaction effects that could not easily be explained by common method bias. Common method bias had little, if any, effect on the results.

6、Discussion and conclusion 研究展望 assess the divergence between the performance of employees with high and low self-efficacy assess whether supervisor-initiated feedback can compensate for the apparent inability of employees with low self-efficacy to effectively self-regulate goal-directed behavior Test these differences in cognitive processing between groups could shed further light on the differences in self-regulation capabilities between employees with high and low self-efficacy. Assess other individual differences as moderators of the effectiveness of information seeking.

小組成員:陳基國、秦北斗、林昉、李桂欽、吳斌 Thank You 小組成員:陳基國、秦北斗、林昉、李桂欽、吳斌