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Presentation transcript:


文法解說 ※ 附屬子句不可單獨存在,必須附屬在 主要子句內。 ※ 依其功能不同可分為 : 名詞子句 形容詞子句 (關係子句) 副詞子句

名詞子句 以三種連接詞引導 : 1. wh-疑問詞 : what/ who/ where/ why/ when/ which/ how 名詞子句的功能 : 作為主詞、受詞與補語, 以三種連接詞引導 : 1. wh-疑問詞 : what/ who/ where/ why/ when/ which/ how 2. if/ whether 3. that (當受詞時可省略) ※ 名詞子句的字序如直述句一般,主詞放在動詞前。

→ 作為主詞 Why she felt angry is none of your business. Whether he will come is unknown. That Kate got seriously ill worried everybody.

→ 作為受詞 I don’t know where Helen lives. Can you tell me if this bus goes downtown? The girl said that she was looking for her lost kitten.

→ 作為受詞 This is not what she expected. The question is whether he can finish the work on time. My plan was that I would study English hard so I could travel abroad alone.

形容詞子句 ※ 形容詞子句修飾前面的名詞 (稱為先行詞) ※以關係代名詞who/ which/ that/ where/ when/ why/ what…引導 : who修飾人 which修飾物 that則兩者皆可 where修飾地方 when修飾時間 why修飾原因

形容詞子句 : 例句解析 The woman who helped me find my way home was kind. The police finally caught the thief that broke into my apartment last week. The toy which you bought for your son was broken. Let’s find a place where we can enjoy a big meal.

形容詞子句 : 例句解析 5. Do you know when the concert will begin? 6. Do you know the reason why she got angry? 7. The man with whom I work is not only smart but friendly. 8. The only thing that matters to me is his health. 先行詞前若有最高級、the first 、the only、 any、all、no、 nothing 、anything 、something

→ 限定子句與非限定子句 若用來修飾先行詞者 : 限定子句 (前不可加逗號) 若先行詞是『獨一無二』、『眾所皆知 』、『專有 名詞』或『人/地/書名』時, 後面的形容詞子句只 是提供額外的資料時 : 非限定子句 (前必須加逗號來 與主要子句隔開)

限定子句與非限定子句: 例句解析 The man who stepped on my toes apologized to me. We enjoyed the movie which we saw last weekend. Kenting, which is located in southern Taiwan, has always been a favorite vacation spot. Larry bought a wheel chair for his mother, who broke her leg last month and hasn’t been able to walk on her own.

副詞子句 以附屬連接詞引導的副詞子句, 表示與 主要子句之間的邏輯關係, 例如 : 因果、 時間、 條件、 讓步、 目的 … 等。

→ 表因果關係 表因果關係的附屬連接詞 : because 因為 since 既然 as 由於 as long as 既然

→ 表因果關係 : 例句 Paul was late for work because he overslept. Since you have nothing to do, would you give me a hand?

→ 表時間關係 ※ 時間副詞子句的未來式要用現在式代替 表時間關係的附屬連接詞 : when 當… 的時候 after 在… 之後 before 在… 之前 while 當… 的時候 as 正當 since 自從 until 直到 as soon as 一… 就… by the time 在…. 之前 ※ 時間副詞子句的未來式要用現在式代替

→ 表時間關係 : 例句 After Fanny gets married, she will quit her job and stay at home. By the time we arrive at the airport, the plane had already taken off. (by the time連接的子句必為簡單式,其 主要子句常用完成式。)

→ 表條件附屬連接詞 表條件的附屬連接詞 : if/ unless (= if not) 若不 in case 萬一 as long as 只要

→ 表條件附屬子句 : 例句 If it rains tomorrow, we’ll have to put off the game. I’ll be in my office in case you need to reach me. You can’t go to college unless you pass the entrance exam. (例句中條件副詞子句要用現在式代替未 來式。

→ 表讓步附屬連接詞 表讓步的附屬連接詞 : although/ though 雖然 even though 即使 ※ 讓步的意思 : 前後子句有矛盾的關係。 ※ 不可與but或yet一起使用。 ※ although多放在主要子句之前, though多放在主要子句之後。

→ 表讓步附屬子句 : 例句 Although Ellen tries to be careful, she makes mistakes from time to time. Even though the service was terrible, the restaurant was still crowded with people.

→ 表目的附屬連接詞 表目的之附屬連接詞 : so that 好讓… in order that 為了要…

→ 表目的附屬子句 : 例句 Please keep quiet so that the baby can get some sleep. I did the laundry today in order that I’ll have clean clothes to wear tomorrow.