台灣櫻花 Cherry blossoms in Taiwan in Taiwan 課目:英文 報告人:學員廖勁燿 授課老師:顧志文老師.


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Presentation transcript:

台灣櫻花 Cherry blossoms in Taiwan in Taiwan 課目:英文 報告人:學員廖勁燿 授課老師:顧志文老師

Legend has it that the cherry tree was originally a small grass, and it grew into a tree. It was because a girl who liked to wear a pink gauze had a sword in it, and the bright red hot blood became a nourishment, which turned the grass into a grass. The big tree, every year, is full of blooming cherry blossoms. In the distant Japan, there is such a story. Under the beautiful cherry trees, there are many souls belonging to those Bushido. Legend has it that cherry blossoms were originally only white, and those warriors who had no lofty choices chose to settle their lives under their favorite cherry trees. The red blood slowly penetrated into the mud, and the petals of the cherry blossoms gradually became red. The petals of the cherry blossoms grew. Red, the more dead souls under the tree.

Sakura is the national flower of Japan. The flower language is warm, pure, and happy. I will never give up in my life. The flowering period of cherry blossoms is usually only three to five days. Because the cherry blossoms choose to fade in their most brilliant time, this is the cherry blossom spirit, March 10 each year. From the 5th to the 15th of May, it is the cherry blossom festival in Japan. During the flower festival, people take a drink and drink under the cherry tree and enjoy the cherry blossoms. It is a great pleasure in life.

二月中 ~ 三月 三月中 ~ 四月中 一月底 ~ 二月底 二月中 一 ~ 二月中 二月中 三月中 三月中 ~ 四月初 二月中 三月中 ~ 四月初 一 ~ 二月中 二月中 ~ 三月

初春盛開 落櫻繽紛 In the early spring, the autumn cherry blossoms are colorful

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