The Unknown Paradise 鮮為人知的人間天堂 Latvia 拉脫維亞 Autoplay 作曲:蕭邦


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Presentation transcript:

The Unknown Paradise 鮮為人知的人間天堂 Latvia 拉脫維亞 Autoplay 作曲:蕭邦 Music:Tristesse 蕭邦練習曲 Composers:chopin 作曲:蕭邦 Autoplay 1

Amatciems is 80 km from Riga, the capital of Latvia, and 12 km of islands that have about 20,000 inhabitants. If you want to buy a house in this little-known place, it will cost you 200,000 euros. For that amount you can buy a house in a spectacular natural landscape of indescribable beauty. Amatciems 距離拉脫維亞首都-裡加80公里,方圓12公里的島嶼,擁有約 2 萬居民。如果你想在這鮮為人知的地方買棟房子,這將花費你20萬歐元。用這筆錢你可以在一個美的難以形容的自然風景區買到一棟房子。

There are no paved roads in Amatciems, the place to build a house is carefully selected to fit with the existing landscape. 在Amatciems道路沒有舖設柏油,建造一棟房子的位置都是經過精心挑選,以與周邊存在的景觀相互搭配。

你必須滿足兩個主要標準 - 一個新家不應掩蓋美麗的自然景觀,而且必須容許每個小區的房主享有自己小塊農地的天然樹林和新鮮水質的蓄水池塘。 You must meet two main criteria - a new home should not obscure the beautiful natural landscapes and must allow the owners of each plot to enjoy their own smallholdings of natural forest and the reservoir of freshwater. 你必須滿足兩個主要標準 - 一個新家不應掩蓋美麗的自然景觀,而且必須容許每個小區的房主享有自己小塊農地的天然樹林和新鮮水質的蓄水池塘。

三種型式的建築結構被採用 - 木製結構框架、外觀用自然石塊砌成的木石結構、還有一種用木頭支撐與隔間,並裝飾灰泥或彩繪玻璃外牆。 Three types of structures are used - wooden frames, timber and masonry that are complemented by facades of natural stone, sheeting of wood, decorative plaster or painted glass of the exterior walls. 三種型式的建築結構被採用 - 木製結構框架、外觀用自然石塊砌成的木石結構、還有一種用木頭支撐與隔間,並裝飾灰泥或彩繪玻璃外牆。

每棟房屋允許四種型式風格可供選擇 - 屋頂,雕刻的原木頭,陶瓷磚瓦或水泥瓦片。這並不意味著他們的選擇是有限的。新的想法總是受歡迎的 ... The concept of each household is allowed four types of styles - roofs, logs carved, ceramic tiles or cement. This does not mean that are limited in their choice. The new ideas are always welcome... 每棟房屋允許四種型式風格可供選擇 - 屋頂,雕刻的原木頭,陶瓷磚瓦或水泥瓦片。這並不意味著他們的選擇是有限的。新的想法總是受歡迎的 ...

每棟建築都與公共服務的網絡相連接,如 - 供水,污水排放,電力和光纖電纜。 Each plot is connected to the network of public services, i.e. - water supply, sewerage, electricity and fiber optic cable. 每棟建築都與公共服務的網絡相連接,如 - 供水,污水排放,電力和光纖電纜。

Amatciems has only natural reserves in freshwater - ponds, lakes and streams. All are interconnected to feed some and others in the air currents and avoid the floods in periods of rain. . Amatciems只有天然儲備的新鮮淡水 - 池塘,湖泊和溪流。所有這裡的水都是相互連通及氣流互補,以避免雨季時洪水氾濫。

居民可以無拘無束的欣賞鹿,雌狐,鳥類和其他路過這個區域的動物,或者在森林漫步途中,搜尋草莓和蘑菇。 The inhabitants can admire deer, vixens, birds and other animal in movement without ties through the zone, or take time to walk by the forest, perhaps in search of berries and fungi in the way. 居民可以無拘無束的欣賞鹿,雌狐,鳥類和其他路過這個區域的動物,或者在森林漫步途中,搜尋草莓和蘑菇。 Wonderful hill views, Lagos, fields and forests that produce feelings of peace and tranquility. 美妙的山丘景色、湖泊、田野和森林令人頓覺安詳和寧靜。 The town already has attracted people who value the simple and natural life. The Amatciems community is totally international. 這個小鎮早已吸引崇尚自然與簡約生活的人們, Amatciems已是一個完全國際化的社區。


這裡家的安排使得人們得與自然共享生活,和諧共存,這將使得他們得到自然的芬芳香味,及大自然天籟聲不斷充實與更新。 Homes that are arranged to share life with the nature, to coexist in harmony that will allow them to update its being with the energies of the natural aromas and the sounds. 這裡家的安排使得人們得與自然共享生活,和諧共存,這將使得他們得到自然的芬芳香味,及大自然天籟聲不斷充實與更新。 A home where they like to watch the birds, the sunrise, dawns and images that will be duplicated in virgin waters of the environment. 這裡的家庭,他們喜歡觀賞鳥兒、日出、拂曉,及倒映在質樸水中的自然環境景象。 A home in which they can enjoy the natural beauty of every day in the four seasons of the year. 這裡的家庭,人們一年四季都能夠享受自然的美麗。 A natural form of the life, a unique project, a masterpiece of an ecological genius, Mr. Aivars Zvirbulis, who thinks that the urban life is a loss of time. 這是一個生命的自然生態,一個獨特的企劃,這是生態師 Mr. Aivars Zvirbulis的傑作,他認為都市生活是一種生命的浪費。

You Can Keep Listening To The Music Or Press " Esc " To Exit The End Music:Tristesse 蕭邦練習曲 Composers:chopin 作曲:蕭邦