Main Changes and Care of Woman during Postpartum


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Presentation transcript:

Main Changes and Care of Woman during Postpartum Ren jianhua West China second university hospital

vocabulary Postpartum 产后的 Placenta 胎盘 Post- 之后的 pre- 之前的 partum 起源于 parity(产次) Postpartum period=puerperium Placenta 胎盘 盘子 plate

vocabulary Involution 子宫复旧 Fundus 宫底 A shrinking or return to a former size Volution是发展 a rolling or revolving motion in-往里 Revolution 进化(再一次运动发展?) Fundus 宫底 Foundation 基础

vocabulary Bladder 膀胱 / 软袋(如足球里的橡胶袋) Unbilicus 脐,中心 Unbilical 脐带的

vocabulary Atony 张力缺乏 Endometrial 子宫内膜的 a- 无,没有 anormaly 异常的 tone 音调 tension 张力 Endometrial 子宫内膜的 Endo- 内部的 exo- 外部的 Menses 月经

vocabulary Neonate 新生儿 Ambulation 移动,步行 Thrombophlebitis 血栓静脉炎 Neo- 新的 new? Ambulation 移动,步行 Ambulative 移动的 Ambulance 救护车 Thrombophlebitis 血栓静脉炎 Thrombus 血栓 Phlebitis 静脉炎

Definition of postpartum Placenta delivering—all organs return to pre-pregnant state 6-week period following childbirth Physiologic changes Psychological changes Social changes

Definition of postpartum Quiz Puerperium refers to period following childbirth A 4-week B 6-week C 8-week D 10-week

The uterine involution The process through which the reproductive organs return to their non-pregnant state. 子宫复旧是指生殖器官恢复至未孕状态的过程 Placental site—6 to 7 weeks to heal Other site—3-4 weeks to heal Weight of uterus: 1000g—500g—50g

Signs for uterine involution The uterine involution Signs for uterine involution The fundus assessment 子宫底 Lochia 恶露

The fundus assessment The uterine involution Preparation: empty bladder Method: press in and downward on the umbilicus Feeling: firm, globular

Signs for fundus assessment The uterine involution Signs for fundus assessment The height of fundus 子宫底高度 The consistency of fundus 子宫底质地 firm, round, smooth

The uterine involution Lochia 恶露 Amount Color odor 3 types of lochia

the first days after delivery moderate The uterine involution Lochia rubra 血性恶露 dark red the first days after delivery moderate

Lochia serosa 浆性恶露 serous and pink the fourth day decrease in amount The uterine involution Lochia serosa 浆性恶露 serous and pink the fourth day decrease in amount

alba—albicans candida 白色念珠菌 The uterine involution Lochia alba 白色恶露 yellow-white a week to 10 days scant alba—albicans candida 白色念珠菌

Psychological changes Psychological adaptation 1960s, Rubin 3 phases of psychological changes Taking-in 依赖期 Taking-hold 依赖-独立期 Letting-go 独立期

Psychological changes taking-in phase 2-3days focus primarily on her own basic needs 集中于自己基本需要 take in every detail of the neonate 关注新生儿的细节 allow other to make decisions for her 愿意别人替她做决定

Psychological changes Taking-hold phase 4 days~2weeks more independent 更独立 manage her own body-function 管理自己的健康 express strong interest in caring the neonate 更有兴趣照顾小孩

Psychological changes Letting-go phase redefine her role 重新定位自己的角色 accept all traits of her baby 接受孩子所有的特征

Enough time for health education Family-centered Care plan Enough time for health education Family-centered Increase the woman’s self-esteem

Diet Balanced nutrition with enough calories 有足够热量并有均衡营养的饮食 Provide between-meal snack 每餐之间提供小吃 Increase intake of fluid 摄入更多的汤饮

Rest and activity Sleep as much as possible Early ambulation according to the mother’s strength


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