The Advantages of Team Working


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Presentation transcript:

The Advantages of Team Working WHAT IS Team Work? The Advantages of Team Working Powerpoint Copyright © 2007 Powerpoint Paradise. All Rights Reserved New King James Version

從字義上來說,「團隊合作」 指的是一個團隊一起工作, As the name implies, "Teamwork" means working together as a TEAM,

rather than as an individual. 而不是個人單打獨鬥。

在團隊合作裡,各方才華匯聚一堂,就如拼圖中各片拼圖,當拼放在一起便可完成一幅完整的圖畫,成為一個面面俱到的團隊。 In Teamwork, talents combine, like the pieces of a constructed puzzle, to provide the whole picture & make a well-rounded team.

我們都是同一個身體的各部份。哥林多前書12:12-31 “We’re all members of the same body.” 1 Co. 12:12-31

A team with all "team players" is more likely to win 「團隊球員」的團隊贏面大於 A team with all "team players" is more likely to win

「出鋒頭球員」的團隊。 than one composed of "hotshots".

Some Benefits of Teamworking 團隊合作的一些好處

(as opposed to doing it all by myself) (而不是自己做所有的事)

6 Key Benefits of Team Work 團隊合作的六大好處 鄧肯.布洛迪 6 Key Benefits of Team Work

1.創造力 Creativity

2. 滿足感 Satisfaction

3. 才能 Skills

4. Speed 4. 速度

5. 回響板 Sounding board

6. . 支持 Support

團隊合作:聖經怎麼說 The Bible On Teamworking SECTION THREE 團隊合作:聖經怎麼說 The Bible On Teamworking

*箴言13:20 [使我們能夠彼此學習]「與智慧人同行的,必得智慧。」 Proverbs 13:20 [Enables us to learn from one another] “He that walks with wise men shall be wise.”

* 傳道書 4:9,10 [幫助我們完成更多]「兩個人總比一個人好,因為二人勞碌同得美好的果效。」 Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 [Helps us accomplish more:] “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.”

[提供安全和協助] 「若是跌倒,這人可以扶起他的同伴;若是孤身跌倒,沒有別人扶起他來,這人就有禍了。」[Provides safety and aid:] “For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he has not another to help him up.”

* 傳道書 4:12 [會提供更大的力量] 「有人攻勝孤身一人,若有二人便能敵擋他;三股合成的繩子不容易折斷。」 Ecclesiastes 4:12 [Provides greater strength:] “And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

* 申命記 32:30 「一個人能趕逐他們一千人…兩個人能叫他們萬人逃跑。」Deuteronomy 32:30 “One (could) chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight.. “

腓立比書 2:3 「凡事不可結黨,不可貪圖虛浮的榮耀;只要存心謙卑,各人看別人比自己強。」 4. Phi.2:3 “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” 腓立比書 2:3 「凡事不可結黨,不可貪圖虛浮的榮耀;只要存心謙卑,各人看別人比自己強。」

箴言 13:10 「驕傲只啟爭競;聽勸言的,卻有智慧。」Proverbs 箴言 13:10 「驕傲只啟爭競;聽勸言的,卻有智慧。」Proverbs. 13:10 “By pride comes nothing but strife, But with the well-advised is wisdom.”

彼得前書 5:5 「你們年幼的,也要順服年長的。就是你們眾人也都要以謙卑束腰,彼此順服;因為神阻擋驕傲的人,賜恩給謙卑的人。」 1PE.5:5 “Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.“

對立互相吸引?在你的團隊擁有多樣、甚至相反特性的益處 Do Opposites Attract? Benefits of having various, even opposite characteristics and traits on your team

有時人們會疑惑,為什麼他們的隊友在很多方面和他們如此不同。 Sometimes people wonder why their teammate is so opposite from them in so many ways.

無論如何,我們需要互相學習,並且學習如何彼此讓步及順服。However, we need to learn from each other, & we need to learn to YIELD & SUBMIT to one another.

一位基徒督在做決定時,其目標是切中上帝的旨意:團隊合作是那當行之道。In Decision-Making for A Christian, the goal is hitting the mark of God’s Will: Team working is the way to go.

6. 團隊合作的最終結果,會是對他人表現出更和諧均衡的範例,因為功勞不僅屬於一個人,也不是由一個人來完成一切,所以上主可得到功勞及榮耀! 6 6. 團隊合作的最終結果,會是對他人表現出更和諧均衡的範例,因為功勞不僅屬於一個人,也不是由一個人來完成一切,所以上主可得到功勞及榮耀! 6. The end result from Team working is a more balanced sample to others where no one person gets the credit or carries the show, so the LORD gets the credit & the glory!

「上帝是那想要得到榮耀的人!…無時無刻,每當做到任何小事情時,都將所有功勞歸給上帝,而祂將一定會繼續使你成功、給你力量、保護你、保守你及使你倍增!」 “God is the One who wants to get the glory!... GIVE GOD ALL THE CREDIT ALL THE TIME AT EVERY TURN FOR EVERY LITTLE THING, and He will never fail to continue to prosper you and empower you, and protect you, and keep you, and multiply you!”

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