中国的社会保障制度及其对女职工的社会保护 Dept. Social Security, ACFTU


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中国的社会保障制度及其对女职工的社会保护 Dept. Social Security, ACFTU SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM AND SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR FEMALE WORKERS IN CHINA 中华全国总工会保障工作部 Dept. Social Security, ACFTU 2010-07-15


截至2008年末 In the end of 2008 ■国土面积(Area of Territory) 960(10, ■总人口(Total Population) 132802 (10,000persons) ▲男(Male) 68416 (10,000persons) 51.52% ▲女(Female) 64386 (10,000persons) 48.48% ▲城镇(Urban) 60956 (10,000persons) 45.90% ▲农村(Rural) 71846(10,000persons) 54.10%

■劳动力总资源(Number of Labour) 80760(10,000persons) ■全社会就业人员(Number of Employed) 78040 (10,000persons) ▲城镇就业人员(Number of Employed persons in urban areas) 38035(10,000persons) 48.8% ▲农村就业人员(Number of Employed persons in rural areas) 40005(10,000persons) 51.2%

World Rank (IMF): The 3th in 190 countries ■人均国民生产总值(Per GDP) 截至2009年末 In the end of 2009 ■国民生产总值(GDP) 335353 (100 million RMB ) ≈49100 (100 million US$) 世界排名(IMF): 190个国家中居第3位 World Rank (IMF): The 3th in 190 countries ■人均国民生产总值(Per GDP) 25162(RMB Yuan) ≈3680(US$) 世界排名(IMF): 180个国家中居第101位 World Rank (IMF): The 101th in 180 countries

截至2008年末 In the end of 2008 ■人口出生率Birth Rate 12.25‰ ■人口死亡率Death Rate 6.41‰ ■人口自然增长率Natural Growth Rate 5.85‰ ■婴儿死亡率Death Rate of Children 11.8‰ ■妇女人均生育率Children per Woman 1.19(Children) ■平均预期寿命Life of Expectancy 72.30(Years Old) ▲男性Male 70.13(Years Old) ▲女性(Female) 74.22(Years Old)

ON SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM OF CHINA 中国社会保障制度简介 ——三个发展阶段 ——基本框架 ——对女职工的优惠对待 BRIEF INTRODUCTION ON SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM OF CHINA ——The three developmental steps ——The prime frame ——Special treatment or benefits for female workers

三个发展阶段 The three developmental steps ■计划经济阶段(1950-1985) The period of planned economy (1950-1985) ■改革重建阶段(1985-2007) The period of reform and reconstruction (1985-2007) ■全面覆盖阶段(2007——) The period of overall coverage (2007——)

Social Security system 基本框架 The prime frame 社会保障体系 Social Security system 社会互助 Social Mutual Activities 社会保险 Social Insurance 社会救助 Social Assistance 社会福利 Social Welfare

■社会救助 Social Assistance ▲最低生活保障制度 Minimum living standard ▲重大疾病医疗救助 Assistance for major diseases ▲重大自然灾害国家救助 Assistance for natural disasters ▲住房保障(经济适用房和廉租房) Housing preferential treatment, such as providing affordable housing or Low-rent housing to low-income groups ▲紧急救援等等Assistance under Emergency cases. etc.

▲公共福利服务设施 Public welfare service facilities ■社会福利 Social Welfare ▲公共福利服务设施 Public welfare service facilities ▲免费教育和国家助学 Free education and governmental education assistance ▲计划生育补贴 Benefits for the “one family one child” plan ▲残疾人福利 Benefits for the disabled people ▲退役军人福利 Benefits for the retired soldiers ▲老年服务 Elderly services ▲孤儿和弃儿照顾等等 Care for orphans and abandoned children. etc.

■社会互助 Social Mutual Activities ▲社会慈善事业 Community philanthropy ▲各种形式的民间合作社 Cooperatives ▲社会(职工)互助保险 Mutual insurance ▲商业保险计划 Commercial insurance plan ▲企业年金计划等等 Pension established by enterprises or companies. etc.

■社会保险Social Insurance 社会保险是社会保障体系的核心和基石。 It is the core or Cornerstone of the Social security system. ▲养老保险 Old-age insurance ◆城镇职工基本养老保险 old-age insurance for workers in urban areas ◆城镇居民基本养老保险 old-age insurance for residents in urban areas ◆农村养老保险 old-age insurance for residents in rural areas ▲医疗保险 Medical-Care Insurance ◆城镇职工基本医疗保险medical insurance for workers in urban areas ◆城镇居民基本医疗保险medical insurance for residents in urban areas ◆农村合作医疗保险medical insurance for residents in rural areas ▲失业保险Unemployment Insurance ▲工伤保险Occupational Injury Insurance ▲生育保险Maternity Insurance

各项社会保险的缴费率(按照工资总额的百分比) Contribution Rates(According to the percentage of total wage) 险种 单位费率(%) 个人费率(%) 小计(%) Categories Employer(%) Employee(%) Add(%) 基本养老保险 20 8 28 Old-Age insurance 基本医疗保险 6 2 Medical Insurance 失业保险 1 3 Unemployment Insurance 工伤保险 Occupational Injury 生育保险 Maternity Insurance 合计(%) 30 11 41 Total(%)

Special treatment or benefits for female workers ■中国社会保障制度对女职工的优惠对待 Special treatment or benefits for female workers ▲生育保险是为女职工专门设计的 The Maternity Insurance was particularly designed for female workers ▲较男职工更早退休 Female workers may retire earlier than male workers ▲未参加生育保险的女职工可在基本医疗保险中获得相应待遇 Female workers who did not participate the maternity insurance may receive the same treatment from the Medical Insurance ▲获得对单亲家庭的照顾 Preferential policies for the Single-parent families

Coverage Rate of Social Insurance programmes target coverage groups 各项社会保险制度的覆盖情况 Coverage Rate of Social Insurance programmes 种类 参保人数(万人) 目标覆盖群体(万人) 覆盖率(%) categories participants target coverage groups coverage rate (10,000 persons) (%) 城镇职工基本养老保险 23600 27200 86.7 old-age insurance for workers in urban areas 农村养老保险 3326 40005 8.3 old-age insurance for residents in rural areas 城镇职工基本医疗保险 21900 80.5 medical insurance for workers in urban areas 城镇居民基本医疗保险 18200 33750 53.9 medical insurance for residents in urban areas 农村合作医疗保险 83300 86040 96.8 medical insurance for residents in rural areas 失业保险 12700 46.6 Unemployment Insurance 工伤保险 14900 54.7 Occupational Injury Insurance 生育保险 10900 40.0 Maternity Insurance

中国工会的作用以及中国社会保障制度所面临的挑战 The roles of ACFTU in promoting social security and challenges on the issue of social security ■中国工会在建设社会保障体系方面的作用 ▲参与政策设计 Involve in policy-making ▲参与立法 Involve in legislation ▲提请政府提高社会保障待遇水平 Urge the government to increase social security benefits ▲对社会保障制度的运行实施监督 supervision to the operation of the social security system

▲制度设计缺陷 The system has it’s designing defects ■中国社会保障制度所面临的挑战 The facing challenges on the issue of social security ▲老龄化社会 Aged society ▲人口城镇化 Urbanization ▲福利需求刚性和可持续供给:福利陷阱? The rigidity of welfare and sustainable supply. Welfare trap ? ▲制度设计缺陷 The system has it’s designing defects ▲国际金融危机的负面影响 negative influence from the international financial crisis

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