大卫.巴迪 By David Batty 全球青年挑战 Global Teen Challenge


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Presentation transcript:

大卫.巴迪 By David Batty 全球青年挑战 Global Teen Challenge 青年挑战事工成功的关键 Keys to the Success of Teen Challenge 第2 部分: 进一步观察基督徒门徒训练模式 Part 2: A closer look at the Christian Discipleship model 大卫.巴迪 By David Batty 全球青年挑战 Global Teen Challenge 03-15 PSNC #1

03-15 PSNC #1

1. Models of Treating Addiction 对待“成瘾问题”的几种模式 Medical Model 医疗模式 Psychological Model 心理学模式 Educational Model 教育模式 Christian Discipleship Model 基督徒门徒训练模式 03-15 PSNC #1

2. A closer look at the Christian discipleship model 进一步探讨门徒训练模式 Discipleship is not a miracle, like salvation or healing. 门徒训练不是一个奇迹,像救恩或医治那 样。 God needs experts at discipleship today. 当今,神需要门徒训练专家。 03-15 PSNC #1

2. A closer look at the Christian discipleship model 进一步探讨门徒训练模式 At TC Christian discipleship training is the primary tool for assisting those with addictions. Counseling is secondary. 在青年挑战, 基督徒门徒训练是帮助吸毒者的主要工具。咨询辅导是次要工具。 D. Students spend at least 3 hours a day 5 days a week in Christian discipleship classes, learning how to apply the teachings of the Bible to their daily living. 学员至少需要每天3小时, 每周5天学习门徒训练课程,学习如何应用圣经中关于生活的教导。 03-15 PSNC #1

The great need today 当今极大的需求 每个在此项事工中的员工都需要变成门徒训练专家。 Every staff in your ministry needs to become an expert at Christian discipleship. 03-15 PSNC #1

Ten keys to Christian Discipleship 基督徒门徒训练的10个要领 1. 以基督为中心, 不是以人为中心 希伯来书 12:1-2 Christ-centered, not man-centered Hebrews 12:1-2 03-15 PSNC #1

2. Discipleship is future oriented 训练是面向未来的 03-15 PSNC #1

The element of the miraculous 奇迹的要素 03-15 PSNC #1

4. Action centered, not information centered 以行动为中心,不以信息为中心。 ----个人实践 ----设定目标 ----personal application ----goal setting 03-15 PSNC #1

5. By choice, not by force 个人选择,不强迫 03-15 PSNC #1

6. Involves obedience 要求顺服 03-15 PSNC #1

7. Based on a power source outside of myself 以自身以外的力量源泉为基础 03-15 PSNC #1

8. Love centered, not factory mass produced 以爱为中心,而不是工厂批量生产 03-15 PSNC #1

Character centered, not success centered 以塑造品格为中心,不以成功为中心 03-15 PSNC #1

10. Time limited 时间有限 03-15 PSNC #1

Our Mission 我们的使命 青年挑战的使命是传播福音,把有生命控制问题的人培训成门徒,并且开创门徒训练过程,培训学员成为基督徒,在社会,家庭,教会,工作岗位和社区内应用圣经原则。 The mission of Teen Challenge is to evangelize and disciple persons with life-controlling problems and initiate the discipleship process to the point where the student can function as a Christian in society, applying spiritually motivated biblical principles in relationships in the family, church, chosen vocation, and community. 03-15 PSNC #1

有效的门徒训练可以培养出能教导别人的人。 提后 2:2 Effective discipleship produces people who will disciple others. 2 Timothy 2:2 03-15 PSNC #1

对门徒训练专家的需求是此项事工未来成功的关键要素。 The need for experts on discipleship is essential for the future success of this ministry. 03-15 PSNC #1

Global Teen Challenge 国际青年挑战 Contact information 联系方式 Global Teen Challenge 国际青年挑战 706-576-6555 www.GlobalTC.org www.iTeenChallenge.org 03-15 PSNC #1