Innovation Cooperation development


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Innovation Cooperation development March 2017 Innovation Cooperation development Observe the Earth More Clearly Return to Homeland More Safely Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity 让我们更清晰地观察世界, 让我们更自由地返回家园

1 2 3 Introduction of BISME International Cooperation Innovation & Development

Company Profile BISME Founded in 1958, key member of CAST, CASC 1st institute in China engaged in the development of space optical remote sensors Only institute in China engaged in research of spacecraft return and landing technology 1814 employees

Fields of Research Optical Remote Sensing Technology Aviation camera technology Space Pyrotechnic Technology Spacecraft Return and Landing Technology Space laser Detection Technology Composite Material Technology 所历史及主营业务介绍

Spacecraft Return & Landing Technology BISME has been dedicated to providing various kinds of spacecrafts with turn-key solutions for return and landing system. Return & landing system for manned spacecrafts from SZ-1 to SZ-11 Return & landing system for Lunar Exploration Missions Return & landing system for Mars Exploration Missions 图片:火星全向缓冲气囊、月球着陆腿、返回式卫星、无人机回收等

Space Optical Remote Sensing BISME has provided 144 Space Optical Remote sensors for Chinese satellites with 100% success rate, accounting for about 82% of all the in-orbit optical remote sensors in China. Application Land observation Ocean observation Land mapping Atmosphere sounding Space science exploration Disaster/environment monitoring

Space Optical Remote Sensing GF-1 2m PAN/8m MS Imager 16m Wide-swath Imager GF-2 Meter-level Imager GF-4 Geostationary Imager GF-5 Spectral Imager IR Spectrograph GF-7 Mapping Imager CHINA ‘s High-Resolution Earth Observation System

Space Optical Remote Sensing HY-1A/B Coastal Zone Imager ZY-3 Mapping Imager FY-4 Lightening Imaging Sensor FY-3 Greenhouse Gasses Sensor Contribution to the worldwide atmospheric environment protection & climate change monitoring Lightening monitoring of a thunderstorm in Western Australia

1 2 3 Introduction of BISME International Cooperation Innovation & Development

Sino-Belgium Cooperation Exchange visits for 6 times Strategic Cooperation Agreement between CASC & AMOS BISME – AMOS Joint-Laboratory Agreement signed in 2015 2015年6月 中国航天科技集团与AMOS公司在习近平主席和菲利普国王的见证下,于人民大会堂签署了战略合作协议。 2015年6月24日,北京空间机电研究所与AMOS公司在菲利普国王的见证下,签署了中比联合实验室合作协议。

Sino-Belgium Cooperation Fields of Cooperation R&D of opto-mechanical structure Optical manufacture and optical precise measurement Design of space environment experiment simulation system Cooperation Projects Environment Testing System Straylight Measurement System

Collaborative Research Sino-Belgium Cooperation Collaborative Development of Instruments Straylight test system Vacuum simulator system High precision collimator Collaborative Research Low temperature optical testing Free-form surface inspection Vacuum simulating technology Large aperture optical manufacture Academic Exchange Joint conferences Visiting Scholar Collaborative cultivation of talents

Sino-Holland Joint Laboratory Sino-Holland Joint Laboratory of Space Optical Instrument Founded on 7 March 2014 Fields of Cooperation Earth Spectrum Detection Space and Planet Exploration Optical Calibration Cooperation Projects On-board calibration unit of hyperspectral payload (FY-3 02) Optical design for hyperspectral payload (FY-3 03) Collaborative design for Mars Exploration Mission Academic Exchange Annual Symposium Conference Proceedings Visiting Scholars

1 2 3 Introduction of BISME International Cooperation Innovation & Development

Innovation Platform International Cooperation To Promote Technological Innovation Capacity To Jointly Incubate Projects To Jointly Cultivate Talents International Cooperation BISME’S National Center for International Research on Space Optical Instrument was recognized by Ministry of Science & Technology in October, 2015 勤于思变:敢思敢想,勤思勤想,以变求新、以新求变,在变革中生存发展,靠变革创造新天地。 勇于探索:敢于突破习惯性思维、打破陈规束缚,攻坚克难、不辱使命,不断探索空间技术发展新领域。 创造价值:把握创新的本质和特征,丰富创新的内涵和形式,找准创新的切入点、着力点和价值点,通过创新创造价值。 永攀高峰:创新只有起点没有重点,不断提高自主创新能力,拥有更多支撑研究所核心技术发展的自主知识产权,在创新路上永不满足、追求卓越。

Innovation Platform Space Spectral Detection Technology Advanced Optical Manufacturing Technology Space Optical Precision Measurement Technology Space Optical Instrument Calibration Technology Application of Space Optical Instrument International Joint Research Center 2016年,启动“北京空间机电研究所国际联合研究中心”建设工作 未来将把国际联合研究中心未打造成集交流培训、成果展示、科普教育、资源共享、联合研发等功能为一体,面向全国乃至全球高校、科研院所、企业等开展联合研发工作的高科技

Conclusions Welcome Belgian aerospace companies to work together with BISME. Let us joint our talent and make efforts to promote the development of earth understanding, and to improve the well-being of mankind. 欢迎比利时宇航企业,与我们一道,基于国际联合研究中心平台,在联合技术研究、仪器设备开发方面以及学术交流等方面开展合作。 共同将国际联合研究中心建设成为高科技领域的创新平台,通过互信合作,取长补短,推动两国在光学遥感、对地观测领域的进步,为改造人类自身居住环境,造福全球居民做出贡献。

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