Lesson 13 How Is School Going?.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 13 How Is School Going?

Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. This ______ (be) me with a funny dog. 2. I show some ______ (photo) to my classmates. 3. You should ______ (see) your grandparents once a week. 4. Danny __________ (ride) a camel in the picture. is photos see is riding

social studies

What do you usually do after class? 1. I usually play football with my classmates. 2. I usually go to the library to read some books. 3. I usually go to the school yard to take a walk. 4. I usually have a talk with my friend. You can do these sports after class:

play ping-pong play table tennis play tennis play football play basketball play badminton rope skipping

Listen and list. What subjects do they have? Wang Mei: Chinese, English, math, history, P.E. and some others. Jenny: Social studies, shop, math, French, English and art.

Read and answer. 1. How is Jenny’s school life going? She is a little busy this term. She has six classes every day. Her school days are very long. 2. How many classes does Wang Mei have every day? She also has six classes every day.

3. What is Wang Mei’s favourite subject? P.E. is her favourite. 4. What is Jenny’s favourite subject? Her favourite subject is shop. 5. What did Jenny make in shop class last week? Last week, she made a bird house all by herself.

Language points

1.How is your school life going? How is … going? 意思是“……怎么样?”用来询问对方最近学习、工作、生活等状况。 How is your business going? 你的生意怎么样? How is your job going? 你的工作怎么样?

2.I usually finish at 5 p.m. We always have a big sports meet twice a year. I often take part in the long jump. 句中的usually, always和often叫做频度副词。是用来表示动作频率的,但程度上有区别。 以上三个频度副词按频率大小排列如下:always > usually > often

频度副词在句中习惯上位于be动词、助动词等之后,行为动词之前。 I usually help my mother. 我常常帮助我妈妈。 He is always ready to help others. 他总是乐意帮助别人。 It often rains here in April. 这儿四月份常下雨。

3.sports meet 运动会 twice a year / week / day 一年/周/天两次 take part in 参加 I will take part in the chess club this term. 这学期我将参加国际象棋俱乐部。 long / high jump 跳远/高

4.You’re good at the long jump. be good at ; do well in 擅长 Are you good at drawing? 你擅长画画吗? He's not very good at writing. 他不大擅长写作。

5.Last week, I made a bird house all by myself. by oneself 独立地;单独 I finished the work (all) by myself. 我自己(一个人)做完了这份工作。 She can mend the bike by herself. 她能自己修理自行车。

Example: A: What subjects do you have? B: … A: How many classes do you have every day? A: When does the first/second/… class start?

Let’s practise Write down your class timetable. Then use it to make up a dialogue. Time Subject

中考链接 .Write an article: ________ ___________________________ 某英语报社面向全国初中学生开展一次征文活动,主题为学校的学习生活。请根据一下要求写一篇征文。 内容要求:1.在校生活感受: 2.。最喜欢的……(如科目,老师……)及原因        3.课外爱好;      4.今后的学习或生活计划 写作要求:1.征文应包含以上内容,可适当拓展 2.征文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称 3.词数60--80 ________ ___________________________ ___________ _______________ ____ __________

Finish exercise 3 on page 35.

Preview 1. To preview Lesson 14: Jenny’s School Life 2. To read the new words and expressions in Lesson 14.

Thank you ! Goodbye!