The Contents of Teacher Professional Development in Maryland 教師專業發展的內容


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Presentation transcript:

The Contents of Teacher Professional Development in Maryland 教師專業發展的內容 Donna Wiseman Professor & Interim Dean College of Education University of Maryland, College Park 12/14/2007

What is Professional Development? 什麼是專業發展? What teachers know and learn is an important influence on what students know. 教師知道和學習什麼對學生學習是重要影響 Why Professional Development Important for Teachers?

Models of Professional Development 專業發展模式 Training Training Improvement Observation and Assessment

4. Individually Guide

5. Inquiry

Four Contextual Assumptions of Standards 四個情境的掌握標準 vibrant professional learning communities 有活力的專業學習社群 strong leaders 強的領導 adequate resources 適當的資源 clear expectations 清楚的期望

Who offers professional development? 誰提供專業發展 Cities, districts, and schools 市、學區和學校 States 州 Colleges and Universities 大學 Private groups 私人團體

Professional Development Schools School-university partnership 學校—大學合作 New teacher preparation 新的教師準備教育 Professional development for experienced teachers 有經驗的教師的專業發展 Curriculum development 課程發展 Research and Inquiry 研究和調查

Examples of Learning activities 學習活動的實例 teacher study groups, 教師研究小組 coaching and mentoring relationships, 教導和輔導關係 teacher networks, 教師網絡 school improvement teams and committees 學校進步小組和委員 workshops 工作坊 college and university courses. 學院和大學上課

Possible Outcomes of Professional Development 專業發展之可能結果 A greater awareness 較大的知覺 Teacher attitude change 教師態度改變 Teacher skill development 教師技巧建立 Use of new knowledge 使用新知識 Important Outcome: positively impact the learning of students in classrooms 重要的結果:對班級學生學習的正向影響

Maryland’s Teacher Professional Development Standards 馬里蘭州的教師專業發展標準 Developed for teachers by teachers Guidance for planning and evaluation Goal: long-term changes

Professional Development Standards Develops teacher knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to: Content knowledge Research-based decision making Collaboration Culturally Engaged Instruction: Putting theory into practice

Professional Development Standards 專業發展標準 Teacher Behaviors 教師行為 Create safe secure supportive learning environments 形成安全的支持性的學習環境 Respond to diversity 回應多樣性 Involve families 引進家庭

Professional Development Standards Professional Development must reflect adult learning theory 專業發展並需反應成人學習理論 Professional Development must be evaluated Instruction Students Teachers 專業發展必須在教學、學生、教師三個方面被評鑑

Conclusion Maryland’s standards provide a framework. 馬里蘭州的標準提供一個架構 Professional development is focused on improving teaching. 專業發展重點在改進教學 Professional development is long term. 專業發展是長期的 Ultimate goal is to increase student achievement. 最終目標是增進學生進步