2018International Students' Fire Knowledge Promotion


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Presentation transcript:

2018International Students' Fire Knowledge Promotion 2018年留学生消防知识宣传 2018International Students' Fire Knowledge Promotion 武汉理工大学保卫处消防科 Wuhan University of Technology Security Office Fire Department 张思 Zhang si

日常 防火 Daily fire prevention 首先,为了便于大家直观地了解消防基本知识,下面给大家讲解一些常识性问题 First of all, in order to facilitate everyone to understand the basic knowledge of firefighting, here are some common sense questions to explain to you.

火灾的分类Classification of fire 什么是火灾 What is a fire 火灾是指在时间或空间上失去控制的燃烧所造成的灾害。 A fire is a disaster caused by uncontrolled combustion in time or space

灭火器分类:Classification of Fire extinguisher 1、公共型灭火器 Public fire extinguisher 2、车用型灭火器 Vehicle fire extinguisher 3、家用型灭火器 Household fire extinguisher

常用灭火器Common fire extinguisher 清水 Water 泡沫 foam CO2carbon dioxide 干粉Dry powder 卤代烷Haloalkane1211

Fire fighting equipment and facilities 推车式灭火器Cart fire extinguisher 灭火器材和灭火设施 Fire fighting equipment and facilities 推车式灭火器Cart fire extinguisher 消火栓Fire hydrant 消防水枪 Fire Water Gun 消防水带Fire hose 消火栓箱 Fire hydrant box 水泵结合器 Water pump coupling

Yellow Zone: Too much pressure 红区:压力太小 Red Zone:The pressure is too small 绿区:压力正常 Green Zone: Normal pressure 黄区:压力太大 Yellow Zone: Too much pressure Fire hydrant pressure device

灭火器使用要点 Extinguisher use points 1、站在火场上(侧上)风 Standing on the upper side of the fire 2、保持适当距离(2~3米) Keep a proper distance (2 to 3 meters) 3、拔掉保险销、压下压把 Unplug the insurance pin and press the pressure handle

4、忌颠倒使用Never use it upside down 5、对准火焰根部(泡沫除外) Align with the root of the flame (except for foam) 6、由远及近,水平扫射 From far and near, horizontal fire 7、火焰未灭,不轻易放松压把 When the flame is not extinguished, do not relax the pressure handle 8、一经使用,需重新充装 Once used, need to be refilled

How to use dry powder fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器的使用方法 How to use dry powder fire extinguisher 1.The right hand holding the pressure handle, the left hand holding the bottom of the fire extinguisher Remove the fire extinguisher gently 2.The right hand Bring fire extinguisher to the scene

干粉灭火器的使用方法 Remove the seal of the fire extinguisher

干粉灭火器的使用方法 5.Hold the nozzle in your left hand, Carry the Pressure handle in your right hand 6.Two meters away from the flame, the right hand presses the pressure handle,The left hand holds the nozzle and swings left and right, 11/5000 Pēnshè gānfěn fùgài zhěnggè ránshāo qū Spray dry powder covering the entire combustion zone

干粉灭火器的使用方法 Spray towards the root of the flame,And keep pushing forward until the flame is extinguished