On Psychology Sigmund Freud


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Presentation transcript:

On Psychology Sigmund Freud 制作人:1B112140马静静

Sigmund Freud ( 6 May 1856 – 23 Sept Sigmund Freud ( 6 May 1856 – 23 Sept. 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis.

Major works by Freud The Interpretation of Dreams (1899 [1900]) 《梦的解析》 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905) 《性学三论》 On Narcissism (1914) 《论自恋》 Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920) 《超越快乐原则》 The Ego and the Id (1923) 《自我与本我》

Some Ideas of Sigmund Freud 人格结构理论: Id, Ego, Superego (自我、本我、超我) 精神层次理论 : Conscious, Preconscious , Unconscious (意识、前意识、潜意识) 心理治疗法: Free Association, Dream Interpretation, Transference(自由联想、释梦、移情)

Id, Ego, Superego (自我、本我、超我) The id refers to the raw, unorganized, inherited part of the personality. Its main goal is to reduce tension created by our primitive drives which are related to hunger, sex, aggression and irrational impulses. The id operates according to the pleasure principle, in which its goal is immediate gratification and reduction of tension. 本我人格结构的最基本的层次。它处于心灵最底层,是一种与生俱来的动物性的本能冲动,特别是性冲动。它是混乱的、毫无理性的,只知按照快乐原则行事,盲目地追求满足。

The ego is the buffer between the id and the world’s realities. The ego operates on the reality principle. In this principle, instinctual energy is restrained in order to maintain the safety of the individual and help integrate the person into society. The ego is sometimes called “the executive” of an individual’s personality. The ego makes the decisions, controls actions and allows for a higher capability of problem solving. 中间一层是自我,它是从本我中分化出来是受现实陶冶而渐识时务的一部分。自我充当本我与外部世界的联络者与仲裁者,并且在超我的指导下监管本我的活动,它是一种能根据周围环境的实际条件来调节本我和超我的矛盾、决定自己行为方式的意识,代表的就是通常所说的理性或正确的判断。它按照“现实原则”行动,既要获得满足,又要避免痛苦。

The superego represents the rights and wrongs of the society as handed down to an individual over their lifetime. The superego has two subparts: the conscience and the ego-ideal. The conscience prevents us from doing morally bad things. The superego helps to control the id’s impulses, making them less selfish and more morally correct. 最上面一层是超我,即能进行自我批判和道德控制的理想化了的自我,它是儿童在生长发育过程中社会尤其是父母给他的赏罚活动中形成的,换言之,是父母作为爱的角色和纪律的角色的赏罚权威的内化。它主要包括两个方面:一方面是平常人们所说的良心,代表着社会道德对个人的惩罚和规范作用,另一方面是理想自我,确定道德行为的标准。 超我的主要职责是指导自我以道德良心自居,去限制、压抑本我的本能冲动,而按至善原则活动。

Conscious, Preconscious , Unconscious (意识、前意识、潜意识) 该理论是阐述人的精神活动,包括欲望、冲动、思维,幻想、判断、决定、情感等等、会在不同的意识层次里发生和进行。不同的意识层次包括意识,前意识和潜意识。

Conscious (small): this is the part of the mind that holds what you are aware of. You can verbalize about your conscious experience and you can think about it in a logical fashion. 意识即自觉,凡是自己能察觉的心理活动是意识,它属于人的心理结构的表层,它感知着外界现实环境和刺激,用语言来反映和概括事物的理性内容。

Preconscious (small-medium): this is ordinary memory Preconscious (small-medium): this is ordinary memory. So although things stored here aren’t in the conscious, they can be readily brought into conscious. 前意识又称下意识,是调节意识和无意识的中介机制。前意识是一种可以被回忆起来的、能被召唤到清醒意识中的潜意识,因此,它既联系着意识,又联系着潜意识,使潜意识向意识转化成为可能。但是,它的作用更体现在阻止潜意识进入意识,它起着“检查”作用,绝大部分充满本能冲动的潜意识被它控制,不可能变成前意识,更不可能进入意识。

Unconscious (enormous): Freud felt that this part of the mind was not directly accessible to awareness. In part, he saw it as a dump box for urges, feelings and ideas  that are tied to anxiety, conflict and pain. These feelings and thoughts have not disappeared and according to Freud, they are there, exerting influence on our actions and our conscious awareness.  潜意识又称无意识,则是在意识和前意识之下受到压抑的没有被意识到的心理活动,代表着人类更深层、更隐秘、更原始、更根本的心理能量。“潜意识”是人类一切行为的内驱力,它包括人的原始冲动和各种本能(主要是性本能)以及同本能有关的各种欲望。 由于潜意识具有原始性、动物性和野蛮性,不见容于社会理性,所以被压抑在意识阈下,但并未被消灭。它无时不在暗中活动,要求直接或间接的满足。正是这些东西从深层支配着人的整个心理和行为,成为人的一切动机和意图的源泉。

Free Association, Dream Interpretation, Transference (自由联想、释梦、移情) Freud used the method of ‘free association’ to discover the underlying meaning behind the dream (latent content). This essentially means that the interpreter is moving in the opposite direction unraveling the ‘dream work’ until the latent content is revealed. 自由联想,弗洛伊德认为浮现在脑海中的任何东西都不是无缘无故的,都是具有一定因果关系的,借此可挖掘出潜意识中的症结。自由联想就是让病人自由诉说心中想到的任何东西,鼓励病人尽量回忆童年时期所遭受的精神创伤。

Dream Interpretation 释梦 Freud believed the dream to be composed of two parts: the manifest content and the latent thought. The manifest content can be a person what they would consciously describe to someone else when recalling the dream. Freud suggested that the manifest content possessed no meaning whatsoever because it was a disguised representation of the true thought underlying the dream. On the other hand, the latent content holds the true meaning of the dream – the forbidden thoughts and the unconscious desires. 弗洛伊德将梦境分为两层次:当事人所记忆者称为显性梦境(manifest dream-content),显性梦境并非梦的真正内容。另一为当事人所不能记忆者为隐性梦境(latent dream-thought),隐性梦境中隐含更重要的意义。心理治疗的目的,即在根据患者显性梦去解析其隐性梦的涵义,从而找出当事人潜意识中的问题。

移情(transference) 患者对心理医生的情感反应。移情有正移情(Positive transference)和负移情(negative transference),正移情是患者将积极的情感转移到医生身上,负移情是患者将消极的情感转移到医生身上。借助移情,把病人早年形成的病理情结加以重现,重新经历往日的情感,进而帮助他解决这些心理冲突。

Some Other Ideas Oedipus complex 恋母情结 (即俄狄浦斯情结) 认为人类男性天生具有弑父娶母的欲望 Electra complex 恋父情结(即厄勒克特拉情结) 女性天生具有弑母嫁父的欲望

Films on Psychology Spellbound 1945《爱德华大夫》 Gregory Peck格利高里·派克《罗马假日》 Ingrid Bergman英格丽·褒曼《卡萨布兰卡》 《异空危情》

Words Focus extract vt.提取;(费力地)拔出;选取;获得 extract the tooth psychoanalysis 精神分析 conflict n.冲突;战斗;相互干扰;矛盾  inner conflict inner peace neurosis neuroses pl. 神经官能症 an illness of the mind marked by strong unreasonable fears and ideas about the outside world neurotic 神经过敏的,极为焦虑的 unreasonably anxious or sensitive psychopathology 精神病理学 sane adj.心智健全的;神志正常的;稳健的 insane He has a diseased body but a sane mind.

conceal 隐藏,隐瞒,掩盖 micro-organism 微生物 biochemical生物化学的 unpalatable难吃的,无味道的 bland 温和的,清淡的 bland food/diet coagulate 使凝结 The blood coagulates to stop wounds bleeding. texture 组织,结构,纹理,特征 dissemination散布,广为传播 ultimately 最终,最后,根本上