Internet-based exercise What you want from the job? Employee recognition programs. Great place to work. 9831029曾思嘉 9831037 胡琪
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Employee recognition programs. A communication tool that reinforces and rewards the most important outcomes people create for your business. It does not have to be expensive. An effective program has the following components: 1.Fairness 2.High visibility and consistency.
Some ideas to help you embed employee recognition Employee Recognition Ideas (no cost) (Some were adapted from the University of Michigan) 1.Make a hand-written thank you note . 2.Include an employee in a “special” meeting. 3.Encourage and recognize staff who pursue continuing education. 4.Establish a “Behind the Scenes” award specifically for those whose actions are not usually in the limelight. 5.Give employees an extra long lunch break.
Some ideas to help you embed employee recognition Employee Recognition Ideas (minor to moderate cost) 1.Have weekly breakfasts with groups of employees. 2.Give a personalized coffee cup. 3.Give the outstanding employee travel coupons or movie tickets.
Great place to work. According to the internet CNNMoney , the top five ranked company is as follow Rank company Job growth% Company size U.S. employees 1 Genentech 20 Midsized 8,121 2 Wegmans Food Markets 7 Large 31,890 3 Valero Energy 5 16,582 4 Griffin Hospital Small 1,049 W.L. Gore & Associates 6 4,537
Great place to work. 新聞: 2011年新世代最嚮往100大企業 文/Cheers雜誌 2011年3月 (以下為報導中標題) 中華電信重回王座 Google躍昇第二 中國熱持續發酵,金融與相關服務業受惠,房仲業首度入榜 求職信心提升,超越五成願意去中國工作 工作與生活平衡最重要,6成新鮮人接受月薪28000元以下 學生對企業認知模糊,學校須負起責任
表1:新世代最嚮往企業TOP100(前20名) 2011排名 2010排名 企業名稱 1 5 中華電信 2 11 Google 3 誠品 4 8 華碩電腦 統一星巴克 6 9 王品餐飲 7 鴻海精密 台灣積體電路 統一企業 10 奇美電子 21 YAHOO!奇摩 其他十二至二十名為: 台灣微軟、中華航空、天下雜誌、長榮航空、宏達國際電子、台灣高鐵、 台灣無印良品、亞都麗緻、中國鋼鐵
表3:工作與生活平衡比獎金和升遷重要 表4:民營企業仍是新鮮人最愛 選擇工作時最在意哪方面條件?(可複選3項)(%) 薪水 57.0% 工作與生活平衡 54.1% 能力獲得提升 46.2% 尊重員工的企業文化 36.8% 津貼與獎金 31.9% 暢通的升遷管道 28.6% 公司形象/知名度 15.0% 工作地點離家近 11.3% 更多的年假天數 7.6% 畢業後打算(當兵與升學除外)?(可複選3項)(%) 到民營企業上班 57.6% 到公家機關上班 39.3% 準備各項證照考試 34.5% 到國營企業上班 30.3% 到外商企業上班 23.5% 創業 17.8% 當SOHO族(自由工作者) 15.3% 赴海外求職 11.2% 到非營利組織上班 7.8% 其他 2.2% Copyright © 2000-2011 Cheers 快樂工作人雜誌