All About the TOEFL iBT.


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Presentation transcript:

All About the TOEFL iBT

All About the TOEFL iBT 什么是TOEFL考试 TOEFL考试的报名方式和费用 TOEFL考试的内容 Q&A

什么是TOEFL考试? What Is the TOEFL iBT? The Test of English as a Foreign Language (internet-based test) Who Creates the TOEFL Test? TOEFL考试是由美国教育考试中心 (Educational Testing Service, 简称 ETS). 它是一家非营利性教育机构,坐落于美国新泽西州普林斯顿市 Where Can I Go With My TOEFL Scores? 130国家的中的6000多所大专院校和机构承认TOEFL成绩,考生的TOEFL成绩可以在全球范围内得到认可。

TOEFL考试的分数设置 Subjects Scores Reading 30 Listening Speaking Writing

TOEFL考试的报名方式和费用 TOEFL考试的报名方式 1. 登陆官方网站

TOEFL考试的报名方式和费用 2. 进入主页并注册

TOEFL考试的报名方式和费用 2. 进入首页

TOEFL考试的报名方式和费用 TOEFL考试的报名费用

TOEFL考试的报名方式和费用 支持付款的银行

TOEFL考试的报名方式和费用 注册考试

TOEFL考试的内容 题目设置

TOEFL Reading 考试界面

TOEFL Reading TOEFL Reading题型

TOEFL Reading Factual Information Questions

TOEFL Reading Negative Factual Information Questions

TOEFL Reading Rhetorical Purpose Questions

TOEFL Reading Inference Question

TOEFL Reading Vocabulary Question

TOEFL Reading Reference Question

TOEFL Reading Sentence Simplification Question

TOEFL Reading Insert Text Question

TOEFL Reading Prose Summary & Fill in a Table Question

-- Vocubulary and Grammar Connections -- Logic Truth -- Answers TOEFL Reading Clues -- Vocubulary and Grammar Connections -- Logic Truth -- Answers


Vocubulary Stories (myths) may then grow up around a ritual. Frequently the myths include representatives of those supernatural forces that the rites celebrate or hope to influence. Performers may wear costumes and masks to represent the mythical characters or supernatural forces in the rituals or in accompanying celebrations. As a people becomes more sophisticated, its conceptions of supernatural forces and causal relationships may change. As a result, it may abandon or modify some rites. But the myths that have grown up around the rites may continue as part of the group’s oral tradition and may even come to be acted out under conditions divorced from these rites. When this occurs, the first step has been taken toward theater as an autonomous activity, and thereafter entertainment and aesthetic values may gradually replace the former mystical and socially efficacious concerns. A. Artistic B. Important C. Independent D. Established

Connections The relative amount of these two kinds of water varies greatly from one kind of rock or sediment to another, even though their porosities may be the same. What happens depends on pore size. If the pores are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy for surface tension to hold, and it will drain away; but if the pores are small enough, the water in them will exist as thin films, too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmly held. A. Surface tension is not strong enough to retain drops of water in rocks with large pores but it strong enough to hold on to thin films of water in rocks with small pores. B. Water in rocks is held in place by large pores and drains away from small size pores through surface tension. C. Small pores and large pores both interact with surface tension to determine whether a rock will hold water as heavy drops or as a thin film. D. If the force of surface tension is too weak to hold water in place as heavy drops, the water will continue to be held firmly in place as a thin film when large pores exist.

Connections Before 1815 manufacturing in the United States had been done in homes or shops by skilled artisans. As master craft workers, they imparted the knowledge of their trades to apprentices and journeymen. In addition, women often worked in their homes part-time, making finished articles from raw material supplied by merchant capitalists. After 1815 this older form of manufacturing began to give way to factories with machinery tended by unskilled or semiskilled laborers. Cheap transportation networks, the rise of cities, and the availability of capital and credit all stimulated the shift to factory production. 1. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about articles manufactured before 1815? A They were primarily produced by women. B They were generally produced in shops rather than in homes. C They were produced with more concern for quality than for speed of production. D They were produced mostly in large cities with extensive transportation networks

TOEFL Listening 题型与分数 Section Listening Material Content Duration NO. of Questions Timing Section 1 Conversation College Life 3mins 5 30+20 Lecture Academic Lecture 5-6mins 6 Section 2

TOEFL Listening

TOEFL Listening

TOEFL Speaking 题目设置 Task Task Type Materials Preperation Time Response Time 1 Personal Preference S 15 sec 45 sec 2 Choice 3 Campus Situation R+L+S 30 sec 60 sec 4 Academic Course 5 L+S 20 sec 6

TOEFL Speaking

TOEFL Writing 题目设置 Task Task Type Materials Reading Time Listening Time Response Length Timing 1 Integrated Writing R+L+W 3 mins 2 mins 150–225 words 20mins 2 Independent Writing W N/A a minimum of 300 words 30mins

TOEFL ibt 加试

University Scores Required on Average Harvard University哈佛大学 研究生专业托福最低要求为80分 Princeton University普林斯顿大学 2011和2012年平均托福录取分数为107分 Yale University耶鲁大学 本科:托福最低录取分数100 分 Columbia University,The School of General Studies哥伦比亚大学 The University of Chicago芝加哥大学 本科:托福最低录取分数104分 Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院 托福最低录取分数90分 Duke University杜克大学 本科:托福最低录取分数100分 Northwestern University西北大学 成功申请人的平均托福成绩为105分 Brown University布朗大学 最低托福成绩:100分 Cornell University康奈尔大学


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